  protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) {
    Log.v("TASK", "doInBackground GetLoadPreDataTask");
    List<Net> netList = CacheHelper.getCacheNetList();
    List<Station> stationList = CacheHelper.getCacheStationList();
    if (netList != null && netList.size() > 0 && stationList != null && stationList.size() > 0) {
      return true;
    boolean netSuc = false;
    boolean stationSuc = false;
    try {
      if (netList == null || netList.size() <= 0) {
        String method = WebServiceHelper.S_getExpNetList;
        String inputParams =
        String nets = WebServiceHelper.getService(inputParams, method);
        Log.v("TASK", nets);
        if (nets != null) {
          JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(nets);
          if (ParseJSON.CODE_SUCCESS.equals(obj.getString(ParseJSON.RetCode))) {
            // 缓存数据
            JSONArray ja = obj.getJSONArray(ParseJSON.ResultObj);
            netSuc = true;
      } else {
        netSuc = true;
      if (stationList == null || stationList.size() <= 0) {
        String method = WebServiceHelper.S_getStation;
        String inputParams =
        String stations = WebServiceHelper.getService(inputParams, method);
        Log.v("TASK", stations);
        if (stations != null) {
          JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(stations);
          if (ParseJSON.CODE_SUCCESS.equals(obj.getString(ParseJSON.RetCode))) {
            JSONArray ja = obj.getJSONArray(ParseJSON.ResultObj);
            stationSuc = true;
      } else {
        stationSuc = true;
      return netSuc && stationSuc;

    } catch (JSONException | IOException | XmlPullParserException e) {
      return false;
   * Method to download all available historical currency values for a given time period and store
   * them into RateHistorical object, which will then be used to populate the database.
  private void getHistRates(String url) {
    try {
      String s = moneta.getJson(url);
      int count = new JSONObject(s).getJSONObject("query").getInt("count");

      if (count > 1) {
        JSONArray jsonArray =
            new JSONObject(s).getJSONObject("query").getJSONObject("results").getJSONArray("quote");

        for (int j = 0; j < jsonArray.length(); j++) {
          JSONObject _quote = jsonArray.getJSONObject(j);
          String symbol =
                  .substring(0, 3); // Return value would be EUR and not EUR%3dX
          String date = _quote.getString("Date");
          String open = _quote.getString("Open");
          String high = _quote.getString("High");
          String low = _quote.getString("Low");
          String close = _quote.getString("Close");
          String volume = _quote.getString("Volume");
          String adj_close = _quote.getString("Adj_Close");

          RateHistorical histRate =
              new RateHistorical(symbol, date, open, high, low, close, volume, adj_close);

      } else {
        JSONObject _quote =
            new JSONObject(s)
        String symbol =
            _quote.getString("Symbol").substring(0, 3); // Return value would be EUR and not EUR%3dX
        String date = _quote.getString("Date");
        String open = _quote.getString("Open");
        String high = _quote.getString("High");
        String low = _quote.getString("Low");
        String close = _quote.getString("Close");
        String volume = _quote.getString("Volume");
        String adj_close = _quote.getString("Adj_Close");

        RateHistorical histRate =
            new RateHistorical(symbol, date, open, high, low, close, volume, adj_close);

    } catch (JSONException | IOException e) {
   * 计算将要传递给 DashboardActivity 的通知数值
  private void processDataCount() {
    try {
      kpiCount = getDataCount(URLs.kTabKpi, kpiUrl);
      analyseCount = getDataCount(URLs.kTabAnalyse, analyseUrl);
      appCount = getDataCount(URLs.kTabApp, appUrl);
      messageCount = getDataCount(URLs.kTabMessage, messageUrl);
      thursdaySayCount = getDataCount(URLs.kSettingThursdaySay, thursdaySayUrl);

       * 遍历获取 Tab 栏上需要显示的通知数量 ("tab_*" 的值)
      String[] typeString = {
        URLs.kTabKpi, URLs.kTabAnalyse, URLs.kTabApp, URLs.kTabMessage, URLs.kSettingThursdaySay
      int[] typeCount = {kpiCount, analyseCount, appCount, messageCount, thursdaySayCount};
      for (int i = 0; i < typeString.length; i++) {
            Math.abs(typeCount[i] - notificationJSON.getInt(typeString[i] + "_last")));
        notificationJSON.put(typeString[i] + "_last", typeCount[i]);

      if ((new File(pgyerVersionPath)).exists()) {
        pgyerJSON = FileUtil.readConfigFile(pgyerVersionPath);
        JSONObject responseData = pgyerJSON.getJSONObject(URLs.kData);
        pgyerCode = responseData.getString("versionCode");
        packageInfo = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0);
        versionCode = String.valueOf(packageInfo.versionCode);
        updataCount = pgyerCode.equals(versionCode) ? -1 : 1;
      } else {
        updataCount = -1;

      passwordCount = userJSON.getString(URLs.kPassword).equals(URLs.MD5(K.kInitPassword)) ? 1 : -1;
      notificationJSON.put(URLs.kSettingPassword, passwordCount);
      notificationJSON.put(URLs.kSettingPgyer, updataCount);

      int settingCount =
          (notificationJSON.getInt(URLs.kSettingPassword) > 0
                  || notificationJSON.getInt(URLs.kSettingPgyer) > 0
                  || notificationJSON.getInt(URLs.kSettingThursdaySay) > 0)
              ? 1
              : 0;
      notificationJSON.put(URLs.kSetting, settingCount);

      FileUtil.writeFile(notificationPath, notificationJSON.toString());
    } catch (JSONException | IOException | PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
Example #4
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {

      Token token = new Token("your token here");
      GroupList gList = new GroupList(token);
      ChannelsList cList = new ChannelsList(token);

      System.out.println("Group List: ");
      for (ChatRoom room : gList.getGroups())
        System.out.println(room.getName() + " " + room.getId());
      System.out.println("Channel List: ");
      for (ChatRoom room : cList.getGroups())
        System.out.println(room.getName() + " " + room.getId());

    } catch (JSONException | IOException e) {
    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {

      // replaceAll pour supprimer les espace

      try {
        OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

        RequestBody formBody =
            new FormEncodingBuilder() // new FormBody.Builder()
                .add("id_diffuseur", id_diffuseur)
                .add("nom_evenement", params[0])
                .add("date_evenement", params[2])
                .add("mdp_evenement", params[1])

        Request request =
            new Request.Builder()

        Response responses = client.newCall(request).execute();

        String jsonData = responses.body().string();
        JSONObject jobject = new JSONObject(jsonData);
        succesRequete = jobject.getInt("success");

        if (succesRequete == 1) {
          Log.i("msg id evenement  ", jobject.get("id_evenement").toString());
          Log.i("msg nom evenement  ", jobject.get("nom_evenement").toString());

          return jobject.getString("message");
        } else {
          return jobject.getString("message");
      } catch (JSONException | IOException e) {

      return null;
  public void ConsumoCardView() {

    String msg = "AVISO:";
    try {
      URL url =
          new URL("http://www.comunidadesvirtualesonline.com/notifications/singup.php?token=");
      HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();

      InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(urlConnection.getInputStream());

      BufferedReader streamReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"));
      StringBuilder responseStrBuilder = new StringBuilder();

      String inputStr;
      while ((inputStr = streamReader.readLine()) != null) responseStrBuilder.append(inputStr);
      JSONObject responsJson = new JSONObject(responseStrBuilder.toString());

                  String JsonTitulo = responsJson.getString("titulo");
                  String JsonNomestu = responsJson.getString("nombreestu");
                  String JsonFecha = responsJson.getString("fecha");

      String JsonTitulo = "HOLA .... !";
      String JsonNomestu = "daniel Pardo C.";
      String JsonFecha = "07/06/06";

      TextView CardViewTitulo = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.Titulo);
      TextView CarViewNombres = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.NombreEstudiante);
      TextView CardViewFecha = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.fechaNotificacion);


    } catch (JSONException | IOException e) {
      Log.i(msg, "ERROR: " + e);