Example #1
  public void testRW() throws Exception {

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    for (Entry<Properties, HCatRecord> e : getData().entrySet()) {
      Properties tblProps = e.getKey();
      HCatRecord r = e.getValue();

      HCatRecordSerDe hrsd = new HCatRecordSerDe();
      SerDeUtils.initializeSerDe(hrsd, conf, tblProps, null);

      LOG.info("ORIG: {}", r);

      Writable s = hrsd.serialize(r, hrsd.getObjectInspector());
      LOG.info("ONE: {}", s);

      HCatRecord r2 = (HCatRecord) hrsd.deserialize(s);
      Assert.assertTrue(HCatDataCheckUtil.recordsEqual(r, r2));

      // If it went through correctly, then s is also a HCatRecord,
      // and also equal to the above, and a deepcopy, and this holds
      // through for multiple levels more of serialization as well.

      Writable s2 = hrsd.serialize(s, hrsd.getObjectInspector());
      LOG.info("TWO: {}", s2);
      Assert.assertTrue(HCatDataCheckUtil.recordsEqual(r, (HCatRecord) s));
      Assert.assertTrue(HCatDataCheckUtil.recordsEqual(r, (HCatRecord) s2));

      // serialize using another serde, and read out that object repr.
      LazySimpleSerDe testSD = new LazySimpleSerDe();
      SerDeUtils.initializeSerDe(testSD, conf, tblProps, null);

      Writable s3 = testSD.serialize(s, hrsd.getObjectInspector());
      LOG.info("THREE: {}", s3);
      Object o3 = testSD.deserialize(s3);

      // then serialize again using hrsd, and compare results
      HCatRecord s4 = (HCatRecord) hrsd.serialize(o3, testSD.getObjectInspector());
      LOG.info("FOUR: {}", s4);

      // Test LazyHCatRecord init and read
      LazyHCatRecord s5 = new LazyHCatRecord(o3, testSD.getObjectInspector());
      LOG.info("FIVE: {}", s5);

      LazyHCatRecord s6 = new LazyHCatRecord(s4, hrsd.getObjectInspector());
      LOG.info("SIX: {}", s6);
Example #2
  public void testRW() throws Exception {

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();

    for (Pair<Properties, HCatRecord> e : getData()) {
      Properties tblProps = e.first;
      HCatRecord r = e.second;

      HCatRecordSerDe hrsd = new HCatRecordSerDe();
      SerDeUtils.initializeSerDe(hrsd, conf, tblProps, null);

      JsonSerDe jsde = new JsonSerDe();
      SerDeUtils.initializeSerDe(jsde, conf, tblProps, null);

      LOG.info("ORIG:{}", r);

      Writable s = hrsd.serialize(r, hrsd.getObjectInspector());
      LOG.info("ONE:{}", s);

      Object o1 = hrsd.deserialize(s);
      StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
      boolean isEqual = HCatDataCheckUtil.recordsEqual(r, (HCatRecord) o1);
      assertTrue(msg.toString(), isEqual);

      Writable s2 = jsde.serialize(o1, hrsd.getObjectInspector());
      LOG.info("TWO:{}", s2);
      Object o2 = jsde.deserialize(s2);
      LOG.info("deserialized TWO : {} ", o2);
      isEqual = HCatDataCheckUtil.recordsEqual(r, (HCatRecord) o2, msg);
      assertTrue(msg.toString(), isEqual);