/* * Boolean * For 'true' 'false' */ public final void Boolean() throws ParseException { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case TRUE: AstTrue jjtn001 = new AstTrue(JJTTRUE); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { jj_consume_token(TRUE); } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, true); } } break; case FALSE: AstFalse jjtn002 = new AstFalse(JJTFALSE); boolean jjtc002 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn002); try { jj_consume_token(FALSE); } finally { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn002, true); } } break; default: jj_la1[34] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } }
/* * BracketSuffix * Sub Expression Suffix */ public final void BracketSuffix() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) BracketSuffix */ AstBracketSuffix jjtn000 = new AstBracketSuffix(JJTBRACKETSUFFIX); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); try { jj_consume_token(LBRACK); Expression(); jj_consume_token(RBRACK); } catch (Throwable jjte000) { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn000); jjtc000 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte000 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte000; } } if (jjte000 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte000; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte000; } } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }
/* * DynamicExpression * ${..} Expressions */ public final void DynamicExpression() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) DynamicExpression */ AstDynamicExpression jjtn000 = new AstDynamicExpression(JJTDYNAMICEXPRESSION); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); try { jj_consume_token(START_DYNAMIC_EXPRESSION); Expression(); jj_consume_token(END_EXPRESSION); } catch (Throwable jjte000) { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn000); jjtc000 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte000 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte000; } } if (jjte000 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte000; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte000; } } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }
/* * LiteralExpression * Non-EL Expression blocks */ public final void LiteralExpression() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) LiteralExpression */ AstLiteralExpression jjtn000 = new AstLiteralExpression(JJTLITERALEXPRESSION); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); Token t = null; try { t = jj_consume_token(LITERAL_EXPRESSION); jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); jjtc000 = false; jjtn000.setImage(t.image); } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }
/* * String * For Quoted Literals */ public final void String() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) String */ AstString jjtn000 = new AstString(JJTSTRING); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); Token t = null; try { t = jj_consume_token(STRING_LITERAL); jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); jjtc000 = false; jjtn000.setImage(t.image); } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }
/* * Integer * For Simple Numeric Literals */ public final void Integer() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) Integer */ AstInteger jjtn000 = new AstInteger(JJTINTEGER); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); Token t = null; try { t = jj_consume_token(INTEGER_LITERAL); jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); jjtc000 = false; jjtn000.setImage(t.image); } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }
/* * FloatinPoint * For Decimal and Floating Point Literals */ public final void FloatingPoint() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) FloatingPoint */ AstFloatingPoint jjtn000 = new AstFloatingPoint(JJTFLOATINGPOINT); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); Token t = null; try { t = jj_consume_token(FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL); jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); jjtc000 = false; jjtn000.setImage(t.image); } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }
/* * DotSuffix * Dot Property */ public final void DotSuffix() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) DotSuffix */ AstDotSuffix jjtn000 = new AstDotSuffix(JJTDOTSUFFIX); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); Token t = null; try { jj_consume_token(DOT); t = jj_consume_token(IDENTIFIER); jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); jjtc000 = false; jjtn000.setImage(t.image); } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }
/* * And * For 'and' '&&', then Equality */ public final void And() throws ParseException { Equality(); label_4: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case AND0: case AND1:; break; default: jj_la1[5] = jj_gen; break label_4; } switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case AND0: jj_consume_token(AND0); break; case AND1: jj_consume_token(AND1); break; default: jj_la1[6] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstAnd jjtn001 = new AstAnd(JJTAND); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { Equality(); } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, 2); } } } }
/* * Or * For 'or' '||', then And */ public final void Or() throws ParseException { And(); label_3: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case OR0: case OR1:; break; default: jj_la1[3] = jj_gen; break label_3; } switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case OR0: jj_consume_token(OR0); break; case OR1: jj_consume_token(OR1); break; default: jj_la1[4] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstOr jjtn001 = new AstOr(JJTOR); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { And(); } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, 2); } } } }
/* * Null * For 'null' */ public final void Null() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) Null */ AstNull jjtn000 = new AstNull(JJTNULL); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); try { jj_consume_token(NULL); } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }
/* * Choice * For Choice markup a ? b : c, then Or */ public final void Choice() throws ParseException { Or(); label_2: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case QUESTIONMARK:; break; default: jj_la1[2] = jj_gen; break label_2; } jj_consume_token(QUESTIONMARK); Or(); jj_consume_token(COLON); AstChoice jjtn001 = new AstChoice(JJTCHOICE); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { Choice(); } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, 3); } } } }
/* * Value * Defines Prefix plus zero or more Suffixes */ public final void Value() throws ParseException { AstValue jjtn001 = new AstValue(JJTVALUE); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { ValuePrefix(); label_9: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case DOT: case LBRACK:; break; default: jj_la1[25] = jj_gen; break label_9; } ValueSuffix(); } } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, jjtree.nodeArity() > 1); } } }
/* * Unary * For '-' '!' 'not' 'empty', then Value */ public final void Unary() throws ParseException { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case MINUS: jj_consume_token(MINUS); AstNegative jjtn001 = new AstNegative(JJTNEGATIVE); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { Unary(); } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, true); } } break; case NOT0: case NOT1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case NOT0: jj_consume_token(NOT0); break; case NOT1: jj_consume_token(NOT1); break; default: jj_la1[23] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstNot jjtn002 = new AstNot(JJTNOT); boolean jjtc002 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn002); try { Unary(); } catch (Throwable jjte002) { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn002); jjtc002 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte002 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte002; } } if (jjte002 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte002; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte002; } } finally { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn002, true); } } break; case EMPTY: jj_consume_token(EMPTY); AstEmpty jjtn003 = new AstEmpty(JJTEMPTY); boolean jjtc003 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn003); try { Unary(); } catch (Throwable jjte003) { if (jjtc003) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn003); jjtc003 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte003 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte003; } } if (jjte003 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte003; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte003; } } finally { if (jjtc003) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn003, true); } } break; case INTEGER_LITERAL: case FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: case STRING_LITERAL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case NULL: case LPAREN: case IDENTIFIER: Value(); break; default: jj_la1[24] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } }
/* * Multiplication * For a bunch of them, then Unary */ public final void Multiplication() throws ParseException { Unary(); label_8: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case MULT: case DIV0: case DIV1: case MOD0: case MOD1:; break; default: jj_la1[19] = jj_gen; break label_8; } switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case MULT: jj_consume_token(MULT); AstMult jjtn001 = new AstMult(JJTMULT); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { Unary(); } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, 2); } } break; case DIV0: case DIV1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case DIV0: jj_consume_token(DIV0); break; case DIV1: jj_consume_token(DIV1); break; default: jj_la1[20] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstDiv jjtn002 = new AstDiv(JJTDIV); boolean jjtc002 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn002); try { Unary(); } catch (Throwable jjte002) { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn002); jjtc002 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte002 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte002; } } if (jjte002 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte002; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte002; } } finally { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn002, 2); } } break; case MOD0: case MOD1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case MOD0: jj_consume_token(MOD0); break; case MOD1: jj_consume_token(MOD1); break; default: jj_la1[21] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstMod jjtn003 = new AstMod(JJTMOD); boolean jjtc003 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn003); try { Unary(); } catch (Throwable jjte003) { if (jjtc003) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn003); jjtc003 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte003 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte003; } } if (jjte003 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte003; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte003; } } finally { if (jjtc003) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn003, 2); } } break; default: jj_la1[22] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } }
/* * Math * For '+' '-', then Multiplication */ public final void Math() throws ParseException { Multiplication(); label_7: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case PLUS: case MINUS:; break; default: jj_la1[17] = jj_gen; break label_7; } switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case PLUS: jj_consume_token(PLUS); AstPlus jjtn001 = new AstPlus(JJTPLUS); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { Multiplication(); } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, 2); } } break; case MINUS: jj_consume_token(MINUS); AstMinus jjtn002 = new AstMinus(JJTMINUS); boolean jjtc002 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn002); try { Multiplication(); } catch (Throwable jjte002) { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn002); jjtc002 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte002 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte002; } } if (jjte002 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte002; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte002; } } finally { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn002, 2); } } break; default: jj_la1[18] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } }
/* * Compare * For a bunch of them, then Math */ public final void Compare() throws ParseException { Math(); label_6: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case GT0: case GT1: case LT0: case LT1: case GE0: case GE1: case LE0: case LE1:; break; default: jj_la1[11] = jj_gen; break label_6; } switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case LT0: case LT1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case LT0: jj_consume_token(LT0); break; case LT1: jj_consume_token(LT1); break; default: jj_la1[12] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstLessThan jjtn001 = new AstLessThan(JJTLESSTHAN); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { Math(); } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, 2); } } break; case GT0: case GT1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case GT0: jj_consume_token(GT0); break; case GT1: jj_consume_token(GT1); break; default: jj_la1[13] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstGreaterThan jjtn002 = new AstGreaterThan(JJTGREATERTHAN); boolean jjtc002 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn002); try { Math(); } catch (Throwable jjte002) { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn002); jjtc002 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte002 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte002; } } if (jjte002 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte002; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte002; } } finally { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn002, 2); } } break; case LE0: case LE1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case LE0: jj_consume_token(LE0); break; case LE1: jj_consume_token(LE1); break; default: jj_la1[14] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstLessThanEqual jjtn003 = new AstLessThanEqual(JJTLESSTHANEQUAL); boolean jjtc003 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn003); try { Math(); } catch (Throwable jjte003) { if (jjtc003) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn003); jjtc003 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte003 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte003; } } if (jjte003 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte003; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte003; } } finally { if (jjtc003) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn003, 2); } } break; case GE0: case GE1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case GE0: jj_consume_token(GE0); break; case GE1: jj_consume_token(GE1); break; default: jj_la1[15] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstGreaterThanEqual jjtn004 = new AstGreaterThanEqual(JJTGREATERTHANEQUAL); boolean jjtc004 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn004); try { Math(); } catch (Throwable jjte004) { if (jjtc004) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn004); jjtc004 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte004 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte004; } } if (jjte004 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte004; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte004; } } finally { if (jjtc004) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn004, 2); } } break; default: jj_la1[16] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } }
/* * Equality * For '==' 'eq' '!=' 'ne', then Compare */ public final void Equality() throws ParseException { Compare(); label_5: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case EQ0: case EQ1: case NE0: case NE1:; break; default: jj_la1[7] = jj_gen; break label_5; } switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case EQ0: case EQ1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case EQ0: jj_consume_token(EQ0); break; case EQ1: jj_consume_token(EQ1); break; default: jj_la1[8] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstEqual jjtn001 = new AstEqual(JJTEQUAL); boolean jjtc001 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn001); try { Compare(); } catch (Throwable jjte001) { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn001); jjtc001 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte001 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte001; } } if (jjte001 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte001; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte001; } } finally { if (jjtc001) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn001, 2); } } break; case NE0: case NE1: switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case NE0: jj_consume_token(NE0); break; case NE1: jj_consume_token(NE1); break; default: jj_la1[9] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } AstNotEqual jjtn002 = new AstNotEqual(JJTNOTEQUAL); boolean jjtc002 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn002); try { Compare(); } catch (Throwable jjte002) { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn002); jjtc002 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte002 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte002; } } if (jjte002 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte002; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte002; } } finally { if (jjtc002) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn002, 2); } } break; default: jj_la1[10] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } }
/* * CompositeExpression * Allow most flexible parsing, restrict by examining * type of returned node */ public final AstCompositeExpression CompositeExpression() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) CompositeExpression */ AstCompositeExpression jjtn000 = new AstCompositeExpression(JJTCOMPOSITEEXPRESSION); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); try { label_1: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case LITERAL_EXPRESSION: case START_DYNAMIC_EXPRESSION: case START_DEFERRED_EXPRESSION:; break; default: jj_la1[0] = jj_gen; break label_1; } switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case START_DEFERRED_EXPRESSION: DeferredExpression(); break; case START_DYNAMIC_EXPRESSION: DynamicExpression(); break; case LITERAL_EXPRESSION: LiteralExpression(); break; default: jj_la1[1] = jj_gen; jj_consume_token(-1); throw new ParseException(); } } jj_consume_token(0); jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); jjtc000 = false; { if (true) return jjtn000; } } catch (Throwable jjte000) { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn000); jjtc000 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte000 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte000; } } if (jjte000 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte000; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte000; } } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } throw new Error("Missing return statement in function"); }
/* * Function * Namespace:Name(a,b,c) */ public final void Function() throws ParseException { /*@bgen(jjtree) Function */ AstFunction jjtn000 = new AstFunction(JJTFUNCTION); boolean jjtc000 = true; jjtree.openNodeScope(jjtn000); Token t0 = null; Token t1 = null; try { t0 = jj_consume_token(IDENTIFIER); switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case FUNCTIONSUFFIX: t1 = jj_consume_token(FUNCTIONSUFFIX); break; default: jj_la1[30] = jj_gen; ; } if (t1 != null) { jjtn000.setPrefix(t0.image); jjtn000.setLocalName(t1.image.substring(1)); } else { jjtn000.setLocalName(t0.image); } jj_consume_token(LPAREN); switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case INTEGER_LITERAL: case FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL: case STRING_LITERAL: case TRUE: case FALSE: case NULL: case LPAREN: case NOT0: case NOT1: case EMPTY: case MINUS: case IDENTIFIER: Expression(); label_10: while (true) { switch ((jj_ntk == -1) ? jj_ntk() : jj_ntk) { case COMMA:; break; default: jj_la1[31] = jj_gen; break label_10; } jj_consume_token(COMMA); Expression(); } break; default: jj_la1[32] = jj_gen; ; } jj_consume_token(RPAREN); } catch (Throwable jjte000) { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.clearNodeScope(jjtn000); jjtc000 = false; } else { jjtree.popNode(); } if (jjte000 instanceof RuntimeException) { { if (true) throw (RuntimeException) jjte000; } } if (jjte000 instanceof ParseException) { { if (true) throw (ParseException) jjte000; } } { if (true) throw (Error) jjte000; } } finally { if (jjtc000) { jjtree.closeNodeScope(jjtn000, true); } } }