Example #1
   * The factory method: builds the solver needed to solve the problem (an optimization solver if a
   * variable should be minimized or maximized, a classical solver (mac-dbt) for constraint
   * problems, or a path-repair or decision-repair solver if explanations should be kept.
  public void generateSearchSolver() {
    if (null == objective) { // MAC-DBT
      strategy = new PalmGlobalSearchStrategy(this);
    } else // MAC-DBT + Dynamic Cuts
    if (objective instanceof IntDomainVar)
      strategy = new PalmBranchAndBound(this, (IntDomainVar) objective, doMaximize);
    else if (objective instanceof RealVar)
      strategy = new PalmRealBranchAndBound(this, (RealVar) objective, doMaximize);
    if (prSize >= 0) { // Decision repair
      if (repair == null) repair = new PalmUnsureRepair();
      NogoodSConstraint ng = new NogoodSConstraint(intVars.toArray());
      if (learn == null) {
        learn = new PathRepairLearn(prSize, ng);
      } else {
        ((PathRepairLearn) learn).setMemory(ng);

    // Classical solver tools
    if (state == null) state = new PalmState((PalmExplanation) makeExplanation());
    if (repair == null) repair = new PalmRepair();
    if (learn == null) learn = new PalmLearn();
    if (extend == null) extend = new PalmExtend();

    // Classical limits
    strategy.limits.add(new PalmTimeLimit(strategy, timeLimit));
    strategy.limits.add(new NodeLimit(strategy, nodeLimit));
    // TODO : limits.add(new relaxLimit());

    // Solver should stop at first solution ? TODO : see if useful !
    strategy.stopAtFirstSol = firstSolution;

    // Attach solver tools
    ((PalmGlobalSearchStrategy) strategy).attachPalmState(state);
    ((PalmGlobalSearchStrategy) strategy).attachPalmExtend(extend);
    ((PalmGlobalSearchStrategy) strategy).attachPalmLearn(learn);
    ((PalmGlobalSearchStrategy) strategy).attachPalmRepair(repair);

    // Attach branchings (with a default one if needed
    if (branchings.size() == 0) {
      if (varIntSelector == null) varIntSelector = new MinDomain(this);
      if (valIntIterator == null && valIntSelector == null) valIntIterator = new IncreasingDomain();
      if (prSize < 0)
        if (valIntIterator != null)
          branchings.add(new PalmAssignVar(varIntSelector, valIntIterator));
        else branchings.add(new PalmAssignVar(varIntSelector, valIntSelector));
      else if (valIntIterator != null)
        branchings.add(new PathRepairAssignVar(varIntSelector, valIntIterator));
      else System.err.println("Path repair cannot use valSelector");
    ((PalmGlobalSearchStrategy) strategy).attachPalmBranchings(branchings);
Example #2
  * Posts and propagates several decision constraints (that is decisions taken by the solver).
  * @param constraints The constraints to post.
  * @throws ContradictionException
 public void propagateAllDecisionsConstraints(List constraints) throws ContradictionException {
   // this.palmSolver.incRuntimeStatistic(EXT, 1);  move in explore
   for (Iterator iterator = constraints.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
     AbstractSConstraint constraint = (AbstractSConstraint) iterator.next();
         0); // Avant la mise a jour de l'etat sinon la contrainte n'existe pas encore !!
     ((PalmGlobalSearchStrategy) strategy).getState().addDecision(constraint);
Example #3
  * Tries to repair the problem after a PalmContradiction thanks to removing a responsible
  * constraint (that is a constraint in the explain of the contradiction).
  * @throws ContradictionException
 public void repair() throws ContradictionException {
   ((PalmGlobalSearchStrategy) strategy).repair();