void updateInterface( final String foreignId, final String ipAddress, final MultivaluedMapImpl params) { final String foreignSource = m_foreignSource; LOG.debug( "updateInterface: Updating interface {} on node {}/{}", ipAddress, foreignSource, foreignId); if (params.isEmpty()) return; final Requisition req = getActiveRequisition(false); if (req != null) { final RequisitionNode node = req.getNode(foreignId); if (node != null) { final RequisitionInterface iface = node.getInterface(ipAddress); if (iface != null) { req.updateDateStamp(); RestUtils.setBeanProperties(iface, params); save(req); LOG.debug( "updateInterface: Interface {} on node {}/{} updated", ipAddress, foreignSource, foreignId); } } } }
void updateRequisition(final MultivaluedMapImpl params) { final String foreignSource = m_foreignSource; LOG.debug("updateRequisition: Updating requisition with foreign source {}", foreignSource); if (params.isEmpty()) return; final Requisition req = getActiveRequisition(false); if (req != null) { req.updateDateStamp(); RestUtils.setBeanProperties(req, params); save(req); LOG.debug("updateRequisition: Requisition with foreign source {} updated", foreignSource); } }
void updateNode(final String foreignId, final MultivaluedMapImpl params) { final String foreignSource = m_foreignSource; LOG.debug( "updateNode: Updating node with foreign source {} and foreign id {}", foreignSource, foreignId); if (params.isEmpty()) return; final Requisition req = getActiveRequisition(false); if (req != null) { final RequisitionNode node = req.getNode(foreignId); if (node != null) { req.updateDateStamp(); RestUtils.setBeanProperties(node, params); save(req); LOG.debug( "updateNode: Node with foreign source {} and foreign id {} updated", foreignSource, foreignId); } } }