Example #1
  private void updateGrantCard(final CMCard grantCard, final PrivilegeInfo privilegeInfo) {
    final CMCardDefinition mutableGrantCard = view.update(grantCard);
    if (privilegeInfo.getMode() != null) {
      // check if null to allow the update of other attributes
      // without specify the mode
      mutableGrantCard.set(MODE_ATTRIBUTE, privilegeInfo.getMode().getValue()); //

    mutableGrantCard //
        .set(PRIVILEGE_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE, privilegeInfo.getPrivilegeFilter()) //
        .set(ATTRIBUTES_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTE, privilegeInfo.getAttributesPrivileges()) //
Example #2
  private void createClassGrantCard(final PrivilegeInfo privilegeInfo) {
    final CMCardDefinition grantCardToBeCreated = view.createCardFor(grantClass);

    // manage the null value for the privilege mode
    // could happens updating row and column privileges
    PrivilegeMode privilegeMode = privilegeInfo.getMode();
    if (privilegeMode == null) {
      privilegeMode = PrivilegeMode.NONE;

    grantCardToBeCreated //
        .set(GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE, privilegeInfo.getGroupId()) //
        .set(PRIVILEGED_CLASS_ID_ATTRIBUTE, privilegeInfo.getPrivilegedObjectId()) //
        .set(MODE_ATTRIBUTE, privilegeMode.getValue()) //
        .set(TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, PrivilegedObjectType.CLASS.getValue()) //
        .set(PRIVILEGE_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE, privilegeInfo.getPrivilegeFilter()) //
        .set(ATTRIBUTES_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTE, privilegeInfo.getAttributesPrivileges()) //
        .set(STATUS_ATTRIBUTE, CardStatus.ACTIVE.value()) //
Example #3
   * FIXME
   * this methods is called for two different purposes
   * 1) change the mode
   * 2) change the row and column privilege configuration remove the mode
   * Only flag and implement two different methods or uniform the values set
   * in the privilegeInfo object to have always all the attributes and update
   * them all
  public void saveClassPrivilege(final PrivilegeInfo privilegeInfo, final boolean modeOnly) {
     * Extract the grants defined for the given group id
    final CMQueryResult grantRows =
            .where( //
                and( //
                        attribute(grantClass, GROUP_ID_ATTRIBUTE),
                        eq(privilegeInfo.getGroupId())), //
                        attribute(grantClass, TYPE_ATTRIBUTE),
                        eq(PrivilegedObjectType.CLASS.getValue())) //
                    ) //
                ) //

     * FIXME why does not add a condition to to the query, and extract only
     * the row for the given entryTypeId ???
    for (final CMQueryRow row : grantRows) {
      final CMCard grantCard = row.getCard(grantClass);
      final Long entryTypeId = grantCard.get(PRIVILEGED_CLASS_ID_ATTRIBUTE, Long.class);
      if (entryTypeId.equals(privilegeInfo.getPrivilegedObjectId())) {

        if (modeOnly) {
          // replace the privilegeInfo with the
          // data already stored to not override them
          final Object filter = grantCard.get(PRIVILEGE_FILTER_ATTRIBUTE);
          if (filter != null) {
            privilegeInfo.setPrivilegeFilter((String) filter);

          final Object attributes = grantCard.get(ATTRIBUTES_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTE);
          if (attributes != null) {
            privilegeInfo.setAttributesPrivileges((String[]) attributes);
        } else {
           * Iterate over the attributes privileges and keep only the
           * ones that override the mode of the attribute
          final CMEntryType entryType = view.findClass(entryTypeId);
          final Map<String, String> attributeModes = attributesMode(entryType);
          final List<String> attributesPrivilegesToSave = new ArrayList<String>();
          for (final String attributePrivilege : privilegeInfo.getAttributesPrivileges()) {
            final String[] parts = attributePrivilege.split(":");
            final String attributeName = parts[0];
            final String privilege = parts[1];
            if (attributeModes.containsKey(attributeName)) {
              if (!attributeModes.get(attributeName).equals(privilege)) {

          privilegeInfo.setAttributesPrivileges( //
              attributesPrivilegesToSave.toArray( //
                  new String[attributesPrivilegesToSave.size()] //

        updateGrantCard(grantCard, privilegeInfo);
