public synchronized InventoryActionResponse attemptToHandBackToSeller(Player player, int itemId) { ItemForSale ifs = this.getItemForSale(itemId); if (ifs == null) { return new InventoryActionResponse( null, false, "Invalid item id! (The item may have already been sold)"); } // double check the player is this player PlayerInventoryAccount sellerAccount = this.getSellerAccount(ifs); if (sellerAccount == null) { return new InventoryActionResponse(null, false, "Invalid seller account... Awhaaa?"); } if (!sellerAccount.getUUID().equals(player.getUniqueId())) { return new InventoryActionResponse( null, false, "It seems like you aren't the seller of this item."); } try { PreparedStatement markAsSold = this.con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE " + this.TBL_ITEMS + " SET sold=1,buyer_id=?,sold_at=? WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;"); markAsSold.setInt(1, sellerAccount.getdbId()); markAsSold.setTimestamp(2, new java.sql.Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime())); markAsSold.setInt(3, itemId); markAsSold.executeUpdate(); this.logger.log( Level.INFO, "set item id:{0} is:{1} given back to seller {3} {4}", new Object[] { itemId, ifs.getItemStack(), sellerAccount.getUsername(), sellerAccount.getUUID() }); } catch (Exception ex) { this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return new InventoryActionResponse(null, false, "Unable to remove the for sale item"); } return new InventoryActionResponse( ifs.getItemStack(), true, "You retrieved your " + ifs.getItemStack().getType().name() + " from your shop!"); }
public synchronized PlayerInventoryAccount getSellerAccount(ItemForSale ifs) { try { PreparedStatement getSellerAccount = this.con.prepareStatement( "SELECT id,uuid,username FROM " + this.TBL_ACCOUNTS + " WHERE id=(SELECT seller_id FROM " + this.TBL_ITEMS + " WHERE id=? LIMIT 1) LIMIT 1;"); getSellerAccount.setInt(1, ifs.getDbID()); ResultSet result = getSellerAccount.executeQuery(); if ( { String username = result.getString("username"); int dbID = result.getInt("id"); UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(result.getString("uuid")); return new PlayerInventoryAccount(dbID, uuid, username); } } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(InventoryManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } return null; }
public synchronized InventoryActionResponse attemptToBuy(Player player, int itemId) { PlayerInventoryAccount buyerInventoryAccount = this.getPlayerAccount(player); if (buyerInventoryAccount == null) { return new InventoryActionResponse(null, false, "Unable to query database for your info!"); } ItemForSale ifs = this.getItemForSale(itemId); if (ifs == null) { return new InventoryActionResponse( null, false, "Invalid item id! (The item may have already been sold)"); } double price = ifs.getPrice(); if (!plugin.economy.has(player.getName(), price)) { return new InventoryActionResponse( null, false, "You don't have " + plugin.economy.format(price)); } PlayerInventoryAccount sellerInventoryAccount = this.getSellerAccount(ifs); if (sellerInventoryAccount == null) { return new InventoryActionResponse(null, false, "Unable to query database for seller info!"); } EconomyResponse buyerWithdrawlResponse = plugin.economy.withdrawPlayer(player.getName(), price); if (buyerWithdrawlResponse.type.equals(ResponseType.SUCCESS)) { try { PreparedStatement markAsSold = this.con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE " + this.TBL_ITEMS + " SET sold=1,buyer_id=?,sold_at=? WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;"); markAsSold.setInt(1, buyerInventoryAccount.getdbId()); markAsSold.setTimestamp(2, new java.sql.Timestamp(new java.util.Date().getTime())); markAsSold.setInt(3, itemId); markAsSold.executeUpdate(); this.logger.log( Level.INFO, "set item id:{0} is:{1} sold to {2}({3}) for {4}", new Object[] { itemId, ifs.getItemStack(), buyerInventoryAccount.getUsername(), buyerInventoryAccount.getUUID(), price }); EconomyResponse sellerDepositResponse = plugin.economy.depositPlayer(sellerInventoryAccount.getUsername(), price); if (sellerDepositResponse.type.equals(ResponseType.SUCCESS)) { Player seller = Bukkit.getPlayer(sellerInventoryAccount.getUUID()); ItemStack itemSold = ifs.getItemStack(); // message if online, mail otherwise if (seller != null) { seller.sendMessage( "LonelyShop: You sold " + itemSold.getAmount() + " " + itemSold.getType() + " for " + plugin.economy.format(price)); } else { Bukkit.getServer() .dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), "mail " + sellerInventoryAccount.getUsername() + " You sold " + ifs.getItemStack().getType() + " for " + plugin.economy.format(price)); } } // really shouldn't ever happen... Even with LonelyEconomy the money was just given to the // server to hand to the player else { Bukkit.getServer() .dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), "mail ne0nx3r0 that scary error happened at " + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()) + " with " + ifs.getItemStack().getType() + " for " + plugin.economy.format(price)); Bukkit.getServer() .dispatchCommand( Bukkit.getServer().getConsoleSender(), "mail " + sellerInventoryAccount.getUsername() + " an error occurred selling " + ifs.getItemStack().getType() + " for " + plugin.economy.format(price) + ", sorry but you did not receive the money for it. Ne0nx3r0 should have been notified."); } } catch (SQLException ex) { this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); player.sendMessage( ChatColor.RED + "Something bad happened and you really should mention it."); } return new InventoryActionResponse( ifs.getItemStack(), true, "You bought " + ifs.getItemStack().getType().name() + " for " + plugin.economy.format(price) + "!"); } return new InventoryActionResponse(null, false, buyerWithdrawlResponse.errorMessage); }