Example #1
 public boolean add(T x) {
   int i, c = 0, ix = it.intValue(x);
   Node u = r;
   // 1 - search for ix until falling out of the trie
   for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
     c = (ix >>> w - i - 1) & 1;
     if (u.child[c] == null) break;
     u = u.child[c];
   if (i == w) return false; // already contains x - abort
   Node pred = (c == right) ? u.jump : u.jump.child[0];
   u.jump = null; // u will have two children shortly
   // 2 - add path to ix
   for (; i < w; i++) {
     c = (ix >>> w - i - 1) & 1;
     u.child[c] = newNode();
     u.child[c].parent = u;
     u = u.child[c];
   u.x = x;
   // 3 - add u to linked list
   u.child[prev] = pred;
   u.child[next] = pred.child[next];
   u.child[prev].child[next] = u;
   u.child[next].child[prev] = u;
   // 4 - walk back up, updating jump pointers
   Node v = u.parent;
   while (v != null) {
     if ((v.child[left] == null && (v.jump == null || it.intValue(v.jump.x) > ix))
         || (v.child[right] == null && (v.jump == null || it.intValue(v.jump.x) < ix))) v.jump = u;
     v = v.parent;
   return true;
Example #2
 protected void checkList() {
   Node u = dummy.child[right];
   do {
     if (u.child[right] != dummy) Utils.myassert(it.intValue(u.x) < it.intValue(u.child[right].x));
     Utils.myassert(u.child[left].child[right] == u);
     Utils.myassert(u.child[right].child[left] == u);
     u = u.child[right];
   } while (u != dummy);
Example #3
 public boolean remove(T x) {
   // 1 - find leaf, u, containing x
   int i, c, ix = it.intValue(x);
   Node u = r;
   for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
     c = (ix >>> w - i - 1) & 1;
     if (u.child[c] == null) return false;
     u = u.child[c];
   // 2 - remove u from linked list
   u.child[prev].child[next] = u.child[next];
   u.child[next].child[prev] = u.child[prev];
   Node v = u;
   // 3 - delete nodes on path to u
   for (i = w - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
     c = (ix >>> w - i - 1) & 1;
     v = v.parent;
     v.child[c] = null;
     if (v.child[1 - c] != null) break;
   // 4 - update jump pointers
   c = (ix >>> w - i - 1) & 1;
   v.jump = u.child[1 - c];
   v = v.parent;
   for (; i >= 0; i--) {
     c = (ix >>> w - i - 1) & 1;
     if (v.jump == u) v.jump = u.child[1 - c];
     v = v.parent;
   return true;
Example #4
 public T find(T x) {
   int i, c = 0, ix = it.intValue(x);
   Node u = r;
   for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
     c = (ix >>> w - i - 1) & 1;
     if (u.child[c] == null) break;
     u = u.child[c];
   if (i == w) return u.x; // found it
   u = (c == 0) ? u.jump : u.jump.child[next];
   return u == dummy ? null : u.x;
Example #5
  * Find the node in the doubly-linked list that comes before the node that contains (the successor
  * of) x
  * @param x
  * @return The node before the node that contains x in the linked list
 protected Node findPredNode(T x) {
   int i, c = 0, ix = it.intValue(x);
   Node u = r;
   for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
     c = (ix >>> w - i - 1) & 1;
     if (u.child[c] == null) break;
     u = u.child[c];
   Node pred;
   if (i == w) pred = u.child[prev];
   else pred = (c == 1) ? u.jump : u.jump.child[0];
   return pred;