Example #1
   * Return the least upper bound of two types. That is, the "smallest" type that is a supertype of
   * both types. In this lattice there the smallest element might no exist, there might be multiple
   * minimal elements neither of which is smaller than the others. E.g.
   * <p>{@code I J | \ /| | \ / | | x | | / \ | | / \ | A B }
   * <p>where I and J are interfaces, A and B are classes and both A and B implement I and J. In
   * this case both I and J are generalizing the types A and B.
  private JReferenceType generalizeTypes(JReferenceType thisType, JReferenceType thatType) {

    if (!thisType.canBeNull() && !thatType.canBeNull()) {
      // Nullability is an orthogonal property, so remove non_nullability and perform the
      // generalization on the nullable types, and if both were NOT nullable then strengthen the
      // result to NOT nullable.
      // not_nullable(A) v not_nullable(B) = not_nullable(A v B)
      JReferenceType nulllableGeneralizer =
          generalizeTypes(thisType.weakenToNullable(), thatType.weakenToNullable());
      return nulllableGeneralizer.strengthenToNonNull();
    thisType = thisType.weakenToNullable();
    thatType = thatType.weakenToNullable();

    // From here on nullability does not need to be considered.

    // Generalization for exact types is as follows.
    // exact(A) v null = exact(A)
    // A v null = A
    if (thatType.isNullType()) {
      return thisType;

    // null v exact(A) = exact(A)
    // null v A = A
    if (thisType.isNullType()) {
      return thatType;

    // exact(A) v exact(A)  = exact(A)
    // A v A  = A
    if (thisType == thatType) {
      return thisType;

    // exact(A) v exact(B) = A v B
    // A v exact(B) = A v B
    // exact(A) v B = A v B
    // A v B = A v B
    return generalizeUnderlyingTypes(thisType.getUnderlyingType(), thatType.getUnderlyingType());
Example #2
  private JReferenceType generalizeUnderlyingTypes(
      JReferenceType thisType, JReferenceType thatType) {

    // We should not have any analysis properties from this point forward.
    assert thisType == thisType.getUnderlyingType() && thatType == thatType.getUnderlyingType();

    if (thisType == thatType) {
      return thisType;

    if (thisType instanceof JInterfaceType && thatType instanceof JInterfaceType) {
      return generalizeInterfaces((JInterfaceType) thisType, (JInterfaceType) thatType);

    if (thisType instanceof JArrayType && thatType instanceof JArrayType) {
      return generalizeArrayTypes((JArrayType) thisType, (JArrayType) thatType);

    if (thisType instanceof JClassType && thatType instanceof JClassType) {
      return generalizeClasses((JClassType) thisType, (JClassType) thatType);

    JInterfaceType interfaceType =
        thisType instanceof JInterfaceType
            ? (JInterfaceType) thisType
            : (thatType instanceof JInterfaceType ? (JInterfaceType) thatType : null);

    JReferenceType nonInterfaceType = interfaceType == thisType ? thatType : thisType;

    // See if the class or the array is castable to the interface type.
    if (interfaceType != null
        && typeOracle.castSucceedsTrivially(nonInterfaceType, interfaceType)) {
      return interfaceType;

    // unrelated: the best commonality is Object
    return typeJavaLangObject;
Example #3
   * Return the least upper bound of two types. That is, the smallest type that is a supertype of
   * both types.
  public JReferenceType generalizeTypes(JReferenceType type1, JReferenceType type2) {
    if (type1 == type2) {
      return type1;

    if (type1 instanceof JNonNullType && type2 instanceof JNonNullType) {
      // Neither can be null.
      type1 = type1.getUnderlyingType();
      type2 = type2.getUnderlyingType();
      return generalizeTypes(type1, type2).getNonNull();
    } else if (type1 instanceof JNonNullType) {
      // type2 can be null, so the result can be null
      type1 = type1.getUnderlyingType();
    } else if (type2 instanceof JNonNullType) {
      // type1 can be null, so the result can be null
      type2 = type2.getUnderlyingType();
    assert !(type1 instanceof JNonNullType);
    assert !(type2 instanceof JNonNullType);

    int classify1 = classifyType(type1);
    int classify2 = classifyType(type2);

    if (classify1 == IS_NULL) {
      return type2;

    if (classify2 == IS_NULL) {
      return type1;

    if (classify1 == classify2) {

      // same basic kind of type
      if (classify1 == IS_INTERFACE) {

        if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(type1, type2)) {
          return type2;

        if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(type2, type1)) {
          return type1;

        // unrelated
        return typeJavaLangObject;

      } else if (classify1 == IS_ARRAY) {

        JArrayType aType1 = (JArrayType) type1;
        JArrayType aType2 = (JArrayType) type2;
        int dims1 = aType1.getDims();
        int dims2 = aType2.getDims();

        int minDims = Math.min(dims1, dims2);
         * At a bare minimum, any two arrays generalize to an Object array with
         * one less dim than the lesser of the two; that is, int[][][][] and
         * String[][][] generalize to Object[][]. If minDims is 1, then they
         * just generalize to Object.
        JReferenceType minimalGeneralType;
        if (minDims > 1) {
          minimalGeneralType = getTypeArray(typeJavaLangObject, minDims - 1);
        } else {
          minimalGeneralType = typeJavaLangObject;

        if (dims1 == dims2) {

          // Try to generalize by leaf types
          JType leafType1 = aType1.getLeafType();
          JType leafType2 = aType2.getLeafType();

          if (!(leafType1 instanceof JReferenceType) || !(leafType2 instanceof JReferenceType)) {
            return minimalGeneralType;

           * Both are reference types; the result is the generalization of the
           * leaf types combined with the number of dims; that is, Foo[] and
           * Bar[] generalize to X[] where X is the generalization of Foo and
           * Bar.
          JReferenceType leafRefType1 = (JReferenceType) leafType1;
          JReferenceType leafRefType2 = (JReferenceType) leafType2;

           * Never generalize arrays to arrays of {@link JNonNullType} as null array initialization
           * is not accounted for in {@link TypeTightener}.
          JReferenceType leafGeneralization =
              generalizeTypes(leafRefType1, leafRefType2).getUnderlyingType();
          return getTypeArray(leafGeneralization, dims1);

        } else {

          // Conflicting number of dims

          // int[][] and Object[] generalize to Object[]
          JArrayType lesser = dims1 < dims2 ? aType1 : aType2;
          if (lesser.getLeafType() == typeJavaLangObject) {
            return lesser;

          // Totally unrelated
          return minimalGeneralType;

      } else {

        assert (classify1 == IS_CLASS);
        JClassType class1 = (JClassType) type1;
        JClassType class2 = (JClassType) type2;

         * see how far each type is from object; walk the one who's farther up
         * until they're even; then walk them up together until they meet (worst
         * case at Object)
        int distance1 = countSuperTypes(class1);
        int distance2 = countSuperTypes(class2);
        for (; distance1 > distance2; --distance1) {
          class1 = class1.getSuperClass();

        for (; distance1 < distance2; --distance2) {
          class2 = class2.getSuperClass();

        while (class1 != class2) {
          class1 = class1.getSuperClass();
          class2 = class2.getSuperClass();

        return class1;
    } else {

      // different kinds of types
      int lesser = Math.min(classify1, classify2);
      int greater = Math.max(classify1, classify2);

      JReferenceType tLesser = classify1 < classify2 ? type1 : type2;
      JReferenceType tGreater = classify1 > classify2 ? type1 : type2;

      if (lesser == IS_INTERFACE && greater == IS_CLASS) {

        // just see if the class implements the interface
        if (typeOracle.canTriviallyCast(tGreater, tLesser)) {
          return tLesser;

        // unrelated
        return typeJavaLangObject;

      } else if (greater == IS_ARRAY
          && ((tLesser == typeJavaLangCloneable) || (tLesser == typeJavaIoSerializable))) {
        return tLesser;
      } else {

        // unrelated: the best commonality between an interface and array, or
        // between an array and a class is Object
        return typeJavaLangObject;