Example #1
  * Sole factory method to find or create an interned method type.
  * @param rtype desired return type
  * @param ptypes desired parameter types
  * @param trusted whether the ptypes can be used without cloning
  * @return the unique method type of the desired structure
 /*trusted*/ static MethodType makeImpl(Class<?> rtype, Class<?>[] ptypes, boolean trusted) {
   if (ptypes.length == 0) {
     ptypes = NO_PTYPES;
     trusted = true;
   MethodType mt1 = new MethodType(rtype, ptypes);
   MethodType mt0;
   synchronized (internTable) {
     mt0 = internTable.get(mt1);
     if (mt0 != null) return mt0;
   if (!trusted)
     // defensively copy the array passed in by the user
     mt1 = new MethodType(rtype, ptypes.clone());
   // promote the object to the Real Thing, and reprobe
   MethodTypeForm form = MethodTypeForm.findForm(mt1);
   mt1.form = form;
   if (form.erasedType == mt1) {
     // This is a principal (erased) type; show it to the JVM.
   synchronized (internTable) {
     mt0 = internTable.get(mt1);
     if (mt0 != null) return mt0;
     internTable.put(mt1, mt1);
   return mt1;
Example #2
 private static MethodType unwrapWithNoPrims(MethodType wt) {
   assert (!wt.hasPrimitives());
   MethodType uwt = wt.wrapAlt;
   if (uwt == null) {
     // fill in lazily
     uwt = MethodTypeForm.canonicalize(wt, MethodTypeForm.UNWRAP, MethodTypeForm.UNWRAP);
     if (uwt == null) uwt = wt; // type has no wrappers or prims at all
     wt.wrapAlt = uwt;
   return uwt;
Example #3
 private static MethodType wrapWithPrims(MethodType pt) {
   assert (pt.hasPrimitives());
   MethodType wt = pt.wrapAlt;
   if (wt == null) {
     // fill in lazily
     wt = MethodTypeForm.canonicalize(pt, MethodTypeForm.WRAP, MethodTypeForm.WRAP);
     assert (wt != null);
     pt.wrapAlt = wt;
   return wt;
Example #4
  * Reports the number of JVM stack slots required to receive a return value from a method of this
  * type. If the {@link #returnType() return type} is void, it will be zero, else if the return
  * type is long or double, it will be two, else one.
  * <p>This method is included for the benfit of applications that must generate bytecodes that
  * process method handles and invokedynamic.
  * @return the number of JVM stack slots (0, 1, or 2) for this type's return value Will be removed
  *     for PFD.
 /*non-public*/ int returnSlotCount() {
   return form.returnSlotCount();
Example #5
  * Reports the number of JVM stack slots which carry all parameters including and after the given
  * position, which must be in the range of 0 to {@code parameterCount} inclusive. Successive
  * parameters are more shallowly stacked, and parameters are indexed in the bytecodes according to
  * their trailing edge. Thus, to obtain the depth in the outgoing call stack of parameter {@code
  * N}, obtain the {@code parameterSlotDepth} of its trailing edge at position {@code N+1}.
  * <p>Parameters of type {@code long} and {@code double} occupy two stack slots (for historical
  * reasons) and all others occupy one. Therefore, the number returned is the number of arguments
  * <em>including</em> and <em>after</em> the given parameter, <em>plus</em> the number of long or
  * double arguments at or after after the argument for the given parameter.
  * <p>This method is included for the benfit of applications that must generate bytecodes that
  * process method handles and invokedynamic.
  * @param num an index (zero-based, inclusive) within the parameter types
  * @return the index of the (shallowest) JVM stack slot transmitting the given parameter
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code num} is negative or greater than {@code
  *     parameterCount()}
 /*non-public*/ int parameterSlotDepth(int num) {
   if (num < 0 || num > ptypes.length) parameterType(num); // force a range check
   return form.parameterToArgSlot(num - 1);
Example #6
  * Reports the number of JVM stack slots required to invoke a method of this type. Note that (for
  * historical reasons) the JVM requires a second stack slot to pass long and double arguments. So
  * this method returns {@link #parameterCount() parameterCount} plus the number of long and double
  * parameters (if any).
  * <p>This method is included for the benfit of applications that must generate bytecodes that
  * process method handles and invokedynamic.
  * @return the number of JVM stack slots for this type's parameters
 /*non-public*/ int parameterSlotCount() {
   return form.parameterSlotCount();
Example #7
  * Erases all reference types to {@code Object}. Convenience method for {@link
  * #methodType(java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class[]) methodType}. All primitive types (including
  * {@code void}) will remain unchanged.
  * @return a version of the original type with all reference types replaced
 public MethodType erase() {
   return form.erasedType();
Example #8
  * Reports if this type contains a primitive argument or return value. The return type {@code
  * void} counts as a primitive.
  * @return true if any of the types are primitives
 public boolean hasPrimitives() {
   return form.hasPrimitives();