Example #1
   * Tries to evaluate the input that this instance was created with. Success of evaluation can be
   * queried using {@link #errorOccurred()}. If an error occurred, the exception can be obtained
   * using {@link #getLastError()}. If evaluation was successful, the result can be obtained using
   * {@link #getRoot()}.
   * @param rootNs The namespace to which ne declarations will be stored.
   * @param workingNs The initial namespace to work with.
  public void evaluate(Namespace rootNs, Namespace workingNs) {
    try {
      final InputParser parser = new InputParser(this.input, this.encoding, this.reporter);
      this.lastResult = parser.parse();

      if (this.lastResult == null) {

      // set parent attributes for all nodes
      final ASTVisitor parentSetter = new ParentSetter();

      final ProblemReporter reporter = this.reporter.subReporter(this.lastResult.getPosition());

      // resolve types
      TypeResolver.resolveAST(this.lastResult, workingNs, reporter);

      if (!this.reporter.hasProblems()) {
        final ASTVisitor executor = getExecutor(rootNs, workingNs, reporter);

    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      throw new RuntimeException("This should not have happened", e); // $NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (ASTTraversalException e) {
      this.lastError = e;
  protected ParsedCommand parse(String[] input) {
    if (isMissingArguments(input)) {
      return createParsedCommandError(ERROR_MISSING_ARGS);
    } else {
      String inputArgs = input[INDEX_FOR_ARGS];

      try {
        String parsedTitle = getTitleWithDateKeywords(inputArgs);
        Calendar[] parsedTimes = getStandardDatesTimes(inputArgs);
        if (mustRemoveDateKeywordSection(parsedTimes, inputArgs)) {
          parsedTitle = removeDateKeywordSection(parsedTitle);
        String parsedDescription = getDescriptionFromString(inputArgs);
        ArrayList<String> parsedTags = getTagsFromString(inputArgs);

        ParsedCommand pc =
            new ParsedCommand.ParsedCommandBuilder(MyParser.CommandType.ADD)
        return pc;
      } catch (InvalidArgumentsForParsedCommandException e) {
        return InputParser.createParsedCommandError(e.getMessage());
 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
   WeightedGraph wg = InputParser.parseAssignmentFile();
   MaxSpaceGreedyClustering algo = new MaxSpaceGreedyClustering(wg);
   int spacing = algo.findClusters(4);
   System.out.println("Computed max spacing: " + spacing);
  * Creates a new <code>RequestCtx</code> by parsing XML from an input stream. Note that this a
  * convenience method, and it will not do schema validation by default. You should be parsing the
  * data yourself, and then providing the root node to the other <code>getInstance</code> method.
  * If you use this convenience method, you probably want to turn on validation by setting the
  * context schema file (see the programmer guide for more information on this).
  * @param input a stream providing the XML data
  * @return a new <code>RequestCtx</code>
  * @throws ParsingException if there is an error parsing the input
 public static RequestCtx getInstance(InputStream input) throws ParsingException {
   return getInstance(InputParser.parseInput(input, "Request"));
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, Exception {
    // break into cases for each data set
    // for congressional, partition into training and test sets

    int whichDataSet = -1;
    Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
    String whichMonk = "";
    boolean IG = false;
    int tempIG = -1;

    // check input parameters
    try {
      if (args.length > 3) throw new NumberFormatException();
      tempIG = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
      whichDataSet = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
      // System.out.println(tempIG + " " + whichDataSet);
      if (args.length < 2 || whichDataSet < 0 || whichDataSet > 2 || tempIG < 0 || tempIG > 1) {
        throw new NumberFormatException();
      // System.out.println(tempIG + " " + whichDataSet);
      if (args.length < 3 && whichDataSet == 1) {
        throw new NumberFormatException();
      // System.out.println(tempIG + "* " + whichDataSet);
      if (args.length == 3) {
        int whichMonkInt = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        if (whichMonkInt == 1) whichMonk = "monks-1";
        else if (whichMonkInt == 2) whichMonk = "monks-2";
        else if (whichMonkInt == 3) whichMonk = "monks-3";
        else throw new NumberFormatException();
      if (tempIG == 0) IG = false;
      else IG = true;
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          "ERROR: \n\nUsage: ./run_traditional <IG or GR> <whichDataSet> <whichMonkDataSet> \n"
              + "IG or GR: (0) for information gain, (1) for gain ratio"
              + "\nwhichDataSet can be: (0=Congressional, 1=MONK, 2=Mushroom)"
              + "\nwhichMonkDataSet is only relevant if Monk chosen can be: (1 2 or 3)");

    // cases for each data set
    switch (whichDataSet) {
      case 0:
          fileName = "house-votes-84.data";
          System.out.println("\n\nRunning data set: " + fileName);
          parser = new CongressionalInputParser();
          outputClasses = parser.initializeOutputClasses();
          masterAttributes = parser.initializeMasterAttributesAndValues();
          attributes = parser.getAttributesSet();
          examples = parser.readExamples(fileName);
          traditionalDecisionTreeBuilder =
              new GreedyInformationGainDecisionTree(
                  trainingExamples, masterAttributes, attributes, outputClasses, IG);
          System.out.println("\n\nnumber of congressional Examples: " + examples.size());
      case 1:
          String fileName1 = whichMonk + ".train";
          String fileName2 = whichMonk + ".test";
          System.out.println("\n\nRunning data set: " + fileName1);
          parser = new MonkInputParser();
          outputClasses = parser.initializeOutputClasses();
          masterAttributes = parser.initializeMasterAttributesAndValues();
          attributes = parser.getAttributesSet();
          trainingExamples = parser.readExamples(fileName1);
          testExamples = parser.readExamples(fileName2);
          traditionalDecisionTreeBuilder =
              new GreedyInformationGainDecisionTree(
                  trainingExamples, masterAttributes, attributes, outputClasses, IG);
              "\n\nnumber of monk " + whichMonk + " Examples: " + trainingExamples.size());

      case 2:
          String fileName1 = "agaricus-lepiota.data";
          System.out.println("\n\nRunning data set: " + fileName1);
          parser = new MushroomInputParser();
          outputClasses = parser.initializeOutputClasses();
          masterAttributes = parser.initializeMasterAttributesAndValues();
          attributes = parser.getAttributesSet();
          examples = parser.readExamples(fileName1);

          // testExamples = parser.readExamples(fileName2);

          traditionalDecisionTreeBuilder =
              new GreedyInformationGainDecisionTree(
                  trainingExamples, masterAttributes, attributes, outputClasses, IG);
          System.out.println("\n\nnumber of mushroom Examples: " + examples.size());


    // System.out.println(trainingExamples.get(1).getAttributeList());

    finalDecisionTree =
        traditionalDecisionTreeBuilder.makeDecisionTree(trainingExamples, attributes, null);

    // System.out.println(finalDecisionTree.toString());

    System.out.println("\nTesting the tree on the TRAINING examples...");
    tester = new DecisionTreeTester(trainingExamples, masterAttributes, attributes, outputClasses);
    String out = tester.printPerformanceMetrics();

    System.out.println("\nTesting the tree on the " + testExamples.size() + " TEST examples...");
    tester = new DecisionTreeTester(testExamples, masterAttributes, attributes, outputClasses);
    out = tester.printPerformanceMetrics();

    System.out.println("Successful completion of program");