Example #1
  private void setDefaultOctave(NoteContext context) {
    logger.info("No octave string found, setting default octave");

    if (context.isChord) {
      context.octaveNumber =
          DefaultNoteSettingsManager.getInstance().getDefaultBassOctave() + context.octaveBias;
    } else {
      context.octaveNumber =
          DefaultNoteSettingsManager.getInstance().getDefaultOctave() + context.octaveBias;
Example #2
   * Returns the index with which to start parsing the next part of the string, once this method is
   * done with its part
  private int parseOctave(String s, int index, NoteContext context) {
    context.isOctaveExplicitlySet = false;

    // Don't parse an octave for a rest or a numeric note
    if (context.isRest || context.isNumericNote) {
      return index;

    // Check for octave.  Remember that octaves are optional.
    // Octaves can be two digits, which is what this next bit is testing for.
    // But, there could be no octave here as well.
    char possibleOctave1 = '.';
    char possibleOctave2 = '.';

    if (index < s.length()) {
      possibleOctave1 = s.charAt(index);

    if (index + 1 < s.length()) {
      possibleOctave2 = s.charAt(index + 1);

    byte definiteOctaveLength = 0;
    if ((possibleOctave1 >= '0') && (possibleOctave1 <= '9')) {
      definiteOctaveLength = 1;
      if (possibleOctave2 == '0') {
        definiteOctaveLength = 2;
      //            if ((possibleOctave1 == '-') && (definiteOctaveLength == 1)) {
      //                // That '-' isn't representing a -1 octave, it's probably representing the
      // end of a tie!
      //                // It's a duration character, not an octave character!
      //                return index;
      //            }

      logger.info("Octave is " + definiteOctaveLength + " digits long");

      String octaveNumberString = s.substring(index, index + definiteOctaveLength);
      logger.info("Octave string value is " + octaveNumberString);
      try {
        context.octaveNumber = Integer.parseInt(octaveNumberString) + context.octaveBias;
        context.isOctaveExplicitlySet = true;
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        throw new ParserException(StaccatoMessages.OCTAVE_OUT_OF_RANGE, s);
      if (context.octaveNumber > Note.MAX_OCTAVE) {
        throw new ParserException(StaccatoMessages.OCTAVE_OUT_OF_RANGE, s);
      if (context.octaveNumber < Note.MIN_OCTAVE) {
        throw new ParserException(StaccatoMessages.OCTAVE_OUT_OF_RANGE, s);
      context.originalString = context.originalString + octaveNumberString;
    return index + definiteOctaveLength;