public final void populateDivisionColumn() throws SQLException { Sql sql = sqlhand.als_mysoftsql(); if (sql == null) return; List<GroovyRowResult> tlist = null; String sqlstm = "select distinct stock_cat from stockmasterdetails where item_type='Service Item' and nominal_code like '5%' order by stock_cat"; try { tlist = sql.rows(sqlstm); sql.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (tlist.size() == 0) return; Listbox newlb = lbhand.makeVWListbox(division_holder, blankish_lb_headers, division_lbid, 20); newlb.addEventListener("onSelect", new divisionOnClick()); String[] strarray = new String[1]; String tp_division = luhand.getRec_Origid("TP_DIVISIONS"); // hardcoded // debugLabel.setValue("getrec_origid: " + tp_division); for (GroovyRowResult ilist : tlist) { strarray[0] = luhand.matchLookup_ReturnStr("TP_DIVISIONS", (String) ilist.get("stock_cat"), 1); // strarray[0] = (String)ilist.get("stock_cat"); lbhand.insertListItems(newlb, strarray, "true", ""); } } // end of populateDivisionColumn()
// Populate division column - refer to mysoft.stockmasterdetails.stock_cat // nominal_code=glcode=5xxxxx = services we sell // istock_cat = as in stockmasterdetails.stock_cat public final void populateSectionColumn(String istock_cat) { Sql sql = sqlhand.als_mysoftsql(); if (sql == null) return; String sqlstm = "select distinct groupcode from stockmasterdetails where item_type='Service Item' and nominal_code like '5%' " + "and stock_cat='" + istock_cat + "' order by groupcode"; List<GroovyRowResult> tlist = null; try { tlist = sql.rows(sqlstm); sql.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } if (tlist == null) return; selected_category = istock_cat; // save for later usage if (tlist.size() == 0) return; Listbox newlb = lbhand.makeVWListbox(section_holder, blankish_lb_headers, section_lbid, 20); newlb.addEventListener("onSelect", new sectionOnClick()); String[] strarray = new String[1]; for (GroovyRowResult ilist : tlist) { strarray[0] = (String) ilist.get("groupcode"); lbhand.insertListItems(newlb, strarray, "true", ""); } } // end of populateSectionColumn()
private void doCheckRights() { UserWorkspace workspace = getUserWorkspace(); // String role = getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getEmployeeRole(); // if (((getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getOrganizationid() == 1176) // || (getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getOrganizationid() == 1413)) // && // ((getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getJobPositionCode().equals("Assistant Manager")) // || // (getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getJobPositionCode().equals("Analyst")) // || (getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getJobPositionCode().equals("POH // Assistant Manager")))) { if (getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getEmployeeRole().contains(1532)) { label_prioritas.setVisible(true); radiogroup_Prioritas.setVisible(true); label_dampak.setVisible(true); radiogroup_Dampak.setVisible(true); label_pelaksana.setVisible(true); listbox_NamaPelaksana.setVisible(true); label_target.setVisible(true); intbox_target.setVisible(true); label_hari.setVisible(true); } else { label_prioritas.setVisible(false); radiogroup_Prioritas.setVisible(false); label_dampak.setVisible(false); radiogroup_Dampak.setVisible(false); label_pelaksana.setVisible(false); listbox_NamaPelaksana.setVisible(false); label_target.setVisible(false); intbox_target.setVisible(false); label_hari.setVisible(false); } }
/* enables or disables fields depending on whether a sub category is being added */ protected void setSubCatAddMode(boolean adding) { showSubCatAddFields(adding); disableInputFields(adding); lbxItems.setDisabled(adding); lbxSubCatItems.setDisabled(adding); // btnAddSubCat.setDisabled(adding); // btnRemoveSubCat.setDisabled(adding || subCatUnremovable()); }
/** * *********************************************************** Search * *********************************************************** */ @Listen("onClick = #searchBtn") public void search() { String searchTerm = searchBox.getValue(); List<Node> nodes = nodeDao.matchByLabel("%" + searchTerm + "%"); ListModelList<Node> nodeModel = new ListModelList<Node>(nodes); nodeList.setModel(nodeModel); nodeList.setItemRenderer(new NodeRenderer()); footer.setLabel(nodes.size() + " nodes found."); }
/** Sorts the items. If with group, each group is sorted independently. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void sort0(Listbox box, Comparator cmpr) { if (box.hasGroup()) for (Listgroup g : box.getGroups()) { int index = g.getIndex() + 1; Components.sort(box.getItems(), index, index + g.getItemCount(), cmpr); } else Components.sort(box.getItems(), cmpr); }
public void onEvent(Event event) throws UiException, SQLException { Listbox thelb = (Listbox) division_holder.getFellowIfAny(division_lbid); String iwhat = thelb.getSelectedItem().getLabel(); String iname = luhand.matchLookup_ReturnStr("TP_DIVISIONS", iwhat, 2); // get name by disptext populateSectionColumn(iname); // remove prev tests lb if any if (tests_holder.getFellowIfAny(tests_lbid) != null) { Listbox prevlb = (Listbox) tests_holder.getFellowIfAny(tests_lbid); prevlb.setParent(null); } }
public void onClick$deleteBtn(Event event) { Window canvasBoardWindow = (Window) zkpaintWindow.getFellow("canvasInc").getFellow("canvasBoardWindow"); Canvas cvs1 = (Canvas) canvasBoardWindow.getFellow("cvs1"); int size = shapeListBox.getItemCount(); System.out.println(size); for (int i = size - 1; i > -1; i--) { if (!shapeListBox.getItemAtIndex(i).isSelected()) continue; System.out.println(i); cvs1.remove(i); ((ListModelList) shapeListBox.getModel()).remove(i); } }
private void doWriteComponentsToBeanVer(TVerifikasi tVerifikasi) { if (listbox_NamaPelaksana.getSelectedItem() != null) { Listitem itempelaksana = listbox_NamaPelaksana.getSelectedItem(); ListModelList lml = (ListModelList) listbox_NamaPelaksana.getListModel(); VHrEmployeePelaksana vHrEmployeePelaksana = (VHrEmployeePelaksana) lml.get(itempelaksana.getIndex()); if (!vHrEmployeePelaksana.getEmployee_name().equalsIgnoreCase("Silakan pilih")) { tVerifikasi.setNik_pelaksana(vHrEmployeePelaksana.getEmployee_no()); } if (!vHrEmployeePelaksana.getEmployee_no().equalsIgnoreCase("555")) { tVerifikasi.setNik_pelaksana(vHrEmployeePelaksana.getEmployee_no()); } } }
/* enable or disable fields depending on whether we are in browse/edit or add mode */ public void setAddMode(boolean adding, String selectedTab) { lbxItems.setDisabled(adding); if (selectedTab.equals("tabCategories")) { lbxSubCatItems.setDisabled(adding); btnAddSubCat.setDisabled(adding); btnRemoveSubCat.setDisabled(adding); disableInputFields(!adding); disableSubCatButtons(adding); _sb.setCategoryMembers(null); } if (adding) clearTextFields(); txtName.setText(""); lblMembers.setText("Members (0)"); }
/* returns the value of the first item in the listbox, if any */ private String getFirstListboxItem() { Option[] items = (Option[]) lbxItems.getItems(); if ((items != null) && items.length > 0) { Option item = items[0]; if (item != null) return (String) item.getValue(); } return null; }
/** * Sets the sort direction. This does not sort the data, it only serves as an indicator as to how * the list is sorted. (unless the listbox has "autosort" attribute) * * <p>If you use {@link #sort(boolean)} to sort list items, the sort direction is maintained * automatically. If you want to sort it in customized way, you have to set the sort direction * manually. * * @param sortDir one of "ascending", "descending" and "natural" */ public void setSortDirection(String sortDir) throws WrongValueException { if (sortDir == null || (!"ascending".equals(sortDir) && !"descending".equals(sortDir) && !"natural".equals(sortDir))) throw new WrongValueException("Unknown sort direction: " + sortDir); if (!Objects.equals(_sortDir, sortDir)) { _sortDir = sortDir; if (!"natural".equals(sortDir) && !_ignoreSort) { Listbox listbox = getListbox(); if (listbox != null && listbox.isAutosort()) { doSort("ascending".equals(sortDir)); } } smartUpdate("sortDirection", _sortDir); // don't use null because sel.js assumes it } }
private void fixDirection(Listbox listbox, boolean ascending) { _ignoreSort = true; // maintain for (Iterator it = listbox.getListhead().getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final Listheader hd = (Listheader); hd.setSortDirection(hd != this ? "natural" : ascending ? "ascending" : "descending"); } _ignoreSort = false; }
protected void populateGUI(String id, nonHumanMgt.SelType type) { switch (type) { case resource: populateGUI(_sb.getSelectedNonHumanResource(), id); break; case category: populateGUI(_orgDataSet.getNonHumanCategory(id)); break; } lbxItems.setSelected(id); }
@Listen("onClick = #addBtn") public void add() throws InterruptedException { Node node = nodeList.getSelectedItem().getValue(); node = nodeDao.loadById(node.getId()); AbstractQuestionRelation p = (AbstractQuestionRelation) getParent(); node.getGroups().addAll((p.getQuestion().getAvailableGroups()));; // update interface p.refreshWholePage(); }
/* sets or hides fields depending on which tab is shown */ public void setVisibleComponents(nonHumanMgt.SelType sType) { boolean catTab = (sType == nonHumanMgt.SelType.category); // these only appear on the resources tab cbbCategory.setVisible(!catTab); lblSubCategory.setVisible(!catTab); cbbSubCategory.setVisible(!catTab); // these only appear on the categories tab lblMembers.setVisible(catTab); cbbMembers.setVisible(catTab); lbxSubCatItems.setVisible(catTab); btnAddSubCat.setVisible(catTab); btnRemoveSubCat.setVisible(catTab); // nullify lists if (catTab) { cbbCategory.setItems(null); cbbSubCategory.setItems(null); } else lbxSubCatItems.setItems(null); }
public void onCreate$window_Permohonan(Event event) throws Exception { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("--> " + event.toString()); } doCheckRights(); Map<String, Object> args = getCreationArgsMap(event); if (args.containsKey("tPermohonan")) { TPermohonan tPermohonan = (TPermohonan) args.get("tPermohonan"); settPermohonan(tPermohonan); } else { settPermohonan(null); } if (args.containsKey("permohonanBaruCtrl")) { permohonanBaruCtrl = (PermohonanBaruCtrl) args.get("permohonanBaruCtrl"); } else { permohonanBaruCtrl = null; } if (args.containsKey("listbox_DaftarPermohonan")) { listbox_DaftarPermohonan = (Listbox) args.get("listbox_DaftarPermohonan"); } else { listbox_DaftarPermohonan = null; } if (getPelaksanaanGangguanService().getEmployeeName() != null) { ListModelList lmlNamaPelaksana = new ListModelList(getPelaksanaanGangguanService().getEmployeeName()); VHrEmployeePelaksana pelaksana = new VHrEmployeePelaksana(); pelaksana.setEmployee_name("Silakan pilih"); pelaksana.setEmployee_no("555"); lmlNamaPelaksana.add(0, pelaksana); listbox_NamaPelaksana.setModel(lmlNamaPelaksana); listbox_NamaPelaksana.setItemRenderer(new PelaksanaListModelItemRenderer()); } doShowDialog(gettPermohonan(), gettVerifikasi()); }
private boolean isValidatedFlow() throws InterruptedException { if (textbox_DetailPermohonan.getValue().length() < 1) {"Silakan isi deskripsi"); return false; } // String role = getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getEmployeeRole(); if (getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getEmployeeRole().contains(1532)) { if (listbox_NamaPelaksana.getSelectedItem() == null) {"Silakan pilih nama pelaksana"); return false; } if (listbox_NamaPelaksana.getSelectedItem().getLabel().equalsIgnoreCase("Silakan pilih")) {"Silakan pilih nama pelaksana"); return false; } if (intbox_target.getValue() == null) {"Silakan isikan target selesai"); return false; } } if (radio_readonly.isSelected()) { if (getUploadMedia() == null) {"Type permohonan Read Only -> silakan lampirkan file"); return false; } } else if (radio_readwrite.isSelected()) { if (getUploadMedia() == null) {"Type permohonan Read Write -> silakan lampirkan file"); return false; } } else if (radio_aplikasi.isSelected()) { return true; } else if (radio_lainlain.isSelected()) { return true; } return true; }
/**/ boolean doSort(boolean ascending) { final Comparator cmpr = ascending ? _sortAsc : _sortDsc; if (cmpr == null) return false; final Listbox box = getListbox(); if (box == null) return false; // comparator might be zscript Scopes.beforeInterpret(this); try { final ListModel model = box.getModel(); boolean isPagingMold = box.inPagingMold(); int activePg = isPagingMold ? box.getPaginal().getActivePage() : 0; if (model != null) { // live data if (model instanceof GroupsSortableModel) { sortGroupsModel(box, (GroupsSortableModel) model, cmpr, ascending); } else { if (!(model instanceof Sortable)) throw new UiException( GroupsSortableModel.class + " or " + Sortable.class + " must be implemented in " + model.getClass().getName()); sortListModel((Sortable) model, cmpr, ascending); } } else { // not live data sort0(box, cmpr); } if (isPagingMold) box.getPaginal().setActivePage(activePg); // Because of maintaining the number of the visible item, we cause // the wrong active page when dynamically add/remove the item (i.e. sorting). // Therefore, we have to reset the correct active page. } finally { Scopes.afterInterpret(); } _ignoreSort = true; // maintain for (Iterator it = box.getListhead().getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { final Listheader hd = (Listheader); hd.setSortDirection(hd != this ? "natural" : ascending ? "ascending" : "descending"); } _ignoreSort = false; // sometimes the items at client side are out of date box.invalidate(); return true; }
private void doSimpan() throws InterruptedException { TPermohonan tPermohonan = gettPermohonan(); Mttr mttr = new Mttr(); doWriteComponentsToBean(tPermohonan, mttr); try { String uploadeFileName = null; if (getUploadMedia() != null) { uploadeFileName = getUploadMedia().getName(); } getPermohonanService() .simpanAllTPermohonan( uploadeFileName, tPermohonan, mttr, getUserWorkspace().getUserSession().getEmployeeRole()); TVerifikasi tVerifikasi = getPermohonanService() .getTVerifikasiByTIdossVerifikasiId(gettPermohonan().getT_idoss_permohonan_id()); doWriteComponentsToBeanVer(tVerifikasi); getVerifikasiService().saveOrUpdateTVerifikasi(tVerifikasi); } catch (DataAccessException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); String title = Labels.getLabel("message_Error"); MultiLineMessageBox.doSetTemplate();, title, MultiLineMessageBox.OK, "ERROR", true); } ListModelList lml = (ListModelList) listbox_DaftarPermohonan.getListModel(); // Check if the object is new or updated // -1 means that the obj is not in the list, so it's new. if (lml.indexOf(tPermohonan) == -1) { lml.add(tPermohonan); } else { lml.set(lml.indexOf(tPermohonan), tPermohonan); } lml.sort(new TPermohonanComparator(), true); }
/** * Ungroups and sorts the items ({@link Listitem}) based on the ascending. If the corresponding * comparator is not set, it returns false and does nothing. * * @param ascending whether to use {@link #getSortAscending}. If the corresponding comparator is * not set, it returns false and does nothing. * @since 6.5.0 */ public void ungroup(boolean ascending) { final Comparator<?> cmpr = ascending ? _sortAsc : _sortDsc; if (cmpr != null) { final Listbox listbox = getListbox(); if (listbox.getModel() == null) { // comparator might be zscript Scopes.beforeInterpret(this); try { final List<Listitem> items = listbox.getItems(); if (listbox.hasGroup()) { for (Listgroup group : new ArrayList<Listgroup>(listbox.getGroups())) group.detach(); // Listgroupfoot is removed // automatically, if any. } Comparator<?> cmprx; if (cmpr instanceof GroupComparator) { cmprx = new GroupToComparator((GroupComparator) cmpr); } else { cmprx = cmpr; } final List<Listitem> children = new LinkedList<Listitem>(items); items.clear(); sortCollection(children, cmprx); for (Component c : children) listbox.appendChild(c); } finally { Scopes.afterInterpret(); } } fixDirection(listbox, ascending); // sometimes the items at client side are out of date listbox.invalidate(); } }
public void onEvent(Event event) throws UiException, SQLException { Listbox thelb = (Listbox) section_holder.getFellowIfAny(section_lbid); String iwhat = thelb.getSelectedItem().getLabel(); selected_groupcode = iwhat; // save for later usage populateTestParametersColumn(selected_category, iwhat); }
/** * Groups and sorts the items ({@link Listitem}) based on {@link #getSortAscending}. If the * corresponding comparator is not set, it returns false and does nothing. * * @param ascending whether to use {@link #getSortAscending}. If the corresponding comparator is * not set, it returns false and does nothing. * @return whether the rows are grouped. * @since 6.5.0 */ public boolean group(boolean ascending) { final String dir = getSortDirection(); if (ascending) { if ("ascending".equals(dir)) return false; } else { if ("descending".equals(dir)) return false; } final Comparator<?> cmpr = ascending ? _sortAsc : _sortDsc; if (cmpr == null) return false; final Listbox listbox = getListbox(); if (listbox == null) return false; // comparator might be zscript Scopes.beforeInterpret(this); try { final ListModel model = listbox.getModel(); int index = listbox.getListhead().getChildren().indexOf(this); if (model != null) { // live data if (!(model instanceof GroupsSortableModel)) throw new UiException( GroupsSortableModel.class + " must be implemented in " + model.getClass().getName()); groupGroupsModel((GroupsSortableModel) model, cmpr, ascending, index); } else { // not live data final List<Listitem> items = listbox.getItems(); if (items.isEmpty()) return false; // Avoid listbox with null group if (listbox.hasGroup()) { for (Listgroup group : new ArrayList<Listgroup>(listbox.getGroups())) group.detach(); // Groupfoot is removed automatically, if any. } Comparator<?> cmprx; if (cmpr instanceof GroupComparator) { cmprx = new GroupToComparator((GroupComparator) cmpr); } else { cmprx = cmpr; } final List<Listitem> children = new LinkedList<Listitem>(items); items.clear(); sortCollection(children, cmprx); Listitem previous = null; for (Listitem item : children) { if (previous == null || compare(cmprx, previous, item) != 0) { // new group final List<Listcell> cells = item.getChildren(); if (cells.size() < index) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index: " + index + " but size: " + cells.size()); Listgroup group; Listcell cell = cells.get(index); if (cell.getLabel() != null) { group = new Listgroup(cell.getLabel()); } else { Component cc = cell.getFirstChild(); if (cc instanceof Label) { String val = ((Label) cc).getValue(); group = new Listgroup(val); } else { group = new Listgroup(Messages.get(MZul.GRID_OTHER)); } } listbox.appendChild(group); } listbox.appendChild(item); previous = item; } if (cmprx != cmpr) sort0(listbox, cmpr); // need to sort each group } } finally { Scopes.afterInterpret(); } fixDirection(listbox, ascending); // sometimes the items at client side are out of date listbox.invalidate(); return true; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void sortGroupsModel( Listbox box, GroupsSortableModel model, Comparator cmpr, boolean ascending) { model.sort(cmpr, ascending, box.getListhead().getChildren().indexOf(this)); }
public void clearFieldsAfterRemove() { clearTextFields(); lbxItems.setSelected(getFirstListboxItem()); }
// Populate division column - refer to mysoft.stockmasterdetails.stock_cat // nominal_code=glcode=5xxxxx = services we sell // istock_cat = as in stockmasterdetails.stock_cat // 27/03/2012: uses showType to determine which one to show, // 1=default,2=stock-pricing,3=testpackage // 07/03/2013: pricing_lb_headers add "Subcon" column = stockmasterdetails.newfield4 public final void populateTestParametersColumn(String istock_cat, String igroupcode) throws SQLException { Object[] testparameters_lb_headers = { new listboxHeaderObj("mysoftcode", false), new listboxHeaderObj("Test", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Method", true), }; Object[] pricing_lb_headers = { new listboxHeaderObj("mysoftcode", false), new listboxHeaderObj("Stock.Code", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Test", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Method", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Cost", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Selling", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Subcon", true), }; Object[] testpackages_lb_headers = { new listboxHeaderObj("mysoftcode", false), new listboxHeaderObj("Stock.Code", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Test", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Method", true), new listboxHeaderObj("S.Price", true), new listboxHeaderObj("LOR", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Bill", true), new listboxHeaderObj("Units", true), }; Object[] whichheader = null; String sqlstm = ""; // NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); DecimalFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("####.00"); String costprice, sellingprice; switch (showType) { case 1: whichheader = testparameters_lb_headers; // 30/9/2010: put a filter to knockout p-p2-%METALS items sqlstm = "select id,description,description2 from stockmasterdetails where item_type='Service Item' and nominal_code like '5%' " + "and stock_cat='" + istock_cat + "' " + "and groupcode='" + igroupcode + "' " + "and stock_code not like 'p-p2-%METALS' " + "order by description"; break; case 2: whichheader = pricing_lb_headers; sqlstm = "select id,stock_code,description,description2,cost_price,selling_price,newfield4 " + "from stockmasterdetails where item_type='Service Item' and nominal_code like '5%' " + "and stock_cat='" + istock_cat + "' " + "and groupcode='" + igroupcode + "' " + "order by description"; break; case 3: whichheader = testpackages_lb_headers; sqlstm = "select id,stock_code,description,description2,newfield8,newfield9,newfield10,selling_price " + "from stockmasterdetails where item_type='Service Item' and nominal_code like '5%' " + "and stock_cat='" + istock_cat + "' " + "and groupcode='" + igroupcode + "' " + "order by description"; break; } Listbox newlb = lbhand.makeVWListbox(tests_holder, whichheader, tests_lbid, 15); Sql sql = sqlhand.als_mysoftsql(); if (sql == null) return; List<GroovyRowResult> tlist = sql.rows(sqlstm); sql.close(); String lor, bill, units; if (tlist.size() == 0) return; if (testOnClicker != null) newlb.addEventListener("onSelect", testOnClicker); for (GroovyRowResult ilist : tlist) { ArrayList kabom = new ArrayList(); switch (showType) { case 1: kabom.add(String.valueOf(ilist.get("id"))); kabom.add(kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("description"))); kabom.add(kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("description2"))); break; case 2: kabom.add(ilist.get("id").toString()); kabom.add(kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("stock_code"))); kabom.add( lbhand.trimListitemLabel( kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("description")), 35)); kabom.add( lbhand.trimListitemLabel( kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("description2")), 35)); costprice = nf.format((Double) ilist.get("cost_price")); kabom.add(costprice); sellingprice = nf.format((Double) ilist.get("selling_price")); kabom.add(sellingprice); kabom.add(kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("newfield4"))); break; case 3: kabom.add(ilist.get("id").toString()); kabom.add(kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("stock_code"))); kabom.add(kiboo.checkNullString_RetWat((String) ilist.get("description"), "---")); // methodme = trimListitemLabel(ilist.get("description2"), 30); kabom.add(kiboo.checkNullString_RetWat((String) ilist.get("description2"), "---")); kabom.add(nf.format(ilist.get("selling_price"))); lor = kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("newfield8")); bill = kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("newfield9")); units = kiboo.checkNullString((String) ilist.get("newfield10")); lor = (lor.equals("")) ? "----" : lor; bill = (bill.equals("")) ? "---" : bill; units = (units.equals("")) ? "----" : units; kabom.add(lor); kabom.add(bill); kabom.add(units); break; } String[] strarray = kiboo.convertArrayListToStringArray(kabom); lbhand.insertListItems(newlb, strarray, "true", ""); } if (testOnDoubleClicker != null) lbhand.setDoubleClick_ListItems(newlb, testOnDoubleClicker); } // end of populateTestParametersColumn()