public void test_subclassing() throws Exception {
    // http://b/2502231
    // Ensure that Random's constructors call setSeed by emulating the active ingredient
    // from the bug: the subclass' setSeed had a side-effect necessary for the correct
    // functioning of next.
    class MyRandom extends Random {
      public String state;

      public MyRandom() {

      public MyRandom(long l) {

      protected synchronized int next(int bits) {
        return state.length();

      public synchronized void setSeed(long seed) {
        state = Long.toString(seed);
    // Test the 0-argument constructor...
    MyRandom r1 = new MyRandom();
    // Test the 1-argument constructor...
    MyRandom r2 = new MyRandom(123L);
  // roulette wheel method
  public void select(Chromosome[] population, Chromosome[] newPopulation, int populationSize)
      throws FitnessSumZeroException {

    double p, sum = 0;

    // find total _fitness of the population
    for (int mem = 0; mem < populationSize; mem++) {
      sum += population[mem].getFitness();

    if (sum == 0) throw new FitnessSumZeroException();

    // calculate relative _fitness
    for (int mem = 0; mem < populationSize; mem++) {
      population[mem].rfitnessSet(population[mem].getFitness() / sum);

    if (Debug.flag) {
      System.out.println("mem=0, _cfitness=" + population[0].cfitnessGet());

    // calculate cumulative _fitness
    for (int mem = 1; mem < populationSize; mem++) {
          population[mem - 1].cfitnessGet() + population[mem].rfitnessGet());
      if (Debug.flag) {
        System.out.println("mem=" + mem + ", _cfitness=" + population[mem].cfitnessGet());

    // finally select survivors using cumulative _fitness.
    for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) {
      p = MyRandom.dblRandom();
      if (p < population[0].cfitnessGet()) {
        if (Debug.flag) {
          System.out.println("p=" + p + ", selected 0");
      } else {
        for (int j = 0; j < populationSize; j++) {
          if (p >= population[j].cfitnessGet() && p < population[j + 1].cfitnessGet()) {
            // note that population[populationSize-1].cfitnessGet()
            // is 1.0, so j+1 never gets as big as populationSize
            population[j + 1].copyChromosome(newPopulation[i]);
            if (Debug.flag) {
              System.out.println("p=" + p + ", selected " + (j + 1));