// TODO reverse sign
 private boolean isInValidPoint(Point point) {
   return (point.getX() < 0)
       || (point.getY() < 0)
       || (point.getX() >= context.getWidth())
       || (point.getY() >= context.getHeight())
       || (!context.isTraversable(point));
  /** Implements method from {@link IPathFinder}. */
  public List<Point> findPath(Point start, Point end) {

    PriorityQueue<PathNode> openSet = new PriorityQueue<PathNode>();
    Map<Point, PathNode> openSetLookupMap = new HashMap<Point, PathNode>();
    Set<Point> closedSet = new HashSet<Point>();

    PathNode startNode = new PathNode(null, start, 0, context.h(start, end));
    openSetLookupMap.put(startNode.location, startNode);

    while (!openSet.isEmpty()) {
      PathNode current = openSet.remove();

      if (current.location.equals(end)) {
        return reconstructPath(current);


      for (Point neighbor : findNeighbors(current.location, context.allowDiagonalMovements())) {
        if (!isInValidPoint(neighbor) && !closedSet.contains(neighbor)) {
          PathNode neighborNode = openSetLookupMap.get(neighbor);
          double tentativeGvalue = current.g + context.g_factor(neighbor);

          if (neighborNode == null) {
            neighborNode =
                new PathNode(current, neighbor, tentativeGvalue, context.h(neighbor, end));
          } else {
            neighborNode.g = Math.min(neighborNode.g, tentativeGvalue);

          // TODO modify to use HashSet instead of PriorityQueue since remove is linear anyway
          // TODO the above should allow us to condense two openSets into a single one, replacing
          // openSet.remove() w/ linear time lookup
          // TODO consider inserting things into self sorting data structure, that way remove is
          // constant time and lookups are log n (binary search?)

    return new ArrayList<Point>();