 * A requestHandler should implement this interface to provide the well known permission at request
 * time
public interface PermissionNameProvider {
  enum Name {
    COLL_EDIT_PERM("collection-admin-edit", null),
    COLL_READ_PERM("collection-admin-read", null),
    CORE_READ_PERM("core-admin-read", null),
    CORE_EDIT_PERM("core-admin-edit", null),
    READ_PERM("read", "*"),
    UPDATE_PERM("update", "*"),
    CONFIG_EDIT_PERM("config-edit", "*"),
    CONFIG_READ_PERM("config-read", "*"),
    SCHEMA_READ_PERM("schema-read", "*"),
    SCHEMA_EDIT_PERM("schema-edit", "*"),
    SECURITY_EDIT_PERM("security-edit", null),
    SECURITY_READ_PERM("security-read", null),
    ALL("all", unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(asList("*", null))));
    final String name;
    final Set<String> collName;

    Name(String s, Object collName) {
      name = s;
      this.collName =
          collName instanceof Set ? (Set<String>) collName : singleton((String) collName);

    public static Name get(String s) {
      return values.get(s);

    public String getPermissionName() {
      return name;

  Set<String> NULL = singleton(null);
  Set<String> ANY = singleton("*");

  Map<String, Name> values =
          asList(Name.values()).stream().collect(toMap(Name::getPermissionName, identity())));

  Name getPermissionName(AuthorizationContext request);
Example #2
 static {
   for (Name via : Name.values()) {
     STRING_MAPPING.put(via.toString().toUpperCase(), via);
Example #3
 public static List<SunPhase> all() {
   List<SunPhase> results = new ArrayList<SunPhase>();
   for (Name n : Name.values()) results.add(get(n));
   return results;
 private ServerStats() {
   RuntimeStatsCollector.registerNames(this, Name.values());
Example #5
 * This class represents a Player in the game. Takes in Input from the keyboard in order to move
 * around and shoot.
 * @author Christopher Cheung
 * @author Other contributors: Andrew Si, Nathan Lui
 * @version May 31, 2015
 * @author Period: 4
 * @author Assignment: my-gdx-game-core
 * @author Sources: libgdx
public class Player extends Character {

  public enum Name {
    BlackMage("Dark Wizard", "DarkFire"),
    Monk("Brawler", "Boomerang"),
    RedMage("Crimson Wizard", "Fireball"),
    Thief("Bandit", "PoisonShot"),
    Warrior("Warrior", "Sword1"),
    WhiteMage("Mage of Justice", "HolyCross");
    public final String buttonName, projectileName;

    Name(String button, String projectile) {
      this.buttonName = button;
      this.projectileName = projectile;

  public static final Name[] NAMES = Name.values();
  public static final EnumMap<Name, Animation[]> PLAYER_ANIMATIONS =
      new EnumMap<Name, Animation[]>(Name.class);
  public static final EnumMap<Name, Animation> PROJECTILE_ANIMATIONS =
      new EnumMap<Name, Animation>(Name.class);
  public static final EnumMap<Name, StatLoader> LOADERS = new EnumMap<Name, StatLoader>(Name.class);

  public static void loadMaps() {
    String s;
    Array<AtlasRegion> a;
    for (Name n : NAMES) {
      // Player Animations
      a = new TextureAtlas("img/sprites/Players/" + n + "/" + n + ".atlas").getRegions();
          new Animation[] {
            new Animation(FRAME_DURATION, a.get(0), a.get(1)),
            new Animation(FRAME_DURATION, a.get(2), a.get(3)),
            new Animation(FRAME_DURATION, a.get(4), a.get(5)),
            new Animation(FRAME_DURATION, a.get(6), a.get(7))
      // Projectile Animations
      s = n.projectileName + "/" + n.projectileName + ".atlas";
      a = new TextureAtlas("img/sprites/Projectiles/" + s).getRegions();
      PROJECTILE_ANIMATIONS.put(n, new Animation(FRAME_DURATION, a));
      // Loaders
      LOADERS.put(n, new StatLoader(n + ".txt", n.buttonName));

  private Controller controller;
  private int playerPoints;

  private Label pointsLabel;

   * The constructor for player. The first parameter is used to reference the file names of the
   * images to create the Arrays for the super constructor. The second parameter is used to
   * reference the file name for the projectile. Initialize variable speed to 5, expToLevel to 100,
   * and level to 1.
   * @param file reference for the player sprite atlas file
   * @param proj reference for the projectile atlas file
  public Player(Skin skin, Controller c) {
    super(skin, Color.GREEN);
    controller = c;
    pointsLabel = new Label("", skin, "smallLabel");

   * Constructor used for testing only. It does not use the super constructor or initialize
   * projectile. Initialize speed, expToLevel, and level as accordingly with the regular
   * constructor.
  public Player() {
    getSpriteData().setStat(Stats.EXPTOLEVEL, 100);

   * Reloads the Player with default settings:
   * <p>maxHp 50; exp 0; level 1; speed 5; reloadSpeed 500; playerPoints 0;
   * <p>Controller.PRESSED = new boolean[Controller.CONTROLS.length];
  public void reload() // reloads with default settings
    getSpriteData().setStat(Stats.EXPTOLEVEL, 100);
    this.playerPoints = 0;

   * Changes this player to a different "texture"
   * @param projectile projectile name
   * @param proj Projectile Animation
   * @param a new Animations
  public void change(Name n) {
    this.setProjectile(n.projectileName, PROJECTILE_ANIMATIONS.get(n));

   * @see com.mygdx.game.sprites.Character#move(com.mygdx.game.sprites.Character,
   *     java.util.ArrayList, long)
   *     <p>moves the Character according to the input of keyboard gotten from MimicGdx class
   * @param character main Character to interact with -- not used in Player
   * @param projectiles ArrayList of Projectiles to add this Player's projectile into the
   *     environment when shooting
   * @param time Time in game (used in order to determine delays in moving or shooting)
  public void move(Character character, ArrayList<Entity> entities, long time) {
    double dir = controller.getInputDirection();

    dir = controller.getShootingDirection();
    if (dir >= 0) shoot(entities, dir, System.currentTimeMillis());

  public void die(ArrayList<Entity> entities) {}

  /** increases displayed player points by a unit of 10 */
  public void increasePoints() {
    playerPoints += 10;

   * Increases the experience of Player (variable inherited by Character). If experience exceeds
   * expToLevel, increment level by one and set experience to the remaining experience after
   * reaching expToLevel.
   * @param exp current value of experience
  public void increaseExp(int exp) {
    SpriteData s = getSpriteData();
    while (s.canLevel()) {
      int toNextLevel = s.getExpToLevel() * s.getLevel() / 2;
      s.setStat(Stats.EXPTOLEVEL, toNextLevel);

  public void updatePointsLabel() {
    pointsLabel.setText("POINTS: " + playerPoints);

  // --------------------Getters & Setters------------------ //

   * returns the amount of points earned by the Player
   * @return points earned by the player
  public int getPoints() {
    return playerPoints;

   * Returns a Label where the text of the Label will display:
   * <p>"POINTS: " + this player's points
   * <p>Positioning, drawing, and Color must be managed by Screen
   * @return pointsLabel
  public Label getPointsLabel() {
    return pointsLabel;