/** @return a test for the find all method, if available and requested (may return null) */
  private MethodMetadataBuilder getFindAllMethodTest(
      final MemberTypeAdditions findAllMethod, final MemberTypeAdditions countMethod) {
    if (!annotationValues.isFindAll() || findAllMethod == null || countMethod == null) {
      // User does not want this method, or core dependencies are missing
      return null;

    // Prepare method signature
    JavaSymbolName methodName =
        new JavaSymbolName("test" + StringUtils.capitalize(findAllMethod.getMethodName()));
    if (governorHasMethod(methodName)) {
      return null;


    List<AnnotationMetadataBuilder> annotations = new ArrayList<AnnotationMetadataBuilder>();
    annotations.add(new AnnotationMetadataBuilder(TEST));

    final String entityName = annotationValues.getEntity().getSimpleTypeName();

    InvocableMemberBodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new InvocableMemberBodyBuilder();
        "Assert.assertNotNull(\"Data on demand for '"
            + entityName
            + "' failed to initialize correctly\", dod."
            + dataOnDemandMetadata.getRandomPersistentEntityMethod().getMethodName().getSymbolName()
            + "());");
    bodyBuilder.appendFormalLine("long count = " + countMethod.getMethodCall() + ";");
        "Assert.assertTrue(\"Too expensive to perform a find all test for '"
            + entityName
            + "', as there are \" + count + \" entries; set the findAllMaximum to exceed this value or set findAll=false on the integration test annotation to disable the test\", count < "
            + annotationValues.getFindAllMaximum()
            + ");");
        "List<" + entityName + "> result = " + findAllMethod.getMethodCall() + ";");
        "Assert.assertNotNull(\"Find all method for '"
            + entityName
            + "' illegally returned null\", result);");
        "Assert.assertTrue(\"Find all method for '"
            + entityName
            + "' failed to return any data\", result.size() > 0);");

    findAllMethod.copyAdditionsTo(builder, governorTypeDetails);
    countMethod.copyAdditionsTo(builder, governorTypeDetails);

    MethodMetadataBuilder methodBuilder =
        new MethodMetadataBuilder(
            getId(), Modifier.PUBLIC, methodName, JavaType.VOID_PRIMITIVE, bodyBuilder);
    return methodBuilder;