public Point getPoint(GeoPoint geoPoint) {
    double x = MITMapView.computeGoogleX(geoPoint.getLongitudeE6(), mZoom);
    double y = MITMapView.computeGoogleY(geoPoint.getLatitudeE6(), mZoom);

    int pixelX = (int) Math.round((x - mLeftCol) * MITMapView.IMAGE_TILE_SIZE) - mLeftOffset;
    int pixelY = (int) Math.round((y - mTopRow) * MITMapView.IMAGE_TILE_SIZE) - mTopOffset;

    return new Point(pixelX, pixelY);
  public MapCanvasDrawer(int width, int height, GeoPoint geoPoint, int zoom) {
    initCanvasBitmap(width, height);

    mZoom = zoom;

    double centerY = MITMapView.computeGoogleY(geoPoint.getLatitudeE6(), mZoom);
    double centerX = MITMapView.computeGoogleX(geoPoint.getLongitudeE6(), mZoom);

    initTileCoordinates(centerX, centerY, width, height);
  public MapCanvasDrawer(int width, int height, List<GeoPoint> geoPoints, Integer zoom) {
    initCanvasBitmap(width, height);

    GeoRect geoRect = new GeoRect(geoPoints);

    // note maxLat corresponds to minY likewise minLat corresponds to maxY
    double minY = MITMapView.computeGoogleY(geoRect.getMaxLatitudeE6(), 0);
    double maxY = MITMapView.computeGoogleY(geoRect.getMinLatitudeE6(), 0);
    double maxX = MITMapView.computeGoogleX(geoRect.getMaxLongitudeE6(), 0);
    double minX = MITMapView.computeGoogleX(geoRect.getMinLongitudeE6(), 0);

    if (zoom != null) {
      mZoom = zoom;
    } else {
      mZoom = Math.min(zoomLevel(height, maxY - minY), zoomLevel(width, maxX - minX));
      mZoom = Math.min(mZoom, MAX_ZOOM);

    double centerY = 0.5 * (maxY + minY) * Math.pow(2, mZoom);
    double centerX = 0.5 * (maxX + minX) * Math.pow(2, mZoom);

    initTileCoordinates(centerX, centerY, width, height);