  public Collection<LoanProductData> retrieveAllowedProductsForMix(final Long productId) {


    final LoanProductLookupMapper rm = new LoanProductLookupMapper();

    String sql = "Select " + rm.schema() + " where ";

    // Check if branch specific products are enabled. If yes, fetch only products mapped to current
    // user's office
    String inClause =
    if ((inClause != null) && (!(inClause.trim().isEmpty()))) {
      sql += " lp.id in ( " + inClause + " ) and ";

    sql +=
        "lp.id not in ("
            + "Select pm.restricted_product_id from m_product_mix pm where pm.product_id=? "
            + "UNION "
            + "Select pm.product_id from m_product_mix pm where pm.restricted_product_id=?)";

    return this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, rm, new Object[] {productId, productId});
  public Collection<LoanProductLookup> retrieveAllLoanProductsForLookup() {

    AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();

    LoanProductLookupMapper rm = new LoanProductLookupMapper();

    String sql = "select " + rm.loanProductLookupSchema() + " where lp.org_id = ?";

    return this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, rm, new Object[] {currentUser.getOrganisation().getId()});
  public Collection<LoanProductData> retrieveAvailableLoanProductsForMix() {


    final LoanProductLookupMapper rm = new LoanProductLookupMapper();

    String sql = "Select " + rm.productMixSchema();

    // Check if branch specific products are enabled. If yes, fetch only products mapped to current
    // user's office
    String inClause =
    if ((inClause != null) && (!(inClause.trim().isEmpty()))) {
      sql += " and lp.id in ( " + inClause + " ) ";

    return this.jdbcTemplate.query(sql, rm, new Object[] {});