/** Convenience doAdd() that takes an int x,y, adds and returns a dot model for it. */
 public ManModel doAdd(int x, int y) {
   ManModel dotModel = new ManModel();
   dotModel.setXY(x, y);
   //		Debug.println("MAN_WIDTH is " + MAN_WIDTH + "  and MAN_HEIGHT is " + MAN_HEIGHT);
   return dotModel;
  * Utility -- does a repaint rect just around one dot. Used by smart repaint when dragging a dot.
 private void repaintDot(ManModel dot) {
       dot.getX() - Constants.MAN_WIDTH / 2,
       dot.getY() - Constants.MAN_HEIGHT / 2,
       Constants.MAN_WIDTH + 1,
       Constants.MAN_HEIGHT + 1);
  /** Standard override -- draws all the dots. */
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    // As a JPanel subclass we need call super.paintComponent()
    // so JPanel will draw the white background for us.
    Color origColor = g.getColor();
    for (Line l : lines) {
      if (l.isPencil()) {
      } else {
      g.drawLine((int) l.getX1(), (int) l.getY1(), (int) l.getX2(), (int) l.getY2());

    // Go through all the dots, drawing a circle for each
    for (ManModel dotModel : dots) {
      // g.drawImage(img, dotModel.getX() - MAN_WIDTH/2, dotModel.getY() - MAN_HEIGHT/2, MAN_WIDTH,
      // MAN_HEIGHT, null);
          dotModel.getX() - Constants.MAN_WIDTH / 2,
          dotModel.getY() - Constants.MAN_HEIGHT / 2,

    numberMen.setText("" + dots.size());

    // Draw the "requested" clip rect in red
    // (this just shows off smart-repaint)
    if (redPaint) {
      Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
      if (clip != null) {
        g.drawRect(clip.x, clip.y, clip.width - 1, clip.height - 1);

    for (Line l : circles) {
      g.drawLine((int) l.getX1(), (int) l.getY1(), (int) l.getX2(), (int) l.getY2());

    for (Arc l : arcs) {
          (int) l.getX1(),
          (int) l.getY1(),
          (int) l.getWidth(),
          (int) l.getHeight(),
          (int) l.getStartAngle(),
          (int) l.getSweep());
      // g.drawArc((int) l.getX1(), (int) l.getY1(), (int) l.getWidth()+1, (int) l.getHeight()+1,
      // l.getStartAngle()-1, l.getSweep());

 public void shuffle() {
   for (ManModel man : dots) {
     int randX = rgen.nextInt(Constants.MAN_WIDTH / 2, getWidth() - Constants.MAN_WIDTH / 2);
     int randY = rgen.nextInt(Constants.MAN_HEIGHT / 2, getHeight() - Constants.MAN_HEIGHT / 2);
     man.setXY(randX, randY);
     //			Debug.println(randX + ", " + randY);
     //			Debug.println("width" + getWidth() + ": height" + getHeight());
 private ManModel findOverlap(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
   double manW = Constants.MAN_WIDTH / 2;
   double manH = Constants.MAN_HEIGHT / 2;
   for (ManModel dot : dots) {
     double leftX = dot.getX() - manW;
     double topY = dot.getY() - manH;
     double rightX = dot.getX() + manW;
     double botY = dot.getY() + manH;
     if (x1 < rightX && y1 < botY && x2 > leftX && y2 > topY) {
       return dot;
   return null;
   * Moves a dot from one place to another. Does the necessary repaint. This animation can repaint
   * two ways. Plain repaint: repaint the whole panel Smart repaint: repaint just the old+new bounds
   * of the dot
  public void doMove(ManModel dotModel, int dx, int dy) {
    if (!smartRepaint) {
      // Change the data model, then repaint the whole panel
      dotModel.moveBy(dx, dy);
    } else {
      // Smart repaint: old + new
      // Repaint the "old" rectangle
      if (oldRepaint) {
      // Change the model
      dotModel.moveBy(dx, dy);
      // Repaint the "new" rectangle

  /** Finds a dot in the data model that contains the given x,y or returns null. */
  public ManModel findDot(int x, int y) {
    // Search through the dots in reverse order, so
    // hit topmost ones first.
    for (int i = dots.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      ManModel dotModel = dots.get(i);
      int centerX = dotModel.getX();
      int centerY = dotModel.getY();

      // figure x-squared + y-squared, see if it's
      // less than radius squared.
      // trick: don't need to take square root this way
      if (x > (centerX - Constants.MAN_WIDTH / 2)
          && x < (centerX + Constants.MAN_WIDTH / 2)
          && y > (centerY - Constants.MAN_HEIGHT / 2)
          && y < (centerY + Constants.MAN_HEIGHT / 2)) {
        return dotModel;
    return null;