   * Delete bitstream from item
   * @param context
   * @param ItemArchive
   * @param isTest
   * @param suppressUndo
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException
   * @throws ParseException
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws AuthorizeException
   * @throws SQLException
  public void execute(Context context, ItemArchive itarch, boolean isTest, boolean suppressUndo)
      throws IllegalArgumentException, IOException, SQLException, AuthorizeException,
          ParseException {
    File f = new File(itarch.getDirectory(), ItemUpdate.DELETE_CONTENTS_FILE);
    if (!f.exists()) {
          "Warning: Delete_contents file for item " + itarch.getDirectoryName() + " not found.");
    } else {
      List<Integer> list = MetadataUtilities.readDeleteContentsFile(f);
      if (list.isEmpty()) {
        ItemUpdate.pr("Warning: empty delete_contents file for item " + itarch.getDirectoryName());
      } else {
        for (int id : list) {
          try {
            Bitstream bs = Bitstream.find(context, id);
            if (bs == null) {
              ItemUpdate.pr("Bitstream not found by id: " + id);
            } else {
              Bundle[] bundles = bs.getBundles();
              for (Bundle b : bundles) {
                if (isTest) {
                  ItemUpdate.pr("Delete bitstream with id = " + id);
                } else {
                  ItemUpdate.pr("Deleted bitstream with id = " + id);

              if (alterProvenance) {
                DtoMetadata dtom = DtoMetadata.create("dc.description.provenance", "en", "");

                String append =
                    "Bitstream " + bs.getName() + " deleted on " + DCDate.getCurrent() + "; ";
                Item item = bundles[0].getItems()[0];
                ItemUpdate.pr("Append provenance with: " + append);

                if (!isTest) {
                  MetadataUtilities.appendMetadata(item, dtom, false, append);
          } catch (SQLException e) {
            ItemUpdate.pr("Error finding bitstream from id: " + id + " : " + e.toString());