public Lobby findLobby(String name) { try { int id = Integer.valueOf(name); for (Lobby l : lobbies) if ( == id) return l; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { for (Lobby l : lobbies) if (l.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return l; } return null; }
public void onEnable() { System.out.println(getServer().getWorlds().size()); lobby = new Lobby(this);; getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(new ListenerOnJoin(this), this); }
/** * Checks if the lobby is empty and deltes it from the list if necessary * * @param lobbyID */ private void deleteEmptyLobbies(int lobbyID) { DebugOutputHandler.printDebug("Checking for an empty Lobby..."); if (lobbyID == NO_LOBBY_ID) return; Lobby l = lobbyMap.get(lobbyID); Player[] playersInLobby = l.getPlayerList(); boolean deleteLobby = true; for (int i = 0; i < playersInLobby.length; i++) { if (playersInLobby[i] != null) { if (!playersInLobby[i].isDummyPlayer()) deleteLobby = false; } } if (deleteLobby) { DebugOutputHandler.printDebug("Found empty Lobby, and deleting it"); lobbyMap.remove(lobbyID); } }
private void LoadConfig() { File Games = new File(getDataFolder(), "games.yml"); if (!Games.exists()) { Games.mkdir(); } YamlConfiguration Gamesconfig = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(Games); if (Gamesconfig.getConfigurationSection("Games") == null) { Gamesconfig.createSection("Games"); getLogger().info("Please Modify Config and Reload"); } else { World LobbyWorld = Bukkit.getWorld(Gamesconfig.getString("LobbyWorld")); for (String Gamestring : Gamesconfig.getConfigurationSection("Games").getKeys(false)) { String name = Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".Name"); String game = Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".Game"); Location locblock1 = new Location( LobbyWorld, Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".Block1.x")), Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".Block1.y")), Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".Block1.z"))); Location locblock2 = new Location( LobbyWorld, Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".Block2.x")), Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".Block2.y")), Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".Block2.z"))); Location SignBlock = new Location( LobbyWorld, Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".SignBlock.x")), Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".SignBlock.y")), Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".SignBlock.z"))); Location lampblock = new Location( LobbyWorld, Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".LampBlock.x")), Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".LampBlock.y")), Double.parseDouble(Gamesconfig.getString("Games." + Gamestring + ".LampBlock.z"))); Lobby mapLobby = new Lobby() {}; mapLobby.setGame(game); mapLobby.setBlock1(locblock1); mapLobby.setBlock2(locblock2); mapLobby.setName(name); mapLobby.setSignBlock(SignBlock); mapLobby.setLampblock(lampblock); configmap.put(Gamestring, mapLobby); } } }
@Override public boolean isNameAvailable(String name) { return lobby.isNameAvailable(name); }
protected void update() { mPrice.update(); mLobby.update(); mOil.update(); mActionValue.setText("" + mModel.getResourceManager().getActionPoints()); }