Example #1
  * Gets whether this duplicate batch contains the given jar file.
  * @param jarFile jar file
  * @return <code>true</code> if this instance contains the given jar file
 public boolean contains(File jarFile) {
   for (JarFile jar : jarFiles) {
     if (Objects.equals(jar.getPath(), jarFile)) {
       return true;
   return false;
Example #2
  * Whether all jar files share the same version or if at least one of them have a different
  * version.
  * @return <code>true</code> if at least one jar file has a different version
 public boolean hasVersionConflict() {
   if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(jarFiles)) {
     return false;
   String version = jarFiles[0].getVersion();
   for (JarFile jarFile : jarFiles) {
     if (!Objects.equals(version, jarFile.getVersion())) {
       return true;
   return false;
Example #3
  public boolean collectCertificates(Package pkg, int flags) {
    JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(mArchiveSourcePath);

    Enumeration entries = jarFile.entries();
    // bypass files in "META-INF", which is the certificate file itself

    // XXX: load one file in jar package's certificate, which including dex file and resource
    Certificate[] localCerts = loadCertificates(jarFile, je, readBuffer);
    // libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/jar/JarEntry.java
    // private Certificate[] loadCertificates(JarFile jarFile, JarEntry je, byte[] readBuffer)
      // get read buffer from JarEntry
      InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(jarFile.getInputStream(je));
      // load the JarEntry
      is.read(readBuffer, 0, readBuffer.length);
      // Calculate certificate
      return je.getCertificates();
      // libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/jar/JarEntry.java
      // public Certificate[] getCertificates()
        JarVerifier jarVerifier = parentJar.verifier;
        // Certificate[] getCertificates(String name)
          Certificate[] verifiedCerts = verifiedEntries.get(name);
          // libcore/luni/src/main/java/java/util/jar/JarVerifier.java
          // private void verifyCertificate(String certFile)
            Certificate[] signerCertChain =
                    new ByteArrayInputStream(sfBytes), new ByteArrayInputStream(sBlockBytes));
            // libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/security/utils/JarUtils.java
            // This method handle all the work with  PKCS7, ASN1 encoding, signature verifying,
            // and certification path building.
            // See also PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard:
            // http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2315.txt
            // public static Certificate[] verifySignature(InputStream signature, InputStream
            //            signatureBlock) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException
            // @param signature - the input stream of signature file to be verified
            // @param signatureBlock - the input stream of corresponding signature block file
              // read certificate raw data
              BerInputStream bis = new BerInputStream(signatureBlock);
              ContentInfo info = (ContentInfo) ContentInfo.ASN1.decode(bis);

              // XXX: get X.509 certificate
              SignedData signedData = info.getSignedData();
              Collection encCerts = signedData.getCertificates();
              X509Certificate[] certs = new X509Certificate[encCerts.size()];

              // get all X.509 certificate
              for (Iterator it = encCerts.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                certs[i++] =
                    new X509CertImpl((org.apache.harmony.security.x509.Certificate) it.next());

              // return certificate
              return createChain(certs[issuerSertIndex], certs);
            } // JarUtils.verifySignature()
          } //
        } // JarVerifier.JarVerifier()
      } // JarEntry.getCertificates()
    } //

    // set signature from X509Certificate
    pkg.mSignatures[i] = new Signature(certs[i].getEncoded());
    // libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/apache/harmony/security/x509/Certificate.java
    // public byte[] getEncoded()
      // public class Certificate {
      //      public static final ASN1Sequence ASN1 =
      //          new ASN1Sequence(new ASN1Type[]
      //              {
      //                  TBSCertificate.ASN1,
      //                  AlgorithmIdentifier.ASN1,
      //                  ASN1BitString.getInstance(),
      //              })
      //      {
      //      }
      // }
       * The class encapsulates the ASN.1 DER encoding/decoding work with TBSCertificate structure
       * which is the part of X.509 certificate (as specified in RFC 3280 - Internet X.509 Public
       * Key Infrastructure. Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile.
       * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3280.txt):
       * <pre>
       *  TBSCertificate  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
       *       version         [0]  EXPLICIT Version DEFAULT v1,
       *       serialNumber         CertificateSerialNumber,
       *       signature            AlgorithmIdentifier,
       *       issuer               Name,
       *       validity             Validity,
       *       subject              Name,
       *       subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo,
       *       issuerUniqueID  [1]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
       *                            -- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
       *       subjectUniqueID [2]  IMPLICIT UniqueIdentifier OPTIONAL,
       *                            -- If present, version MUST be v2 or v3
       *       extensions      [3]  EXPLICIT Extensions OPTIONAL
       *                            -- If present, version MUST be v3
       *  }
       * </pre>
       * X.509 ASN.1 encoding
      encoding = Certificate.ASN1.encode(this);