private Car getCarFromStorage(JComboBox<String> cars, JComboBox<EngineKind> engine) { String carName = cars.getItemAt(cars.getSelectedIndex()); Car car = null; for (Car carr : shop.getCars()) { if ((carr.getManufacturer() + " " + carr.getModel()).equals(carName) && carr.getEngineKind().equals(engine.getItemAt(engine.getSelectedIndex()))) { car = carr; } } return car; }
protected Step createSelection(JComboBox combo, int index) { Step step = null; if (combo != null && index != -1) { ComponentReference cr = getResolver().addComponent(combo); String value = tester.getValueAsString(combo, list, combo.getItemAt(index), index); if (value == null) { step = new Action( getResolver(), null, "actionSelectIndex", new String[] {cr.getID(), String.valueOf(index)}, javax.swing.JComboBox.class); } else { step = new Action( getResolver(), null, "actionSelectItem", new String[] {cr.getID(), value}, javax.swing.JComboBox.class); } } return step; }
public SwingThreadFrame() { setTitle("SwingThreadTest"); final JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(); combo.insertItemAt(new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE), 0); combo.setPrototypeDisplayValue(combo.getItemAt(0)); combo.setSelectedIndex(0); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); JButton goodButton = new JButton("Good"); goodButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { new Thread(new GoodWorkerRunnable(combo)).start(); } }); panel.add(goodButton); JButton badButton = new JButton("Bad"); badButton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { new Thread(new BadWorkerRunnable(combo)).start(); } }); panel.add(badButton); panel.add(combo); add(panel); pack(); }
public void afficherFilmChoisis(String titre) { Video film = this.obtenirVideo(titre); String catos = this.obtenirCategoriesEnString( comboCollection.getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex()).toString()); if (mode[0].isSelected()) { String filmOuSerie = "SERIE TV"; String eval = ""; if (film.getEval() == 1) { eval = String.valueOf(film.getEval()) + " etoile"; } else if (film.getEval() > 1) { eval = String.valueOf(film.getEval()) + " etoiles"; } if (film.isFilm()) { filmOuSerie = "FILM"; } infos_film[0].setText(titre); infos_film[1].setText(String.valueOf(film.getAnnee())); infos_film[2].setText(filmOuSerie); infos_film[3].setText(eval); } else { textTitre.setText(film.getTitre()); textAnnee.setText(String.valueOf(film.getAnnee())); comboEval.setSelectedIndex(film.getEval()); boolean isFilm = film.isFilm(); if (isFilm) { comboType.setSelectedIndex(1); } else { comboType.setSelectedIndex(2); } } textCommentaires.setText(film.getCommentaires()); textCategories.setText(catos); }
private void handleEntryAction(ActionEvent actionEvent) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, XPathExpressionException, SAXException, NoItemException { if (this.getGazetteer() == null) { Util.getLogger().severe("No gazeteer is registered"); return; } String lookupString; JComboBox cmb = ((JComboBox) actionEvent.getSource()); lookupString = cmb.getSelectedItem().toString(); if (lookupString == null || lookupString.length() < 1) return; java.util.List<PointOfInterest> results = this.gazetteer.findPlaces(lookupString); if (results == null || results.size() == 0) return; this.controller.moveToLocation(results.get(0)); // Add it to the list if not already there for (int i = 0; i < cmb.getItemCount(); i++) { Object oi = cmb.getItemAt(i); if (oi != null && oi.toString().trim().equals(lookupString)) return; // item exists } cmb.insertItemAt(lookupString, 0); }
public DataSourceQueryChooserDialog( Collection dataSourceQueryChoosers, Frame frame, String title, boolean modal) { super(frame, title, modal); init(dataSourceQueryChoosers); try { jbInit(); pack(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { okCancelPanel.setOKPressed(false); } }); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { // User may have hit OK, got a validation-error dialog, then hit the // X button. [Jon Aquino] okCancelPanel.setOKPressed(false); } }); // Set the selected item to trigger the event that sets the panel. [Jon Aquino] formatComboBox.setSelectedItem(formatComboBox.getItemAt(0)); }
/* * Metodo mostrarLibro() * sin parametros, sin retorno, muestra los datos del elemento del vector seleccionado */ private void mostrarLibro() { int seleccion = librosCombo.getSelectedIndex(); Libro l = (Libro) librosCombo.getItemAt(seleccion); tituloLibro.setText(l.getTituloLibro()); autorNombres.setText(l.getAutorNombres()); apellidosAutor.setText(l.getApellidosAutor()); nombreEditorial.setText(l.getNombreEditorial()); añoPublicacion.setText(String.valueOf(l.getAñoPublicacion())); codigoISBN.setText(l.getCodigoISBN()); lugarPublicacion.setText(l.getLugarPublicacion()); numeroPaginas.setText(String.valueOf(l.getNumeroPaginas())); descripcionArea.setText(l.getDescripcionLibro()); subgeneroCombo.setSelectedItem(l.getSubgeneroLibro()); // generoLiricoRadio.setSelected(true); // semestreSpinner.setValue(1);} if (l.getGenero() == 'N') { generoNarrativoRadio.setSelected(true); } else if (l.getGenero() == 'D') { generoDramaRadio.setSelected(true); } else { generoLiricoRadio.setSelected(true); } españolCheck.setSelected(l.isEspañolCheck()); inglesCheck.setSelected(l.isInglesCheck()); mandarinCheck.setSelected(l.isMandarinCheck()); }
public static List getItems(JComboBox comboBox) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < comboBox.getItemCount(); i++) { Object element = comboBox.getItemAt(i); result.add(element); } return result; }
public void setSelectedFormat(String format) { for (int i = 0; i < formatComboBox.getItemCount(); i++) { DataSourceQueryChooser chooser = (DataSourceQueryChooser) formatComboBox.getItemAt(i); if (chooser.toString().equals(format)) { formatComboBox.setSelectedIndex(i); return; } } }
private void prepareTextComboBox(final Object propertyValue) { // _textComboBox wird in der letzten Zeile editierbar gemacht, und es wird // der übergebene Wert in diese Zeile eingetragen und selektiert, wenn er nicht // einem der anderen Einträge entspricht. if (propertyValue != null) { String propertyValueAsString = (String) propertyValue; final int size = _textComboBox.getModel().getSize(); boolean propertyValueFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) { if (propertyValueAsString.equals((String) _textComboBox.getItemAt(i))) { propertyValueFound = true; _textComboBox.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } if (!propertyValueFound) { _textComboBox.removeItemAt(size - 1); _textComboBox.addItem(propertyValueAsString); _textComboBox.setSelectedIndex(size - 1); } } ItemListener textComboBoxItemListener = new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { if (e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) { if (_textComboBox.getSelectedIndex() == DOTPointPainter.DYNAMIC_TEXT_ITEMS.length - 1) { _textComboBox.setEditable(true); } else { _textComboBox.setEditable(false); } } } }; _textComboBox.addItemListener(textComboBoxItemListener); ActionListener editorActionListener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final int length = DOTPointPainter.DYNAMIC_TEXT_ITEMS.length; final int index = length - 1; final ComboBoxEditor editor = _textComboBox.getEditor(); String editedItem = (String) editor.getItem(); _textComboBox.insertItemAt(editedItem, index); final DefaultComboBoxModel model = (DefaultComboBoxModel) _textComboBox.getModel(); if (model.getSize() > length) { // Sieht komisch aus, aber der direkte Weg ging nicht. model.removeElementAt(length); } } }; _textComboBox.getEditor().addActionListener(editorActionListener); }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == annuler) { this.setVisible(false); } if (source == validate) { // ***************here we test if the field is filled or not************ if (tot_pop.getText().equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(errorMsg, "Fill the initial population"); } else { total_popInt = Integer.parseInt(tot_pop.getText()); // Animal a=new Animal(0,typef.getText(),total); int index = typef.getSelectedIndex(); String typeAnim = (typef.getItemAt(index)).toString(); // ****************here we test if what we insert exist with the function above******** if (testingInit("cow")) { write = new fileWriting("init_pop", typeAnim + " " + total_popInt); anima = new AnimalType(total_popInt, typeAnim); this.setVisible(false); // JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The animal type is created successfully"); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(errorMsg, "Information on this date already given"); } switch (typeAnim) { case "Cow": AppFrame.totalPopulationCOW = AppFrame.totalPopulationCOW + total_popInt; initialPopCOW = total_popInt; break; case "Deer": AppFrame.totalPopulationDEER = AppFrame.totalPopulationDEER + total_popInt; initialPopDEER = total_popInt; break; case "Horse": AppFrame.totalPopulationHORSE = AppFrame.totalPopulationHORSE + total_popInt; initialPopHORSE = total_popInt; break; default: System.out.println("Switch in Initialize is not working"); break; } Main.totalPopulation = Main.totalPopulation + total_popInt; new AnimalDetails( "2009", "01", CreateAnimal.animalTypeToEnum(typeAnim), total_popInt, 0, "Winter"); new CreateAnimal(CreateAnimal.animalTypeToEnum(typeAnim), total_popInt); } } }
// Вид формы при изменении сотрудника public void sotrDiaUpdate(Sotrudnik s) { label_id_hidden.setText(Integer.toString(s.getId_sotrudnika())); textField_familiya.setText(s.getFamiliya()); textField_imya.setText(s.getImya()); textField_otchestvo.setText(s.getOtchestvo()); textField_phone.setText(s.getPhone()); textField_date.setText(s.getData_priema().toString()); comboBox_doljnost.removeAllItems(); comboBox_kvalification.removeAllItems(); try { DBClass db = new DBClass(); ArrayList<Doljnost> d = db.doljnostFromDB(); DBClass db2 = new DBClass(); Doljnost dd = db2.doljnostFromDB(s); for (int i = 0; i < d.size(); i++) { comboBox_doljnost.addItem(d.get(i)); Doljnost ddd = (Doljnost) comboBox_doljnost.getItemAt(i); if (dd.getNazvanie_doljnosti().equals(ddd.getNazvanie_doljnosti())) dd = ddd; } comboBox_doljnost.setSelectedItem(dd); DBClass db3 = new DBClass(); ArrayList<Kvalification> k = db3.kvalificationFromDB(); DBClass db4 = new DBClass(); Kvalification kk = db4.kvalificationFromDB(s); for (int i = 0; i < k.size(); i++) { comboBox_kvalification.addItem(k.get(i)); Kvalification kkk = (Kvalification) comboBox_kvalification.getItemAt(i); if (kk.getNazvanie_kvalification().equals(kkk.getNazvanie_kvalification())) kk = kkk; } comboBox_kvalification.setSelectedItem(kk); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panelException, e.getMessage()); } catch (SQLException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(panelException, ee.getMessage()); } }
/* * Metodo eliminar() * sin parametros, sin retorno, elimina el elemento seleccionado del vector */ private void eliminar() { int seleccion = librosCombo.getSelectedIndex(); String nombre = librosCombo.getItemAt(seleccion).getAutorNombres() + " " + librosCombo.getItemAt(seleccion).getApellidosAutor(); int opcion = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( this, "Está seguro que desea borrar el registro del alumno\n" + nombre, "Eliminar Alumno", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); if (opcion == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { librosCombo.removeItemAt(seleccion); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( this, "Registro eliminado con éxito", "Eliminar Alumno", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); revisarCombo(); } }
/** Set the default projection to display */ void setDefaultProjection() { // let the first projection class be the default ProjectionClass selectedClass = (ProjectionClass) projClassCB.getItemAt(0); if (selectedClass == null) { System.out.println("Projection Manager: no Default Projection available"); return; } ProjectionImpl proj = selectedClass.makeDefaultProjection(); setProjection(proj); startingName = ""; }
public void finalizeAssetType(AssetType type) { mySelectedAssetType = type; myTemplateState.put(ATTR_ASSET_TYPE,; for (int i = 0; i < myAssetTypeComboBox.getItemCount(); ++i) { if (((ComboBoxItem) myAssetTypeComboBox.getItemAt(i)).id.equals( { myAssetTypeComboBox.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } hide(myAssetTypeComboBox, myAssetTypeLabel); update(); }
private void applySelectedValue(JComboBox comboBox, Object value) { comboBox.removeItemListener(this); ValueLabelItem currentItem; for (int i = 0; i < comboBox.getItemCount(); i++) { currentItem = (ValueLabelItem) comboBox.getItemAt(i); if (currentItem.getValue().equals(value)) { comboBox.setSelectedIndex(i); break; } } comboBox.addItemListener(this); }
private void selectThread(ThreadReferenceProxyImpl toSelect) { int count = myThreadsCombo.getItemCount(); for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) { ThreadDescriptorImpl item = (ThreadDescriptorImpl) myThreadsCombo.getItemAt(idx); if (toSelect.equals(item.getThreadReference())) { if (!item.equals(myThreadsCombo.getSelectedItem())) { myThreadsCombo.setSelectedIndex(idx); } return; } } }
public void setAgent(String agentName) { int index = 0; debug("scanning " + agents.getItemCount() + " agents"); for (int i = 0; i < agents.getItemCount(); i++) { if (agents.getItemAt(i).toString().equals(agentName)) { index = i; debug("matched " + agentName); } else { debug("not matched " + agentName); } } agents.setSelectedIndex(index); }
/** * Set the fields from the ProjectionClass * * @param projClass projection class to use */ private void setFieldsWithClassParams(ProjectionClass projClass) { // set the projection in the JComboBox String want = projClass.toString(); for (int i = 0; i < projClassCB.getItemCount(); i++) { ProjectionClass pc = (ProjectionClass) projClassCB.getItemAt(i); if (pc.toString().equals(want)) { projClassCB.setSelectedItem((Object) pc); break; } } // set the parameter fields paramPanel.removeAll(); paramPanel.setVisible(0 < projClass.paramList.size()); List widgets = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < projClass.paramList.size(); i++) { ProjectionParam pp = (ProjectionParam) projClass.paramList.get(i); // construct the label String name =; String text = ""; // Create a decent looking label for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < name.length(); cIdx++) { char c = name.charAt(cIdx); if (cIdx == 0) { c = Character.toUpperCase(c); } else { if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) { text += " "; c = Character.toLowerCase(c); } } text += c; } widgets.add(GuiUtils.rLabel(text + ": ")); // text input field JTextField tf = new JTextField(); pp.setTextField(tf); tf.setColumns(12); widgets.add(tf); } GuiUtils.tmpInsets = new Insets(4, 4, 4, 4); JPanel widgetPanel = GuiUtils.doLayout(widgets, 2, GuiUtils.WT_N, GuiUtils.WT_N); paramPanel.add("North", widgetPanel); paramPanel.add("Center", GuiUtils.filler()); }
public MarkForm(JFrame frame) { loginFacade = new LoginFacade(); filteringFacade = new FilteringFacade(manager); facade = new Facade(); manager = (Manager) loginFacade.getUser(personId); mark = facade.getMark(markId); setupMark(); cancelBnt.addActionListener(e -> frame.dispose()); saveBtn.addActionListener( e -> { facade.updateMark(mark, commentTF.getText(), markCB.getItemAt(markCB.getSelectedIndex())); frame.dispose(); }); }
public void setSelectedDisplayOption(MatrixType[] options, boolean control) { if (control) { MatrixType originalMatrixType = (MatrixType) displayOptionComboBox.getSelectedItem(); displayOptionComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel<MatrixType>(options)); int indx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < displayOptionComboBox.getItemCount(); i++) { if (originalMatrixType.equals(displayOptionComboBox.getItemAt(i))) { indx = i; break; } } displayOptionComboBox.setSelectedIndex(indx); } else { displayOptionComboBox.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel<MatrixType>(options)); displayOptionComboBox.setSelectedIndex(0); } }
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { char ch = e.getKeyChar(); if (ch == KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED || Character.isISOControl(ch)) return; int pos = m_editor.getCaretPosition(); String str = m_editor.getText(); if (str.length() == 0) return; for (int k = 0; k < m_comboBox.getItemCount(); k++) { String item = m_comboBox.getItemAt(k).toString(); if (item.startsWith(str)) { m_editor.setText(item); m_editor.setCaretPosition(item.length()); m_editor.moveCaretPosition(pos); m_comboBox.setSelectedItem(item); break; } } }
public void setMessage(int i) { String m = menu.getItemAt(i); System.out.println(m); setMessage(Q.get(m)); }
public void setItem(int i) { String m = (String) menu.getItemAt(i); System.out.println(m); setMessage(map.get(m)); }
public void gererEventBouttons(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() == modeButton[0]) { // Boutton precedent // Verify if (comboCollection.getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex() - 1) == null) { // modeButton[0].setVisible(false); modeButton[0].setEnabled(false); // messageErreur("Il n'y a pas d'element precedent a la collection"); messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_BTN_PRECEDENT); } else { comboCollection.setSelectedIndex(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex() - 1); // Get Video video = this.obtenirVideo( comboCollection .getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex()) .toString()); // String titre String catos = this.obtenirCategoriesEnString( comboCollection.getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex()).toString()); afficherFilmChoisis(video.getTitre()); modeButton[1].setVisible(true); modeButton[1].setEnabled(true); if (comboCollection.getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex() - 1) == null) { modeButton[0].setEnabled(false); } } } else if (e.getSource() == modeButton[1]) { // Boutton suivant // Verify if (comboCollection.getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex() + 1) == null) { // modeButton[1].setVisible(false); modeButton[1].setEnabled(false); // messageErreur("Il n'y a pas d'element suivant a la collection"); messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_BTN_SUIVANT); } else { comboCollection.setSelectedIndex(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex() + 1); // Get Video video = this.obtenirVideo( comboCollection .getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex()) .toString()); // String titre String catos = this.obtenirCategoriesEnString( comboCollection.getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex()).toString()); afficherFilmChoisis(video.getTitre()); modeButton[0].setVisible(true); modeButton[0].setEnabled(true); if (comboCollection.getItemAt(comboCollection.getSelectedIndex() + 1) == null) { modeButton[1].setEnabled(false); } } } else if (e.getSource() == modeButton[2]) { // Boutton ajouter // Verify if (textTitre.getText() == null || textTitre.getText().equals("")) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CHAMPS_TITRE); } else if (textAnnee.getText() == null || textAnnee.getText().equals("") || !textAnnee.getText().matches("^[0-9]+$")) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CHAMPS_ANNEE); } /*else if(textCommentaires.getText() == null){ messageErreur("Champs commentaires null"); } */ else if (textCategories.getText() == null) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CHAMP_CAT); } else { boolean type; if (comboType.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CHAMP_TYPE); type = false; } else { if (comboType.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { type = true; } else { type = false; } int eval; if (comboEval.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_EVALUATION); } else { eval = comboEval.getSelectedIndex(); // Place this.ajouterVideo( textTitre.getText(), Integer.parseInt(textAnnee.getText()), type, eval, textCommentaires.getText(), textCategories .getText()); // String titre, int annee, boolean type, int eval, String // comments, String categories } } } } else if (e.getSource() == modeButton[3]) { // Boutton modifier // Verify if (textTitre.getText() == null || textTitre.getText().equals("")) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CHAMPS_TITRE); } else if (textAnnee.getText() == null || textAnnee.getText().equals("") || !textAnnee.getText().matches("^[0-9]+$")) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CHAMPS_ANNEE); } /*else if(textCommentaires.getText() == null){ messageErreur("Champs commentaires null"); } */ else if (textCategories.getText() == null) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CHAMP_CAT); } else { int eval; if (comboEval.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_EVALUATION); } else { eval = comboEval.getSelectedIndex(); boolean type; if (comboType.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CHAMP_TYPE); type = false; } else if (comboType.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { type = true; } else { type = false; } // Place if (this.modifierVideo( comboCollection.getSelectedItem().toString(), textTitre.getText(), Integer.parseInt(textAnnee.getText()), eval, type, textCommentaires.getText(), textCategories .getText())) { // String titre, int annee, int eval, boolean type, String // comments, String categories messageSuccess("La video a ete modifier."); } else { messageSuccess("La video n'a pas ete modifier."); } } } } else if (e.getSource() == modeButton[4]) { // Boutton supprimer // Verify ... nothing... // Place if (this.supprimerVideo(comboCollection.getSelectedItem().toString())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( fenetre, comboCollection.getSelectedItem().toString() + " a ete retirer de la collection!"); } else { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_FIM_NON_SUPPRIMER); } } else if (e.getSource() == modeButton[5]) { // Boutton rechercher int eval = comboEval.getSelectedIndex(); /* -1: Pas de recherche par evaluation 0: 0 étoile 1: 1 étoile 2: 2 étoiles 3: 3 étoiles 4: 4 étoiles 5: 5 étoiles */ /* -1: Pas de recherche par type 0: FILM 1: SERIE TV */ int type = comboType.getSelectedIndex() - 1; ArrayList<Video> videosTrouver = new ArrayList<Video>(); if (!textAnnee.getText().equals("")) { videosTrouver = rechercherVideos( textTitre.getText(), Integer.parseInt(textAnnee.getText()), eval, type, textCategories.getText()); } else { videosTrouver = rechercherVideos(textTitre.getText(), -1, eval, type, textCategories.getText()); } // comboCollection.removeAllItems(); ArrayList itemsInComboCollection = new ArrayList(); for (Video video : videosTrouver) { if (!itemsInComboCollection.contains(video)) { itemsInComboCollection.add(video); comboCollection.addItem(video.getTitre()); } } comboCollection.setEnabled(true); modeButton[0].setVisible(true); modeButton[1].setVisible(true); if (comboCollection.getSelectedIndex() != 0 && comboCollection.getItemCount() != 0) { modeButton[0].setEnabled(true); } else { modeButton[0].setEnabled(false); } if (comboCollection.getSelectedIndex() != comboCollection.getItemCount() && comboCollection.getItemCount() != 0) { modeButton[1].setEnabled(true); } else { modeButton[1].setEnabled(false); } modeButton[5].setVisible(false); modeButton[6].setVisible(true); } else if (e.getSource() == modeButton[6]) { // Bouton Nouvelle Recherche modeRecherche(); } else if (e.getSource() == optionCategories[0]) { // Boutton ajouter categorie // Get String[] categoriesDuFilm = textCategories.getText().split("\n"); ArrayList listeDeCategories = ArrayToArrayList(categoriesDuFilm); if (listeDeCategories.get(0).equals("")) { listeDeCategories.clear(); } selectionCategorie.removeAllItems(); ArrayList cater = new ArrayList(); for (String categorie : liste.obtenirCles()) { if (!cater.contains(categorie)) { cater.add(categorie); selectionCategorie.addItem(categorie); } } popUpSelection.add(selectionCategorie); fenetre.getContentPane().add(popUpSelection); int action = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, popUpSelection, "Categorie", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); switch (action) { case 0: if (((String) selectionCategorie.getSelectedItem()).equals("Autres...")) { popUpSelection.remove(selectionCategorie); String categorieEntree = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(popUpSelection, "Ajouter une categorie"); if (categorieEntree != null) { if (!categorieExiste(listeDeCategories, categorieEntree)) { if (listeDeCategories.isEmpty()) { textCategories.setText(categorieEntree); } else { textCategories.setText(textCategories.getText() + "\n" + categorieEntree); } optionCategories[1].setEnabled(true); } else { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CAT_EXST); } } else { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_ENTREE_NULL); } } else { if (!categorieExiste( listeDeCategories, (String) selectionCategorie.getSelectedItem())) { if (listeDeCategories.isEmpty()) { textCategories.setText(selectionCategorie.getSelectedItem().toString()); } else { textCategories.setText( textCategories.getText() + "\n" + (String) selectionCategorie.getSelectedItem()); } } else { messageErreur(MSG_ERREUR_CAT_EXST); } } break; case 1: break; } } else if (e.getSource() == optionCategories[1]) { // Boutton supprimer categorie // Get String[] categoriesDuFilm = textCategories.getText().trim().split("\\n"); ArrayList listeDeCategories = ArrayToArrayList(categoriesDuFilm); selectionCategorie.removeAllItems(); for (Object categorie : listeDeCategories) { selectionCategorie.addItem(categorie.toString()); } popUpSelection.add(selectionCategorie); fenetre.getContentPane().add(popUpSelection); int action = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( null, popUpSelection, "Categorie", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE); switch (action) { case 0: String categorieASupprimer = (String) selectionCategorie.getSelectedItem(); String output = ""; if (!listeDeCategories.isEmpty()) { listeDeCategories.remove(categorieASupprimer); for (int i = 0; i < listeDeCategories.size(); i++) { output += (String) listeDeCategories.get(i); if (i + 1 != listeDeCategories.size()) { output += "\n"; } } textCategories.setText(output); } else { optionCategories[1].setEnabled(false); } break; case 1: break; } } }