  public void initialize(String shardIdToProcess) {
    try {
      this.shardId = shardIdToProcess;
      try {
        this.process = startProcess();
      } catch (IOException e) {
         * The process builder has thrown an exception while starting the child process so we would like to shut
         * down
        throw new IOException("Failed to start client executable", e);
      // Initialize all of our utility objects that will handle interacting with the process over
      messageWriter.initialize(process.getOutputStream(), shardId, objectMapper, executorService);
      messageReader.initialize(process.getInputStream(), shardId, objectMapper, executorService);
      readSTDERRTask.initialize(process.getErrorStream(), shardId, "Reading STDERR for " + shardId);

      // Submit the error reader for execution
      stderrReadTask = executorService.submit(readSTDERRTask);

      protocol = new MultiLangProtocol(messageReader, messageWriter, shardId);
      if (!protocol.initialize()) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to initialize child process");

      initialized = true;
    } catch (Throwable t) {
      // Any exception in initialize results in MultiLangDaemon shutdown.
      stopProcessing("Encountered an error while trying to initialize record processor", t);