Example #1
  private static Expr createFunction(boolean isMacro, Scope scope, Expr arg) {
    // ### bob: need lots of error-handling here
    ListExpr argList = (ListExpr) arg;

    // get the parameter name(s)
    List<String> paramNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    Expr parameters = argList.getList().get(0);
    if (parameters.getType() == ExprType.LIST) {
      ListExpr paramList = (ListExpr) parameters;

      for (Expr param : paramList.getList()) {
        paramNames.add(((NameExpr) param).getName());
    } else {
      // not a list, so assume it's a single name
      paramNames.add(((NameExpr) parameters).getName());

    // create the function
    return new FunctionExpr(scope, isMacro, paramNames, argList.getList().get(1));
    // ### bob: need to support closures at some point
Example #2
  private static Expr define(boolean isGlobal, Interpreter interpreter, Scope scope, Expr argExpr) {
    if (!(argExpr instanceof ListExpr))
      return interpreter.error("def:is: needs more than one argument.");

    ListExpr args = (ListExpr) argExpr;

    if (args.getList().size() != 2) return interpreter.error("def:is: expects two arguments.");

    // get the list of names being defined
    Expr nameArg = args.getList().get(0);
    List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
    if (nameArg.getType() == ExprType.NAME) {
      // defining a single name
      names.add(((NameExpr) nameArg).getName());

    } else if (nameArg.getType() == ExprType.LIST) {
      // defining a list of names
      ListExpr namesList = (ListExpr) nameArg;
      for (Expr name : namesList.getList()) {
        if (name.getType() != ExprType.NAME) {
          return interpreter.error("First argument to def:is: must be a name, list, or call.");
        names.add(((NameExpr) name).getName());
    } else {
      return interpreter.error("First argument to def:is: must be a name, list, or call.");

    // evaluate the value(s)
    Expr body = args.getList().get(1);
    Expr value = interpreter.eval(scope, body);

    // make sure the body matches the names
    if (names.size() > 1) {
      if (value.getType() != ExprType.LIST)
        return interpreter.error("When defining multiple names, the value must be a list.");
      ListExpr valueList = (ListExpr) value;
      if (names.size() != valueList.getList().size())
        return interpreter.error(
            "When defining multiple names, the number of names and values must match.");

    // define the names in the correct scope
    if (names.size() == 1) {
      defineName(isGlobal, interpreter, scope, names.get(0), value);
    } else {
      ListExpr values = (ListExpr) value;
      for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
        defineName(isGlobal, interpreter, scope, names.get(i), values.getList().get(i));

    return Expr.unit();