Example #1
  private void updateRecord(PropertyRecord record, PersistenceWindow window) {
    long id = record.getId();
    Buffer buffer = window.getOffsettedBuffer(id);
    if (record.inUse()) {
      // Set up the record header
      short prevModifier =
          record.getPrevProp() == Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue()
              ? 0
              : (short) ((record.getPrevProp() & 0xF00000000L) >> 28);
      short nextModifier =
          record.getNextProp() == Record.NO_NEXT_RELATIONSHIP.intValue()
              ? 0
              : (short) ((record.getNextProp() & 0xF00000000L) >> 32);
      byte modifiers = (byte) (prevModifier | nextModifier);
       * [pppp,nnnn] previous, next high bits
      buffer.putInt((int) record.getPrevProp()).putInt((int) record.getNextProp());

      // Then go through the blocks
      int longsAppended = 0; // For marking the end of blocks
      for (PropertyBlock block : record.getPropertyBlocks()) {
        long[] propBlockValues = block.getValueBlocks();
        for (long propBlockValue : propBlockValues) {

        longsAppended += propBlockValues.length;
         * For each block we need to update its dynamic record chain if
         * it is just created. Deleted dynamic records are in the property
         * record and dynamic records are never modified. Also, they are
         * assigned as a whole, so just checking the first should be enough.
        if (!block.isLight() && block.getValueRecords().get(0).isCreated()) {
      if (longsAppended < PropertyType.getPayloadSizeLongs()) {
    } else {
      if (!isInRecoveryMode()) {
      // skip over the record header, nothing useful there
      buffer.setOffset(buffer.getOffset() + 9);
Example #2
 public static Object decode(PropertyBlock block) {
   Bits bits =
       Bits.bitsFromLongs(Arrays.copyOf(block.getValueBlocks(), block.getValueBlocks().length));
   // [][][    ,bbbb][bbll,llll][yyyy,tttt][kkkk,kkkk][kkkk,kkkk][kkkk,kkkk]
   bits.getInt(24); // Get rid of key
   bits.getByte(4); // Get rid of short array type
   int typeId = bits.getByte(4);
   int arrayLength = bits.getByte(6);
   int requiredBits = bits.getByte(6);
    * So, it can be the case that values require 64 bits to store. However, you cannot encode this
    * value with 6 bits. calculateRequiredBitsForArray never returns 0, because even for an array of
    * all 0s one bit is required for every value. So when writing, we let it overflow and write out
    * 0. When we are reading back, we just have to make sure that reading in 0 means 64.
   if (requiredBits == 0) {
     requiredBits = 64;
   ShortArray type = typeOf((byte) typeId);
   return type.createArray(arrayLength, bits, requiredBits);