  * Test that types with infinite recursion don't cause us to bomb out. In this case we use Enum,
  * as Enum<E> has E extend Enum<E>.
 public void testEnumInfiniteRecursion() {
   JavaUtils ju = JavaUtils.getJavaUtils();
   try {
     Class<?> enumClass = getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass("java.lang.Enum");
   } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
   // ok test passed
  public void testRecursiveTpar() throws Exception {
    Class<?> colClass = java.util.Collections.class;
    Method minMethod = colClass.getMethod("min", Collection.class);
    JavaUtils ju = JavaUtils.getJavaUtils();

    List<GenTypeDeclTpar> rlist = ju.getTypeParams(minMethod);
    assertEquals(1, rlist.size());

    GenTypeDeclTpar tvar = rlist.get(0);
    GenTypeSolid bound = tvar.getBound();
    assertEquals("java.lang.Comparable<? super T>", bound.toString());

    GenTypeSolid[] ubounds = bound.getUpperBounds();
    assertEquals(2, ubounds.length); // should be Object and Comparable
    GenTypeClass boundClass = bound.getUpperBounds()[1].asClass();

    List<? extends GenTypeParameter> tpars = boundClass.getTypeParamList();
    assertEquals(1, tpars.size());

    GenTypeParameter tparOne = tpars.get(0);
    GenTypeSolid shouldBeT = tparOne.getLowerBound();
    Set<Reflective> s = new HashSet<Reflective>();

    assertTrue(s.size() > 0);
    boolean foundComparable = false;
    for (Reflective r : s) {
      if (r.getName().equals("java.lang.Comparable")) {
        foundComparable = true;
