public Data toData(Object object) { if (object == null) return null; if (object instanceof Data) { return (Data) object; } else { return nodeEngine.getSerializationService().toData(object); } }
public Data toData(Object object, PartitioningStrategy partitionStrategy) { if (object == null) return null; if (object instanceof Data) { return (Data) object; } else { return nodeEngine.getSerializationService().toData(object, partitionStrategy); } }
public QueryResult queryOnPartition(String mapName, Predicate predicate, int partitionId) { final QueryResult result = new QueryResult(); List<QueryEntry> list = new LinkedList<QueryEntry>(); PartitionContainer container = getPartitionContainer(partitionId); RecordStore recordStore = container.getRecordStore(mapName); Map<Data, Record> records = recordStore.getReadonlyRecordMap(); SerializationService serializationService = nodeEngine.getSerializationService(); final PagingPredicate pagingPredicate = predicate instanceof PagingPredicate ? (PagingPredicate) predicate : null; Comparator<Map.Entry> wrapperComparator = SortingUtil.newComparator(pagingPredicate); for (Record record : records.values()) { Data key = record.getKey(); Object value = record.getValue(); if (value == null) { continue; } QueryEntry queryEntry = new QueryEntry(serializationService, key, key, value); if (predicate.apply(queryEntry)) { if (pagingPredicate != null) { Map.Entry anchor = pagingPredicate.getAnchor(); if (anchor != null && pagingPredicate.getComparator(), pagingPredicate.getIterationType(), anchor, queryEntry) >= 0) { continue; } } list.add(queryEntry); } } if (pagingPredicate != null) { Collections.sort(list, wrapperComparator); if (list.size() > pagingPredicate.getPageSize()) { list = list.subList(0, pagingPredicate.getPageSize()); } } for (QueryEntry entry : list) { result.add( new QueryResultEntryImpl(entry.getKeyData(), entry.getKeyData(), entry.getValueData())); } return result; }
public void run() { final NodeEngine nodeEngine = getNodeEngine(); final Address masterAddress = nodeEngine.getMasterAddress(); if (!masterAddress.equals(migrationInfo.getMaster())) { throw new RetryableHazelcastException( "Migration initiator is not master node! => " + toString()); } if (!masterAddress.equals(getCallerAddress())) { throw new RetryableHazelcastException("Caller is not master node! => " + toString()); } final Address source = migrationInfo.getSource(); final Address destination = migrationInfo.getDestination(); final Member target = nodeEngine.getClusterService().getMember(destination); if (target == null) { throw new RetryableHazelcastException( "Destination of migration could not be found! => " + toString()); } if (destination.equals(source)) { getLogger().warning("Source and destination addresses are the same! => " + toString()); success = false; return; } if (source == null || !source.equals(nodeEngine.getThisAddress())) { throw new RetryableHazelcastException( "Source of migration is not this node! => " + toString()); } if (migrationInfo.startProcessing()) { try { PartitionServiceImpl partitionService = getService(); PartitionImpl partition = partitionService.getPartition(migrationInfo.getPartitionId()); final Address owner = partition.getOwner(); if (!source.equals(owner)) { throw new HazelcastException( "Cannot migrate! This node is not owner of the partition => " + migrationInfo + " -> " + partition); } partitionService.addActiveMigration(migrationInfo); final long[] replicaVersions = partitionService.getPartitionReplicaVersions(migrationInfo.getPartitionId()); final long timeout = nodeEngine.getGroupProperties().PARTITION_MIGRATION_TIMEOUT.getLong(); final Collection<Operation> tasks = prepareMigrationTasks(); if (tasks.size() > 0) { returnResponse = false; final ResponseHandler responseHandler = getResponseHandler(); final SerializationService serializationService = nodeEngine.getSerializationService(); nodeEngine .getExecutionService() .getExecutor(ExecutionService.ASYNC_EXECUTOR) .execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { final BufferObjectDataOutput out = serializationService.createObjectDataOutput(1024 * 32); try { out.writeInt(tasks.size()); for (Operation task : tasks) { serializationService.writeObject(out, task); } final byte[] data; boolean compress = nodeEngine .getGroupProperties() .PARTITION_MIGRATION_ZIP_ENABLED .getBoolean(); if (compress) { data = IOUtil.compress(out.toByteArray()); } else { data = out.toByteArray(); } final MigrationOperation migrationOperation = new MigrationOperation( migrationInfo, replicaVersions, data, tasks.size(), compress); Invocation inv = nodeEngine .getOperationService() .createInvocationBuilder( PartitionServiceImpl.SERVICE_NAME, migrationOperation, destination) .setTryPauseMillis(1000) .setReplicaIndex(getReplicaIndex()) .build(); Future future = inv.invoke(); Boolean result = (Boolean) nodeEngine.toObject(future.get(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); responseHandler.sendResponse(result); } catch (Throwable e) { responseHandler.sendResponse(Boolean.FALSE); if (e instanceof ExecutionException) { e = e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e; } Level level = (e instanceof MemberLeftException || e instanceof InterruptedException) || !getNodeEngine().isActive() ? Level.INFO : Level.WARNING; getLogger().log(level, e.getMessage(), e); } finally { IOUtil.closeResource(out); } } }); } else { success = true; } } catch (Throwable e) { getLogger().warning(e); success = false; } finally { migrationInfo.doneProcessing(); } } else { getLogger().warning("Migration is cancelled -> " + migrationInfo); success = false; } }
public SerializationService getSerializationService() { return nodeEngine.getSerializationService(); }