  * template method, override to customize
  * @param path path
  * @return field name
 protected String toField(Path<?> path) {
   PathMetadata md = path.getMetadata();
   if (md.getPathType() == PathType.COLLECTION_ANY) {
     return toField(md.getParent());
   } else {
     String rv = md.getName();
     if (md.getParent() != null) {
       Path<?> parent = md.getParent();
       if (parent.getMetadata().getPathType() != PathType.VARIABLE) {
         rv = toField(parent) + "." + rv;
     return rv;
Example #2
 public QTaskHour(PathMetadata<?> metadata) {
   this(metadata, metadata.isRoot() ? INITS : PathInits.DEFAULT);
 public QSalesOrderItems(PathMetadata<?> metadata) {
   this(metadata, metadata.isRoot() ? INITS : PathInits.DEFAULT);
 public QProductAttribute(PathMetadata<?> metadata) {
   this(metadata, metadata.isRoot() ? INITS : PathInits.DEFAULT);
  public void readTo(
      InputStream manifestResourceAsStream, Manifest manifest, URI manifestResourceBaseURI)
      throws IOException, RiotException {
    OntModel model = new RDFToManifest().getOntModel();
    model.add(jsonLdAsJenaModel(manifestResourceAsStream, manifestResourceBaseURI));

    // model.write(System.out, "TURTLE");
    // System.out.println();

    URI root = manifestResourceBaseURI.resolve("/");
    Individual ro = findRO(model, root);
    if (ro == null)
      throw new IOException("root ResearchObject not found - " + "Not a valid RO Bundle manifest");

    for (Individual manifestResource : listObjectProperties(ro, isDescribedBy)) {
      String uriStr = manifestResource.getURI();
      if (uriStr == null) {
        logger.warning("Skipping manifest without URI: " + manifestResource);
      // URI relative = relativizeFromBase(uriStr, root);
      Path path = manifest.getBundle().getFileSystem().provider().getPath(URI.create(uriStr));

    List<Agent> creators = getAgents(root, ro, createdBy);
    if (!creators.isEmpty()) {
      if (creators.size() > 1) logger.warning("Ignoring additional createdBy agents");

    RDFNode created = ro.getPropertyValue(createdOn);

    List<Path> history = new ArrayList<Path>();
    for (Individual histItem : listObjectProperties(ro, hasProvenance))
              manifest.getBundle(), relativizeFromBase(histItem.getURI(), root)));

    List<Agent> authors = getAgents(root, ro, authoredBy);
    if (!authors.isEmpty()) manifest.setAuthoredBy(authors);
    RDFNode authored = ro.getPropertyValue(authoredOn);

    for (Individual aggrResource : listObjectProperties(ro, aggregates)) {
      String uriStr = aggrResource.getURI();
      // PathMetadata meta = new PathMetadata();
      if (uriStr == null) {
        logger.warning("Skipping aggregation without URI: " + aggrResource);

      PathMetadata meta = manifest.getAggregation(relativizeFromBase(uriStr, root));

      Set<Individual> proxies = listObjectProperties(aggrResource, hasProxy);
      if (!proxies.isEmpty()) {
        // We can only deal with the first one
        Individual proxy = proxies.iterator().next();

        String proxyUri = null;
        if (proxy.getURI() != null) proxyUri = proxy.getURI();
        else if (proxy.getSameAs() != null) proxyUri = proxy.getSameAs().getURI();
        if (proxyUri != null) setPathProxy(meta, relativizeFromBase(proxyUri, root));

      creators = getAgents(root, aggrResource, createdBy);
      if (!creators.isEmpty()) {
        if (creators.size() > 1) logger.warning("Ignoring additional createdBy agents for " + meta);

      for (Individual standard : listObjectProperties(aggrResource, conformsTo))
        if (standard.getURI() != null)
          meta.setConformsTo(relativizeFromBase(standard.getURI(), root));

      RDFNode mediaType = aggrResource.getPropertyValue(format);
      if (mediaType != null && mediaType.isLiteral())

    for (Individual ann : listObjectProperties(ro, hasAnnotation)) {
       * Normally just one body per annotation, but just in case we'll
       * iterate and split them out (as our PathAnnotation can only keep a
       * single setContent() at a time)
      for (Individual body : listObjectProperties(model.getOntResource(ann), hasBody)) {
        if (body.getURI() == null) {
          logger.warning("Can't find annotation body for anonymous " + body);
        PathAnnotation pathAnn = new PathAnnotation();
        pathAnn.setContent(relativizeFromBase(body.getURI(), root));

        if (ann.getURI() != null) pathAnn.setUri(relativizeFromBase(ann.getURI(), root));
        else if (ann.getSameAs() != null && ann.getSameAs().getURI() != null)
          pathAnn.setUri(relativizeFromBase(ann.getSameAs().getURI(), root));

        // Handle multiple about/hasTarget
        for (Individual target : listObjectProperties(ann, hasTarget))
          if (target.getURI() != null)
            pathAnn.getAboutList().add(relativizeFromBase(target.getURI(), root));
 private static void setPathProxy(PathMetadata meta, URI proxy) {