 public void shouldReturnCursorThatAccessesTuples() {
   results = new QueryResults(columns, statistics, tuples, context.getProblems(), null);
   Cursor cursor = results.getCursor();
   Iterator<Object[]> expectedIter = tuples.iterator();
   int rowNumber = 0;
   while (cursor.hasNext() && expectedIter.hasNext()) {
     Object[] tuple = expectedIter.next();
     // Check the column values by column name and index ...
     for (Column column : results.getColumns().getColumns()) {
       String columnName = column.getColumnName();
       int columnIndex = columns.getColumnIndexForName(columnName);
       assertThat(cursor.getValue(columnName), is(tuple[columnIndex]));
       assertThat(cursor.getValue(columnIndex), is(tuple[columnIndex]));
       // Get the location for this column ...
       int locationIndex = columns.getLocationIndex(column.selectorName().name());
       Location location = (Location) tuple[locationIndex];
       assertThat(cursor.getLocation(columnIndex), is(location));
     // Check the locations by selector name and index ...
     for (String selectorName : results.getColumns().getSelectorNames()) {
       int locationIndex = columns.getLocationIndex(selectorName);
       Location location = (Location) tuple[locationIndex];
       assertThat(cursor.getLocation(selectorName), is(location));
       assertThat(location.getPath(), is(notNullValue()));
     // Check the row index ...
     assertThat(cursor.getRowIndex(), is(rowNumber++));
   assertThat(cursor.hasNext(), is(false));
   assertThat(expectedIter.hasNext(), is(false));
 public void shouldHaveNoTuplesIfConstructedWithEmptyTuplesList() {
   results = new QueryResults(columns, statistics, tuples, context.getProblems(), null);
   assertThat(results.getTuples().isEmpty(), is(true));
   assertThat(results.getCursor().hasNext(), is(false));
 public void shouldReturnMutableTuplesList() {
   results = new QueryResults(columns, statistics, tuples, context.getProblems(), null);
   assertThat(results.getTuples().isEmpty(), is(false));
   assertThat(results.getTuples().isEmpty(), is(true));
   assertThat(tuples.isEmpty(), is(true));
   * Return the string used to later have SOLR highlight the document with.
   * @param query
   * @param literal_query
   * @param queryResults
   * @param file
   * @return
  private String getHighlightQuery(
      KeywordSearchQuery query, boolean literal_query, QueryResults queryResults, Content content) {
    String highlightQueryEscaped;
    if (literal_query) {
      // literal, treat as non-regex, non-term component query
      highlightQueryEscaped = query.getQueryString();
    } else {
      // construct a Solr query using aggregated terms to get highlighting
      // the query is executed later on demand
      StringBuilder highlightQuery = new StringBuilder();

      if (queryResults.getKeywords().size() == 1) {
        // simple case, no need to process subqueries and do special escaping
        Keyword term = queryResults.getKeywords().iterator().next();
      } else {
        // find terms for this content hit
        List<String> hitTerms = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Keyword keyword : queryResults.getKeywords()) {
          for (KeywordHit hit : queryResults.getResults(keyword)) {
            if (hit.getContent().equals(content)) {
              break; // go to next term

        final int lastTerm = hitTerms.size() - 1;
        int curTerm = 0;
        for (String term : hitTerms) {
          // escape subqueries, they shouldn't be escaped again later
          final String termS = KeywordSearchUtil.escapeLuceneQuery(term);
          if (lastTerm != curTerm) {
            highlightQuery.append(" "); // acts as OR ||
            // force HIGHLIGHT_FIELD_REGEX index and stored content
            // in each term after first. First term taken care by HighlightedMatchesSource

      // String highlightQueryEscaped =
      // KeywordSearchUtil.escapeLuceneQuery(highlightQuery.toString());
      highlightQueryEscaped = highlightQuery.toString();

    return highlightQueryEscaped;
Example #5
 private ExecutionResult markSurplusRows(final QueryResults queryResults) {
   List<Integer> unmatchedRows = queryResults.getUnmatchedRows();
   ExecutionResult result = ExecutionResult.PASS;
   for (int unmatchedRow : unmatchedRows) {
     List<String> surplusRow = queryResults.getList(fieldNames, unmatchedRow);
     int newTableRow = table.addRow(surplusRow);
     TestResult testResult = TestResult.fail(surplusRow.get(0), null, "surplus");
     table.updateContent(0, newTableRow, testResult);
     markMissingFields(surplusRow, newTableRow);
     result = ExecutionResult.FAIL;
   return result;
    protected Object doInBackground() throws Exception {
          this); // register (synchronized on class) outside of writerLock to prevent deadlock
      final String queryStr = query.getQueryString();
      final String queryDisp =
          queryStr.length() > QUERY_DISPLAY_LEN
              ? queryStr.substring(0, QUERY_DISPLAY_LEN - 1) + " ..."
              : queryStr;
      // block until previous writer is done
      // writerLock.lock();

      try {
        progress =
                    this.getClass(), "KeywordSearchResultFactory.progress.saving", queryDisp),
                new Cancellable() {
                  public boolean cancel() {
                    return BlackboardResultWriter.this.cancel(true);

        // Create blackboard artifacts
        newArtifacts = hits.writeAllHitsToBlackBoard(progress, null, this, false);
      } finally {

      return null;
 @Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
 public void shouldRequireNextOnCursorToBeCalledBeforeGettingValueUsingColumnName() {
   results = new QueryResults(columns, statistics, tuples, context.getProblems(), null);
   Cursor cursor = results.getCursor();
   assertThat(cursor.hasNext(), is(true));
Example #8
 protected TestResult markField(int tableRow, int matchedRow, int col, QueryResults queryResults) {
   if (col >= fieldNames.size()) return null; // ignore strange table geometry.
   String fieldName = fieldNames.get(col);
   String actualValue = queryResults.getCell(fieldName, matchedRow);
   String expectedValue = table.getCellContents(col, tableRow);
   TestResult testResult;
   if (actualValue == null)
     testResult = TestResult.fail(String.format("field %s not present", fieldName), expectedValue);
   else if (expectedValue == null || expectedValue.length() == 0)
     testResult = TestResult.ignore(actualValue);
   else {
     testResult = matchMessage(actualValue, expectedValue);
     //      if (testResult != null)
     //        table.substitute(col, tableRow, replaceSymbolsWithFullExpansion(message));
     //      else
     //        table.substitute(col, tableRow, replaceSymbolsWithFullExpansion(expectedValue));
     //      else
     if (testResult == null)
       testResult = TestResult.fail(actualValue, replaceSymbolsWithFullExpansion(expectedValue));
     else if (testResult.getExecutionResult() == ExecutionResult.PASS)
       testResult = markMatch(tableRow, matchedRow, col, testResult.getMessage());
   table.updateContent(col, tableRow, testResult);
   return testResult;
 public void shouldPrintToStringAllResults() {
   results = new QueryResults(columns, statistics, tuples, context.getProblems(), null);
   List<String> lines = StringUtil.splitLines(results.toString());
       lines.size(), is(tuples.size() + 4)); // = delim + header + delim + (...lines...) + delim
  * This method returns a collection of KeywordHits with lowest SolrObjectID- Chunk-ID combination.
  * The output generated is consistent across multiple runs.
  * @param queryResults QueryResult object
  * @return A consistent collection of keyword hits
 Collection<KeywordHit> getOneHitPerObject(QueryResults queryResults) {
   HashMap<Long, KeywordHit> hits = new HashMap<Long, KeywordHit>();
   for (Keyword keyWord : queryResults.getKeywords()) {
     for (KeywordHit hit : queryResults.getResults(keyWord)) {
       // add hit with lowest SolrObjectID-Chunk-ID combination.
       if (!hits.containsKey(hit.getSolrObjectId())) {
         hits.put(hit.getSolrObjectId(), hit);
       } else {
         if (hit.getChunkId() < hits.get(hit.getSolrObjectId()).getChunkId()) {
           hits.put(hit.getSolrObjectId(), hit);
   return hits.values();
 public void shouldPrintToStringBuilderOnlyFirstLinesOfResults() {
   results = new QueryResults(columns, statistics, tuples, context.getProblems(), null);
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   results.toString(typeSystem, sb, 1);
   List<String> lines = StringUtil.splitLines(sb.toString());
   assertThat(lines.size(), is(1 + 4)); // = delim + header + delim + (...lines...) + delim
 public void shouldPrintToStringBuilderAllResultsWhenMaxRowParameterIsLargerThanNumberOfTuples() {
   results = new QueryResults(columns, statistics, tuples, context.getProblems(), null);
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   results.toString(typeSystem, sb, 3);
   List<String> lines = StringUtil.splitLines(sb.toString());
       lines.size(), is(tuples.size() + 4)); // = delim + header + delim + (...lines...) + delim
Example #13
 protected void scanRowForMatch(int tableRow, QueryResults queryResults) {
   int matchedRow = queryResults.findBestMatch(tableRow);
   if (matchedRow == -1) {
     TestResult testResult = TestResult.fail(null, table.getCellContents(0, tableRow), "missing");
     table.updateContent(0, tableRow, testResult);
   } else {
     markFieldsInMatchedRow(tableRow, matchedRow, queryResults);
Example #14
   * @see org.eclipse.birt.data.engine.api.IResultIterator#getSecondaryIterator(java.lang.String,
   *      org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable)
  public IResultIterator getSecondaryIterator(String subQueryName, Scriptable scope)
      throws DataException {
    String queryResultsID = null;
    String baseQueryResultsID = null;
    int rootIdIdex = queryResultID.indexOf("/");
    if (rootIdIdex > -1) baseQueryResultsID = queryResultID.substring(0, rootIdIdex);
    else baseQueryResultsID = queryResultID;

    if (this.subQueryName == null) {
      queryResultsID = queryResultID;
    } else {
      queryResultsID = queryResultID + "/" + this.subQueryName + "/" + this.subQueryIndex;

    QueryResults queryResults = null;
    try {
      queryResults =
          new QueryResults(
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new DataException(ResourceConstants.RD_LOAD_ERROR, e, "Subquery");

    try {
      ResultIterator ri = (ResultIterator) queryResults.getResultIterator();
      return ri;
    } catch (BirtException e) {
      throw new DataException(ResourceConstants.RD_LOAD_ERROR, e, "Subquery");
Example #15
  public QueryResults performQuery() throws NoOpenCoreException {
     * Execute the regex query to get a list of terms that match the regex.
     * Note that the field that is being searched is tokenized based on
     * whitespace.
    // create the query
    final SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery();
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Query: {0}", q.toString()); // NON-NLS

    // execute the query
    List<Term> terms = null;
    try {
      terms = KeywordSearch.getServer().queryTerms(q).getTerms(TERMS_SEARCH_FIELD);
    } catch (KeywordSearchModuleException ex) {
          "Error executing the regex terms query: " + keyword.getQuery(),
          ex); // NON-NLS
      // TODO: this is almost certainly wrong and guaranteed to throw a NPE at some point!!!!

     * For each term that matched the regex, query for full set of document
     * hits for that term.
    QueryResults results = new QueryResults(this, keywordList);
    int resultSize = 0;

    for (Term term : terms) {
      final String termStr = KeywordSearchUtil.escapeLuceneQuery(term.getTerm());

      if (keyword.getType() == ATTRIBUTE_TYPE.TSK_CARD_NUMBER) {
        // If the keyword is a credit card number, pass it through luhn validator
        Matcher matcher = CCN_PATTERN.matcher(term.getTerm());
        final String ccn = CharMatcher.anyOf(" -").removeFrom(matcher.group("ccn"));
        if (false == LUHN_CHECK.isValid(ccn)) {
          continue; // if the hit does not pass the luhn check, skip it.

       * Note: we can't set filter query on terms query but setting filter
       * query on fileResults query will yield the same result
      LuceneQuery filesQuery = new LuceneQuery(keywordList, new Keyword(termStr, true));

      try {
        QueryResults fileQueryResults = filesQuery.performQuery();
        Set<KeywordHit> filesResults = new HashSet<>();
        for (Keyword key : fileQueryResults.getKeywords()) { // flatten results into a single list
          List<KeywordHit> keyRes = fileQueryResults.getResults(key);
          resultSize += keyRes.size();
        results.addResult(new Keyword(term.getTerm(), false), new ArrayList<>(filesResults));
      } catch (NoOpenCoreException | RuntimeException e) {
        LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error executing Solr query,", e); // NON-NLS
        throw e;

    // TODO limit how many results we store, not to hit memory limits
    LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Regex # results: {0}", resultSize); // NON-NLS

    return results;
 BlackboardResultWriter(QueryResults hits, String listName) {
   this.hits = hits;
   this.query = hits.getQuery();
   this.listName = listName;
 public void shouldReturnSameProblemsObjectAsInQueryContext() {
   assertThat(results.getProblems(), is(sameInstance(context.getProblems())));
 public void shouldReturnSameStatisticsPassedIntoConstructor() {
   assertThat(results.getStatistics(), is(sameInstance(statistics)));
 public void shouldReturnSameColumnsPassedIntoConstructor() {
   assertThat(results.getColumns(), is(sameInstance(columns)));
 public void shouldReturnSameTuplesListPassedIntoConstructor() {
   results = new QueryResults(columns, statistics, tuples, context.getProblems(), null);
   assertThat(results.getTuples(), is(sameInstance(tuples)));
 public void shouldHaveNoTuplesIfConstructedWithNoTuples() {
   assertThat(results.getTuples().isEmpty(), is(true));
   assertThat(results.getCursor().hasNext(), is(false));