Example #1
  // Not safe to execute multiple times.
  public Collection<File> execute() throws IOException {
    ClasspathTraverser classpathTraverser = new DefaultClasspathTraverser();

    // Compute the total size of the inputs so that we can figure out whether its safe
    // to begin putting non-essential entries into the primary zip.
    // TODO(devjasta): There's a more compact way of doing this by writing the primary zip during
    // this first-pass step then assigning it as the "currentSecondaryOut" to complete the second
    // pass.  We're already tracking unique entries so we would not end up adding those primary
    // entries twice.
        new ClasspathTraversal(inFiles) {
          public void visit(FileLike entry) {
            long entrySize = entry.getSize();
            if (entrySize > 0) {
              remainingSize += entrySize;

    primaryOut = newZipOutput(outPrimary);

    try {
      for (File inFile : inFiles) {
            new ClasspathTraversal(ImmutableSet.of(inFile)) {
              public void visit(FileLike entry) throws IOException {

        // The soft limit was tripped (and not the hard limit).  Flag that the next non-zero length
        // entry should create a new zip.
        DefaultZipOutputStreamHelper currentSecondaryOut = secondaryDexWriter.getCurrentOutput();
        if (currentSecondaryOut != null
            && currentSecondaryOut.getCurrentSize() >= zipSizeSoftLimit) {
    } finally {

    return secondaryDexWriter.getFiles();
Example #2
  private void processEntry(FileLike entry) throws IOException {
    long entrySize = entry.getSize();
    if (entrySize <= 0) {
    if (entrySize > zipSizeHardLimit) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Single entry larger than limit: " + entry);

    DefaultZipOutputStreamHelper targetOut;

    // An entry is placed in the primary zip if either of the following is true:
    // (1) The entry must appear in the first zip according to the EntryProcessor predicate.
    // (2) All of the remaining zip entries fit in the remaining space in the primary zip and
    //     we're trying to maximize the size of the primary zip.
    // Otherwise, the entry will be added to the secondary zip.
    boolean canFitAllRemaining = remainingSize + primaryOut.getCurrentSize() <= zipSizeHardLimit;

    if ((canFitAllRemaining
            && dexSplitStrategy == ZipSplitter.DexSplitStrategy.MAXIMIZE_PRIMARY_DEX_SIZE)
        || requiredInPrimaryZip.apply(entry.getRelativePath()) // File must be in primary
    ) {
      // Going to write this entry to the primary zip.
      if (!primaryOut.canPutEntry(entry)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to fit all required files in primary zip.");
      targetOut = primaryOut;
    } else {
      targetOut = secondaryDexWriter.getOutputToWriteTo(entry);

    remainingSize -= entrySize;