Example #1
   * Delete ID Tree Nodes
   * @return true if actually deleted (could be non existing)
  protected static boolean deleteTreeNode(PO po) {
    // TODO: check self contained tree
    int id = po.get_ID();
    if (id <= 0) id = po.get_IDOld();
    final int AD_Table_ID = po.get_Table_ID();
    if (!MTree.hasTree(AD_Table_ID)) return false;
    final String treeTableName = MTree.getNodeTableName(AD_Table_ID);
    if (treeTableName == null) return false;
    final String trxName = po.get_TrxName();
    final Logger log = po.get_Logger();
    // Check childrens:
    List<MTreeNode> children = fetchNodes(AD_Table_ID, "Parent_ID=?", new Object[] {id}, trxName);
    if (children.size() > 0) {
      throw new AdempiereException("TreeNodeHasChildren"); // TODO: translate

    final StringBuffer sb =
        new StringBuffer("DELETE FROM ")
            .append(" n WHERE Node_ID=")
            .append(" AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Tree t ")
            .append("WHERE t.AD_Tree_ID=n.AD_Tree_ID AND t.AD_Table_ID=")
    final int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(sb.toString(), trxName);
    if (no <= 0) {
      log.warn("#" + no + " - AD_Table_ID=" + AD_Table_ID);
      return false;
    log.debug("#" + no + " - AD_Table_ID=" + AD_Table_ID);
    // MigrationLogger.instance.logMigrationSQL(po, sb.toString()); // metas: not needed because
    // it's called directly from PO

    // TODO Update children

    return true;
  } // delete_Tree
Example #2
   * ************************************************************************ Insert id data into
   * Tree
   * @return true if inserted
  protected static boolean insertTreeNode(PO po) {
    // services
    final IPOTreeSupportFactory treeSupportFactory = Services.get(IPOTreeSupportFactory.class);

    // TODO: check self contained tree
    final int AD_Table_ID = po.get_Table_ID();
    if (!MTree.hasTree(AD_Table_ID)) {
      return false;
    final int id = po.get_ID();
    final int AD_Client_ID = po.getAD_Client_ID();
    final String treeTableName = MTree.getNodeTableName(AD_Table_ID);
    final String trxName = po.get_TrxName();
    final Logger log = po.get_Logger();

    final IPOTreeSupport treeSupport = treeSupportFactory.get(po.get_TableName());
    final int AD_Tree_ID = treeSupport.getAD_Tree_ID(po);
    int parentId = treeSupport.getParent_ID(po);
    if (parentId < 0 || parentId == IPOTreeSupport.UNKNOWN_ParentID) {
      parentId = ROOT_Node_ID;
    // Insert
    final StringBuilder sb =
        new StringBuilder("INSERT  INTO ")
            .append(" (AD_Client_ID,AD_Org_ID, IsActive,Created,CreatedBy,Updated,UpdatedBy, ")
            .append("AD_Tree_ID, Node_ID, Parent_ID, SeqNo) ")
                "SELECT t.AD_Client_ID,0, 'Y', now(), "
                    + po.getUpdatedBy()
                    + ", now(), "
                    + po.getUpdatedBy()
                    + ",")
            .append("t.AD_Tree_ID, ")
            .append(", ")
            .append(", 999 ")
            .append("FROM AD_Tree t ")
            .append("WHERE t.AD_Client_ID=")
            .append(" AND t.IsActive='Y'");
    if (AD_Tree_ID > 0) {
      sb.append(" AND t.AD_Tree_ID=").append(AD_Tree_ID);
    } else
    // std trees
      sb.append(" AND t.IsAllNodes='Y' AND t.AD_Table_ID=").append(AD_Table_ID);
    // Duplicate Check
    sb.append(" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ")
        .append(" e ")
        .append("WHERE e.AD_Tree_ID=t.AD_Tree_ID AND Node_ID=")
    int no = DB.executeUpdateEx(sb.toString(), trxName);
    if (no < 0) {
      log.warn("#" + no + " - AD_Table_ID=" + AD_Table_ID);
      return false;
    log.debug("#" + no + " - AD_Table_ID=" + AD_Table_ID);
    // MigrationLogger.instance.logMigrationSQL(po, sb.toString()); // metas: not needed because
    // it's called directly from PO


    return true;
  } // insert_Tree