Example #1
  public void startNGameCycles(Runnable finalAction, int nrOfRuns) {
    Class currWhitePlayer = whitePlayer.getClass();
    Class currBlackPlayer = blackPlayer.getClass();

    new Thread(
            () -> {
              for (int i = 0; i < nrOfRuns; i++) {
                progressOfNGames = OptionalDouble.of((double) i / nrOfRuns);

                GipfBoardState gipfBoardStateCopy =
                    new GipfBoardState(
                        getGipfBoardState(), gipfBoardState.getPieceMap(), gipfBoardState.players);
                Game copyOfGame = new BasicGame();
                try {
                  copyOfGame.whitePlayer = (ComputerPlayer) currWhitePlayer.newInstance();
                  copyOfGame.blackPlayer = (ComputerPlayer) currBlackPlayer.newInstance();
                } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {

                GameLoopThread gameLoopThread = new GameLoopThread(copyOfGame, finalAction);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

              progressOfNGames = OptionalDouble.empty();
 public OptionalDouble average() {
   long[] results =
           (a1, a2) -> {
             a1[0] += a2[0];
             a1[1] += a2[1];
             return a1;
   if (results[1] > 0) {
     return OptionalDouble.of((double) results[0] / results[1]);
   } else {
     return OptionalDouble.empty();
Example #3
 * The Game class controls whether the moves are according to the game rules, and if so, applies
 * those moves to the board
 * <p>Created by frans on 21-9-2015.
public abstract class Game implements Serializable {
  private final BoardHistory boardHistory; // Stores the history of the boards
  public ComputerPlayer whitePlayer;
  public ComputerPlayer blackPlayer;
  public GameLoopThread automaticPlayThread = new GameLoopThread(this, null);
  public OptionalDouble progressOfNGames = OptionalDouble.empty();
  public int minWaitTime;
  GipfBoardState gipfBoardState; // The board where the pieces are stored.
  private GameLogger gameLogger;
  private int moveCounter; // For debugging output
  private Instant gameStartInstant = Instant.now();
  private Set<Position> currentRemoveSelection =
      new HashSet<>(); // Makes it possible for the gipfboardcomponent to display crosses on the
                       // pieces and lines that can be selected for removal

  Game() {
     * Initialize a new starting GipfBoardState object for this game. The initializePieceMap() and initializePlayers()
     * methods are meant to be overridden by the classes extending the game class.
    this.gipfBoardState = new GipfBoardState(null, initializePieceMap(), initializePlayers());

    boardHistory = new BoardHistory();

     * Empty logger, for now it makes no sense to store all the log data in all generated games. String concatenations
     * are relatively expensive and the output is shown nowhere.
    gameLogger = new EmptyLogger();

  /** Can be modified by the extensions of the Game class (to change the default player setup) */
  PlayersInGame initializePlayers() {
    return new PlayersInGame();

  /** Can be modified by the extensions of the Game class (to change the default board) */
  TreeMap<Position, Piece> initializePieceMap() {
    return new TreeMap<>();

   * Checks whether the position is located on the playing area or the outer dots.
   * @param p the position of which should be determined whether it is on the board
  public boolean isPositionOnPlayAreaOrOuterDots(Position p) {
    int col = p.getColName() - 'a' + 1;
    int row = p.getRowNumber();

    // See google doc for explanation of the formula
    return !(row <= 0 || col >= 10 || row + col >= 15 || col - row <= -5 || col <= 0);

   * Accessing this method is much faster than accessing getDots()
   * @param p
   * @return
  public boolean isDotPosition(Position p) {
    return isPositionOnPlayAreaOrOuterDots(p) && !isOnInnerBoard(p);

   * Checks whether the position is located on the inner board (the playing area). Returns false for
   * positions on the outer positions, as well as positions that are not on the board.
   * <p>By Leroy
   * @param p position of which is to be determined whether the position is located on the inner
   *     board
  private boolean isOnInnerBoard(Position p) {
    int col = p.getColName() - 'a' + 1;
    int row = p.getRowNumber();

    // See google doc for explanation of the formula
    return !(row <= 1 || col >= 9 || row + col >= 14 || col - row <= -4 || col <= 1);

  private void movePiece(Map<Position, Piece> pieceMap, Position currentPosition, int deltaPos)
      throws InvalidMoveException {
    Position nextPosition = new Position(currentPosition.posId + deltaPos);

    if (!isOnInnerBoard(nextPosition)) {
      throw new InvalidMoveException();
    } else {
      try {
        if (pieceMap.containsKey(nextPosition)) {
          movePiece(pieceMap, nextPosition, deltaPos);

        // Don't copy over null values, instead remove the value from the hashmap
        if (pieceMap.containsKey(currentPosition)) {
          pieceMap.put(nextPosition, pieceMap.remove(currentPosition));
      } catch (InvalidMoveException e) {
        throw new InvalidMoveException();

  private void movePiecesTowards(
      Map<Position, Piece> pieceMap, Position startPos, Direction direction)
      throws InvalidMoveException {
    int delta = direction.getDeltaPos();
    try {
      movePiece(pieceMap, startPos, delta);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new InvalidMoveException();

   * applyMove applies the given move to the board. First, the new piece is added to the startPos
   * Then the pieces are moved in the direction of the move, and finally pieces that need to be
   * removed are removed from the board
   * @param move the move that is applied
  public void applyMove(Move move) {
    // An invalidMoveException can be thrown if applying that move would mean to place pieces on an
    // illegal position.
    try {
      // If there's already a winner, the move won't be applied
      if (gipfBoardState.players.winner() != null) return;

       * Prepare for creating a new child GipfBoardState. The pieceMap and playersInGame objects of the current
       * gipfBoardState are unmodifiable, so we have to create modifiable copies.
       * If the move turns out to be legal, a new child GipfBoardState will be generated, based on the modified
       * copies of the PieceMap and the PlayersInGame objects.
      // The piece map returned by getPieceMap() is unmodifiable, so it has to be converted to a new
      // (hash) map
      // the newPieceMap can be modified, after that a new GipfBoardState can be generated.
      Map<Position, Piece> newPieceMap = new HashMap<>(gipfBoardState.getPieceMap());

      // The same is true for the PlayersInGame object. It is unmodifiable, so a new instance has to
      // be created
      // for the new board state.
      PlayersInGame newPlayers = new PlayersInGame(gipfBoardState.players);

      // If the current player has enough pieces left in the reserve to perform the move (1 for a
      // normal move, 2 for
      // a Gipf move.)
      if (newPlayers.current().reserve >= move.addedPiece.getPieceValue()) {
         * Move the piece
        // Each move adds a new piece to the board
        newPieceMap.put(move.startPos, move.addedPiece);

        // Move it into the direction determined by the move
        movePiecesTowards(newPieceMap, move.startPos, move.direction);

         * Remove the lines and pieces that can be removed from the board
        // Create an object that keeps track of which piece is taken by whom. An EnumMap instead of
        // a HashMap is
        // used, because all keys correspond with values from the PieceColor enum.
        Map<PieceColor, Set<Line.Segment>> linesTakenBy = new EnumMap<>(PieceColor.class);
        linesTakenBy.put(WHITE, new HashSet<>());
        linesTakenBy.put(BLACK, new HashSet<>());

        // Create an object that keeps track of which individual pieces are taken by whom.
        // A HashMap is used because it can handle null keys, in contrast with EnumMaps.
        Map<PieceColor, Set<Position>> piecesBackTo = new HashMap<>();
        piecesBackTo.put(WHITE, new HashSet<>());
        piecesBackTo.put(BLACK, new HashSet<>());
        piecesBackTo.put(null, new HashSet<>()); // Used for pieces that are removed from the board

         * Distinguish between complete and incomplete moves.
         *  - Complete moves:
         *    are generated by the getAllowedMoves() method and contain all information about that move,
         *    including a choice for which lines or gipf pieces will be removed.
         *  - Incomplete moves:
         *    are performed by human players. These moves don't contain the information of which pieces are
         *    removed. This means that there may be user interaction required if the player must choose between
         *    multiple lines or gipf pieces that can be removed.
        if (move.isCompleteMove) {
          // Complete moves are the easiest to handle, the positions of pieces that are removed are
          // already
          // determined.
          // This means that we only have to read the values for the pieces that are returned to
          // each player
          // into the piecesBackTo map.
        } else {
          // Now we have incomplete moves. This means that we have to remove the pieces that are
          // required to
          // be removed. If the player must choose between different pieces / lines, the removeLines
          // method
          // will ask the player to make a choice.

          // Get the lines that are taken by the current player (retrieved from linesTakenBy) and
          // store them
          // in the piecesBackTo map. The opponent's pieces are stored in piecesBackTo.get(null),
          // because they
          // are removed from the board.
          removeLines(newPieceMap, newPlayers.current().pieceColor, linesTakenBy, piecesBackTo);
          // linesTakenBy.get(newPlayers.current().pieceColor).addAll(getRemovableLineSegments(newPieceMap, newPlayers.current().pieceColor));

          // Get the lines that are taken by the opponent (retrieved from the linesTakenBy map), and
          // store
          // them in the piecesBackTo map. The current player's pieces are stored in
          // piecesBackTO.get(null),
          // because they are removed from the board.
          PieceColor opponentColor = newPlayers.current().pieceColor == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE;
          removeLines(newPieceMap, opponentColor, linesTakenBy, piecesBackTo);
          // linesTakenBy.get(opponentColor).addAll(getRemovableLineSegments(newPieceMap,
          // opponentColor));

        // Each value in the piecesBackTo map is a set, and each element (position) of the sets of
        // all values
        // is removed from the pieceMap.
        // The number of the returned pieces for each player are added to their reserve.
        for (Map.Entry<PieceColor, Set<Position>> removedPieces : piecesBackTo.entrySet()) {
          if (removedPieces.getKey() != null) {
            // Calculate the sum for the pieces returned to this player. Normal pieces have a value
            // of 1,
            // gipf pieces a value of 2 determined in Piece.getPieceValue().
            int returnedPiecesSum =
                        position -> {
                          if (newPieceMap.containsKey(position))
                            return newPieceMap.get(position).getPieceValue();
                          else return 1;

            newPlayers.get(removedPieces.getKey()).reserve += returnedPiecesSum;
            gameLogger.log(removedPieces.getKey() + " retrieved " + returnedPiecesSum + " pieces");

          // The pieces are not earlier removed from the board, because the returnedPiecesSum
          // variable can
          // only be set if all the pieces are still on the board.
          removePiecesFromPieceMap(newPieceMap, removedPieces.getValue());

         * Set the properties for the player, based on the move
        if (move.addedPiece.getPieceType() == PieceType.GIPF) {
          newPlayers.current().hasPlacedGipfPieces = true;
        if (!newPlayers.current().isPlacingGipfPieces) {
          newPlayers.current().hasPlacedNormalPieces = true;

        // Update the current player's reserve for the last added piece
        newPlayers.current().reserve -= move.addedPiece.getPieceValue();

         * Check whether it is game over
        // If we create a new GipfBoardState based on the calculated properties, will there be a
        // game over situation?
        if (getGameOverState(new GipfBoardState(null, newPieceMap, newPlayers))) {
          // If the current player causes a game over situation, the other player (updateCurrent()),
          // will be
          // the winner of the game.
          newPlayers = newPlayers.updateCurrent().makeCurrentPlayerWinner();
          gameLogger.log("Game over! " + newPlayers.winner().pieceColor + " won!");

          if (moveCounter != 1) {
            if (SettingsSingleton.getInstance().showExperimentOutput) {
              String moveCountString = Integer.toString(moveCounter);
              String durationString =
                  Long.toString(Duration.between(gameStartInstant, Instant.now()).toMillis());
              String winnerString = newPlayers.winner().pieceColor.toString();
              String whiteAlgorithm = whitePlayer.getClass().getSimpleName();
              String blackAlgorithm = blackPlayer.getClass().getSimpleName();

                          + "; "
                          + blackAlgorithm
                          + "; "
                          + moveCountString
                          + "; "
                          + durationString
                          + "; "
                          + winnerString);

        // We don't need to update the current player if the game has ended
        if (newPlayers.winner() == null) {
          newPlayers = newPlayers.updateCurrent();

        // Create a new gipfBoardState, based on the calculated PieceMap and PlayersInGame objects.
        GipfBoardState newGipfBoardState =
            new GipfBoardState(gipfBoardState, newPieceMap, newPlayers);
        this.gipfBoardState = newGipfBoardState;
      } else {
        gameLogger.log("No pieces left");

      // Recalculate the properties of this gipfBoardState

    } catch (InvalidMoveException e) {
      System.out.println("Move not applied");

  public GipfBoardState getGipfBoardState() {
    return gipfBoardState;

  public Set<Move> getAllowedMoves() {
    // If there is already a winn
    if (gipfBoardState.players.winner() != null) {
      return Collections.emptySet();

    // Create a set of incomplete moves containing the starting positions and directions for the
    // current piece
    Set<Move> potentialMoves = getPotentialStartMoves(getCurrentPiece());

    // If the current piece is a GIPF piece, the player is also allowed to place normal pieces.
    if (getCurrentPiece().getPieceType() == GIPF)
          getPotentialStartMoves(Piece.of(NORMAL, getCurrentPiece().getPieceColor())));

    // These moves are marked as complete so a temporary game won't ask for user input.
    potentialMoves.stream().forEach(m -> m.isCompleteMove = true);

    Set<Move> potentialMovesIncludingLineSegmentRemoval = new HashSet<>();
    for (Move potentialMove : potentialMoves) {
      try {
        Map<Position, Piece> temporaryPieceMap = new HashMap<>(getGipfBoardState().getPieceMap());
        temporaryPieceMap.put(potentialMove.startPos, potentialMove.addedPiece);
            temporaryPieceMap, potentialMove.getStartingPosition(), potentialMove.getDirection());

        Set<List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>>> RLineOrderingsSet =
                temporaryPieceMap, getCurrentPiece().getPieceColor());
        if (RLineOrderingsSet.size() > 0) {
          for (List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> RLineOrdering : RLineOrderingsSet) {
            Set<Position> piecesToWhite = new HashSet<>();
            Set<Position> piecesToBlack = new HashSet<>();
            Set<Position> piecesRemoved = new HashSet<>();

            for (Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment> RLine : RLineOrdering) {
              Line.Segment removedSegment = RLine.getValue();

              // The color of the player who removed the line
              PieceColor colorRemoved = RLine.getKey();

              // Determine per segment to whom the pieces are given. Pieces can only be given to the
              // player
              // who removed the line, or deleted from the game.
              Set<Position> occupiedPositions =
              Set<Position> piecesFromSegmentBackToReserve =
                          position ->
                              temporaryPieceMap.get(position).getPieceColor() == colorRemoved)
              Set<Position> piecesFromSegmentRemoved =
                      .filter(position -> !piecesFromSegmentBackToReserve.contains(position))

              if (colorRemoved == WHITE) piecesToWhite.addAll(piecesFromSegmentBackToReserve);
              if (colorRemoved == BLACK) piecesToBlack.addAll(piecesFromSegmentBackToReserve);

            // And finally add the move
            // the constructor will define this as a complete move, because all the parameters have
            // a value.
                new Move(
        } else {
          // If no line segments can be removed, just add the original move
      } catch (InvalidMoveException e) {
        // We don't consider this move if it is invalid

    return potentialMovesIncludingLineSegmentRemoval;

   * This method finds the ordering of all the line segments that are removable from the current
   * board state in the current turn for each player.
   * @param pieceMap
   * @param currentPlayerColor
   * @return An example output could be: {set: ["white", "segment from a to b"] ["white", "segment
   *     from b to c"] ["black", "segment from x to y"] ["black", "segment from z to a"; after that
   *     "white", "segment from a to b"] ["black", "segment from d to f"] }
  private Set<List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>>> getRemovableLineOrderingsSetFromGipfBoard(
      Map<Position, Piece> pieceMap, PieceColor currentPlayerColor) {
    Set<List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>>> removableLineSetOrderingsFromGipfboard =
        new HashSet<>();
    PieceColor opponentColor = currentPlayerColor == WHITE ? BLACK : WHITE;

    Set<Line.Segment> removableLineSegmentsCurrentPlayer =
        getRemovableLineSegments(pieceMap, currentPlayerColor);

    // This loop checks for all line segments that can be removed by the current player.
    for (Line.Segment lineSegment : removableLineSegmentsCurrentPlayer) {
      // Create a copy of the piecemap where the removed segment is removed
      HashMap<Position, Piece> segmentRemovedPieceMap = new HashMap<>(pieceMap);

      List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> removableLineSegmentOrdering =
          Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(currentPlayerColor, lineSegment));

      // - I have to use removableLineSegmentList because the removableLineSegmentOrdering is
      // already in use.
      // - If the current player can remove at least 1 more segment, the board state that results
      // will be checked
      //   after that for more subsequent segments that can be removed
      Set<List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>>> removableLineSetOrderingsCurrentPlayer =
          getRemovableLineOrderingsSetFromGipfBoard(segmentRemovedPieceMap, currentPlayerColor);

      if (removableLineSetOrderingsCurrentPlayer.size() > 0) {
        for (List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> removableLineSegmentList :
            removableLineSetOrderingsCurrentPlayer) {
          List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> ordering =
              new ArrayList<>(removableLineSegmentOrdering);

      } else {

      // Now check for the line segments removable by the opponent
      // Because if this code is ran, the current player can remove line segments. If this is the
      // case, the current player
      // must remove line segments before the opponent gets its turn.
      for (Line.Segment lineSegmenRemovableByOpponent :
          getRemovableLineSegments(segmentRemovedPieceMap, opponentColor)) {
        // See for the comments in the similar lines above
        HashMap<Position, Piece> opponentSegmentRemovedPieceMap =
            new HashMap<>(segmentRemovedPieceMap);

        List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> opponentRemovableLineSegmentOrdering =
            Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(opponentColor, lineSegmenRemovableByOpponent));

        Set<List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>>> removableLineSetOrderingsOpponent =
                opponentSegmentRemovedPieceMap, opponentColor);

        if (removableLineSetOrderingsOpponent.size() > 0) {
          for (List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> removableLineSegmentOpponentList :
              removableLineSetOrderingsOpponent) {
            List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> ordering =
                new ArrayList<>(opponentRemovableLineSegmentOrdering);

        } else {
    if (removableLineSegmentsCurrentPlayer.size() == 0) {
      // The current player can't remove any line segments, so the opponent can try to remove line
      // segments
      for (Line.Segment lineSegment : getRemovableLineSegments(pieceMap, opponentColor)) {
        // See for the comments the similar lines above
        HashMap<Position, Piece> segmentRemovedPieceMap = new HashMap<>(pieceMap);

        List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> removableLineSegmentOrdering =
            Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(opponentColor, lineSegment));

        Set<List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>>> removableLineSetOrderingsOpponent =
            getRemovableLineOrderingsSetFromGipfBoard(segmentRemovedPieceMap, opponentColor);

        if (removableLineSetOrderingsOpponent.size() > 0) {
          for (List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> removableLineSegmentList :
              removableLineSetOrderingsOpponent) {
            List<Pair<PieceColor, Line.Segment>> ordering =
                new ArrayList<>(removableLineSegmentOrdering);

        } else {

    return removableLineSetOrderingsFromGipfboard;

  public Piece getCurrentPiece() {
    PlayersInGame.Player currentPlayer = gipfBoardState.players.current();
    if (currentPlayer.pieceColor == WHITE && currentPlayer.isPlacingGipfPieces) return WHITE_GIPF;
    else if (currentPlayer.pieceColor == WHITE) return WHITE_SINGLE;
    else if (currentPlayer.pieceColor == BLACK && currentPlayer.isPlacingGipfPieces)
      return BLACK_GIPF;
    else if (currentPlayer.pieceColor == BLACK) return BLACK_SINGLE;

    return null;

  /** By Dingding */
  private Set<Line.Segment> getRemovableLineSegments(
      Map<Position, Piece> pieceMap, PieceColor pieceColor) {
    Set<Line.Segment> removableLines = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Line> linesOnTheBoard =
            this); // Get all the possible lines on the board. Positions don't need to be occupied.

    for (Line line : linesOnTheBoard) {
      Position currentPosition = line.getStartPosition();
      Position startOfSegment = null;
      Position endOfSegment = null;
      Direction direction = line.getDirection();
      int consecutivePieces =
          0; // We start at a dot position, so we can assume that we don't start in a set of
             // consecutive pieces
      boolean isInLineSegment = false;

      // Break the for-loop if an endOfSegment has been found (because the largest lines only have 7
      // positions on the board, there
      // can't be more than one set of four pieces of the same color (requiring at least 9
      // positions) on the board.
      for (;
          endOfSegment == null && isPositionOnPlayAreaOrOuterDots(currentPosition);
          currentPosition = currentPosition.next(direction)) {
        PieceColor currentPieceColor =
                ? pieceMap.get(currentPosition).getPieceColor()
                : null;

        // Update the consecutivePieces
        if (currentPieceColor == pieceColor) consecutivePieces++;
        if (consecutivePieces == 4) isInLineSegment = true;
        if (currentPieceColor != pieceColor) consecutivePieces = 0;

        if (isInLineSegment) {
          if (isDotPosition(currentPosition) || currentPieceColor == null) {
            endOfSegment = currentPosition.previous(direction);

        // Update the startOfSegment if necessary
        if (startOfSegment == null) {
          if (currentPieceColor != null) {
            startOfSegment = currentPosition;
        if (currentPieceColor == null && endOfSegment == null) {
          startOfSegment = null;

        // Add a line segment to the list if we have found one
        if (endOfSegment != null) {
          removableLines.add(new Line.Segment(this, startOfSegment, endOfSegment, direction));

    return removableLines;

  public Set<Position> getStartPositionsForMoves() {
    return getAllowedMoves().stream().map(Move::getStartingPosition).collect(toSet());

  public Set<Position> getMoveToPositionsForStartPosition(Position position) {
    return getAllowedMoves()
        .filter(m -> m.getStartingPosition().equals(position))
            move ->
                new Position(
                    move.getStartingPosition().getPosId() + move.getDirection().getDeltaPos()))

  public void loadState(GipfBoardState gipfBoardState) {
    this.gipfBoardState = gipfBoardState;

  public void returnToPreviousBoard() {
    if (boardHistory.size() > 1) {
      gipfBoardState = boardHistory.pop();
      gameLogger.log("Returned to previous game state");

  public GameLogger getGameLogger() {
    return gameLogger;

  private void removePiecesFromPieceMap(Map<Position, Piece> pieceMap, Set<Position> positions) {
    for (Position position : positions) {
      // An extra check. THe removelines method will remove pieces before
      if (pieceMap.containsKey(position)) pieceMap.remove(position);

  // TODO: Refactor method
  private void removeLines(
      Map<Position, Piece> pieceMap,
      PieceColor pieceColor,
      Map<PieceColor, Set<Line.Segment>> linesTakenBy,
      Map<PieceColor, Set<Position>> piecesBackTo) {
    Set<Line.Segment> intersectingSegments;
    Set<Line.Segment> segmentsNotRemoved = new HashSet<>();

    do {
      intersectingSegments = new HashSet<>();
      Set<Line.Segment> removableSegmentsThisPlayer =
          getRemovableLineSegments(pieceMap, pieceColor);
      for (Line.Segment segment : removableSegmentsThisPlayer) {
        // Remove the line segments that are not intersecting with other line segments of the set
        boolean intersectionFound = false;

        for (Line.Segment otherSegment : removableSegmentsThisPlayer) {
          if (!segment.equals(otherSegment) && !segmentsNotRemoved.contains(otherSegment)) {
            if (segment.intersectsWith(otherSegment)) {
              if (!segmentsNotRemoved.contains(segment)) {
                intersectionFound = true;

        if (!intersectionFound) {
          if (!segmentsNotRemoved.contains(segment)) {

      if (intersectingSegments.size() > 0) {
        Line.Segment segment = intersectingSegments.iterator().next();
        currentRemoveSelection = segment.getOccupiedPositions(pieceMap);

        int dialogResult =
                    + ", do you want to remove "
                    + segment
                    + "?",
                "Remove line segment");
        if (dialogResult == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {
          // Remove the line
        } else if (dialogResult == JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {
          // Don't remove the line
        currentRemoveSelection = new HashSet<>();

      for (Line.Segment segment : linesTakenBy.get(pieceColor)) {
        Predicate<Map.Entry<Position, Piece>> isNormalPiece =
            entry -> entry.getValue().getPieceType() == NORMAL;
        Predicate<Map.Entry<Position, Piece>> isCurrentPlayersColor =
            entry -> entry.getValue().getPieceColor() == pieceColor;
        Predicate<Map.Entry<Position, Piece>> doesPlayerWantToRemoveGipf =
            entry -> {
              int dialogResult =
                          + ", do you want to remove the Gipf at "
                          + entry.getKey().getName()
                          + "?",
                      "Remove Gipf");
              currentRemoveSelection = new HashSet<>();
              return dialogResult == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION;

        Map<Position, Piece> piecesRemovedMap =
            segment.getOccupiedPositions(pieceMap).stream().collect(toMap(p -> p, pieceMap::get));



      piecesBackTo.values().forEach(positionSet -> removePiecesFromPieceMap(pieceMap, positionSet));
    } while (intersectingSegments.size() > 0);


  public Set<Position> getCurrentRemoveSelection() {
    return currentRemoveSelection;

   * Cannot be called if winningPlayer is not null. Determines whether there is a winning player at
   * this moment in the game, and if so, set the winningPlayer pointer accordingly.
   * @return true if the game over condition has been fulfilled, false otherwise.
  protected abstract boolean getGameOverState(GipfBoardState gipfBoardState);

  public void newGameLogger() {
    this.gameLogger = GameLogger.getInstance();

  private Set<Move> getPotentialStartMoves(Piece piece) {
    return new HashSet<>(
            new Move(piece, new Position('a', 1), NORTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('a', 2), NORTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('a', 2), SOUTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('a', 3), NORTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('a', 3), SOUTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('a', 4), NORTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('a', 4), SOUTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('a', 5), SOUTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('b', 6), SOUTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('b', 6), SOUTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('c', 7), SOUTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('c', 7), SOUTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('d', 8), SOUTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('d', 8), SOUTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('e', 9), SOUTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('f', 8), SOUTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('f', 8), SOUTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('g', 7), SOUTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('g', 7), SOUTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('h', 6), SOUTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('h', 6), SOUTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('i', 5), SOUTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('i', 4), NORTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('i', 4), SOUTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('i', 3), NORTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('i', 3), SOUTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('i', 2), NORTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('i', 2), SOUTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('i', 1), NORTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('h', 1), NORTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('h', 1), NORTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('g', 1), NORTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('g', 1), NORTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('f', 1), NORTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('f', 1), NORTH_WEST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('e', 1), NORTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('d', 1), NORTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('d', 1), NORTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('c', 1), NORTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('c', 1), NORTH_EAST),
            new Move(piece, new Position('b', 1), NORTH),
            new Move(piece, new Position('b', 1), NORTH_EAST)));

  public void startGameCycle(Runnable finalAction) {
    GameLoopThread gameLoopThread = new GameLoopThread(this, finalAction);
    this.automaticPlayThread = gameLoopThread;


  public void startNGameCycles(Runnable finalAction, int nrOfRuns) {
    Class currWhitePlayer = whitePlayer.getClass();
    Class currBlackPlayer = blackPlayer.getClass();

    new Thread(
            () -> {
              for (int i = 0; i < nrOfRuns; i++) {
                progressOfNGames = OptionalDouble.of((double) i / nrOfRuns);

                GipfBoardState gipfBoardStateCopy =
                    new GipfBoardState(
                        getGipfBoardState(), gipfBoardState.getPieceMap(), gipfBoardState.players);
                Game copyOfGame = new BasicGame();
                try {
                  copyOfGame.whitePlayer = (ComputerPlayer) currWhitePlayer.newInstance();
                  copyOfGame.blackPlayer = (ComputerPlayer) currBlackPlayer.newInstance();
                } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {

                GameLoopThread gameLoopThread = new GameLoopThread(copyOfGame, finalAction);
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

              progressOfNGames = OptionalDouble.empty();

  public void applyCurrentPlayerMove() throws GameEndException {
    Move move;

    ComputerPlayer currentPlayer =
        (gipfBoardState.players.current().pieceColor == WHITE ? whitePlayer : blackPlayer);
    move = currentPlayer.apply(gipfBoardState);

    if (move != null) {
    } else {
      if (gipfBoardState.players.winner() != null) {
        throw new GameEndException();
      // If the winning player is not yet defined, the game is still continuing.
      // (For example the human player is on turn)