   * Apply the undo operation, in this implementation of the RawStore, it can only call the undoMe
   * method of undoOp
   * @param xact the Transaction that is doing the rollback
   * @param instant the log instant of this undo operation
   * @param in optional data
   * @exception IOException Can be thrown by any of the methods of ObjectInput.
   * @exception StandardException Standard Derby policy.
  public final void doMe(Transaction xact, LogInstant instant, LimitObjectInput in)
      throws StandardException, IOException {

    long oldversion = 0; // sanity check
    LogInstant oldLogInstant = null; // sanity check
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
      oldLogInstant = this.page.getLastLogInstant();
      oldversion = this.page.getPageVersion();

      SanityManager.ASSERT(oldversion == this.getPageVersion());
          oldLogInstant == null || instant == null || oldLogInstant.lessThan(instant));

    // if this is called during runtime rollback, PageOp.generateUndo found
    // the page and have it latched there.
    // if this is called during recovery redo, this.needsRedo found the page and
    // have it latched here
    // in either case, this.page is the correct page and is latched.
    // recordId is generated by generateUndo and is stored here.  If this
    // is a physical undo, recordId is identical to that which is stored in
    // undoOp.  If this is logical undo, it will be different if this.page
    // is different from the undoOp's page (which is where the rollfoward
    // change went to, and the record might have moved by now).
    undoOp.undoMe(xact, this.page, recordId, instant, in);

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
      SanityManager.ASSERT(oldversion < this.page.getPageVersion());
      SanityManager.ASSERT(instant == null || instant.equals(this.page.getLastLogInstant()));
