/** Checks to see if the forward propagation computes the expected values in the state */
  public void checkPropagationValues() {
    KalmanFilter filter = (KalmanFilter) createFilter();

    MultivariateGaussianDM x = createState(9.0, 0, 1, 2);

    filter.predict(x, null, -1);

    // see if the mean is correct
    assertEquals(2.0, x.getMean().get(0, 0), 1e-6);
    assertEquals(3.0, x.getMean().get(1, 0), 1e-6);
    assertEquals(2.0, x.getMean().get(2, 0), 1e-6);
  protected MultivariateGaussianDM createPerfectMeas(
      KalmanFilterInterface f, DenseMatrix64F state) {
    KalmanFilter filter = (KalmanFilter) f;
    DenseMatrix64F H = filter.getProjector().getProjectionMatrix();
    DenseMatrix64F X = state;

    DenseMatrix64F z = new DenseMatrix64F(2, 1);

    CommonOps.mult(H, X, z);

    return createState(2.0, z.get(0, 0), z.get(1, 0));
  /** Checks to see if the control input is used and not used when appropriate. */
  public void checkControlUse() {
    DenseMatrix64F F = CommonOps.identity(3);
    DenseMatrix64F Q = CommonOps.identity(3);
    DenseMatrix64F G = new DenseMatrix64F(3, 2);
    DenseMatrix64F u = new DenseMatrix64F(2, 1);

    CommonOps.fill(G, 1.0);
    CommonOps.fill(u, 2.0);

    FixedKalmanPredictor prop = new FixedKalmanPredictor(F, G, Q);

    DenseMatrix64F H = new DenseMatrix64F(new double[][] {{1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 2}});

    KalmanProjector projector = new FixedKalmanProjector(H);

    // see how it works with the control
    KalmanFilter kf = new KalmanFilter(prop, projector);

    MultivariateGaussianDM x = new MultivariateGaussianDM(3);
    kf.predict(x, null, -1);

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      assertTrue(x.getMean().get(i, 0) > 0);

    // now do it without the control

    x = new MultivariateGaussianDM(3);
    kf.predict(x, null, -1);

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      assertTrue(x.getMean().get(i, 0) == 0);
 /** @see KalmanFilter#setState(org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrix) */
 public void setState(RealMatrix x) {