Example #1
  public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
    // Determine the button state to apply based on the MotionEvent action flag.
    // TODO: This will not work when Axis support is added. Make sure to refactor this when that
    // time comes
    // The reason it won't work is that when moving an axis, you would get the event
    // MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE.
    // TODO: Refactor this so we detect either Axis movements or button presses so we don't run two
    // loops all the time.
    int buttonState =
        (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) ? ButtonState.PRESSED : ButtonState.RELEASED;
    // Check if there was a touch within the bounds of a drawable.
    for (InputOverlayDrawableButton button : overlayButtons) {
      if (button.getBounds().contains((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY()))
        NativeLibrary.onTouchEvent(0, button.getId(), buttonState);

    for (InputOverlayDrawableJoystick joystick : overlayJoysticks) {
      int[] axisIDs = joystick.getAxisIDs();
      float[] axises = joystick.getAxisValues();

      for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) NativeLibrary.onTouchAxisEvent(0, axisIDs[i], axises[i]);

    return true;
Example #2
  public void draw(Canvas canvas) {

    for (InputOverlayDrawableButton button : overlayButtons) {

    for (InputOverlayDrawableJoystick joystick : overlayJoysticks) {