Example #1
 public void setUp() {
   gap = new Gap();
   gap.addValidAnswers("val1", "val2");
   gap.addInvalidAnswers("inval1", "inval2", "inval3");
   gap2 = new Gap();
   gap2 = Gap.with(Sets.newHashSet("val1", "val2"), Sets.newHashSet("inval1", "inval2", "inval3"));
   gap2.addValidAnswers("val1", "val2");
Example #2
   * insertGapCore0w() can handle a long code sequence more than 32K.
   * It guarantees that the length of the inserted gap (NOPs) is equal to
   * gapLength.  No other NOPs except some NOPs following TABLESWITCH or
   * LOOKUPSWITCH will not be inserted.
   * Note: currentPos might be moved.
   * @param where       It must indicate the first byte of an opcode.
   * @param newWhere    It contains the updated index of the position where a gap
   *                    is inserted and the length of the gap.
   *                    It must not be null.
  private byte[] insertGapCore0w(
      byte[] code,
      int where,
      int gapLength,
      boolean exclusive,
      ExceptionTable etable,
      CodeAttribute ca,
      Gap newWhere)
      throws BadBytecode {
    if (gapLength <= 0) return code;

    ArrayList jumps = makeJumpList(code, code.length);
    Pointers pointers = new Pointers(currentPos, mark, where, etable, ca);
    byte[] r = insertGap2w(code, where, gapLength, exclusive, jumps, pointers);
    currentPos = pointers.cursor;
    mark = pointers.mark;
    int where2 = pointers.mark0;
    if (where2 == currentPos && !exclusive) currentPos += gapLength;

    if (exclusive) where2 -= gapLength;

    newWhere.position = where2;
    newWhere.length = gapLength;
    return r;
 public Gap getGapByID(String id) {
   for (int i = 0; i < fGapList.size(); i++) {
     Gap aGap = (Gap) fGapList.getBasicElementAt(i);
     if (aGap.getId().equals(id)) return aGap;
   return null;
  public Element toJDOM() {
    Element aInteractionElement = super.toJDOM();

    aInteractionElement.setAttribute(AssessmentElementFactory.SHUFFLE, fShuffle ? "true" : "false");

    for (int i = 0; i < fGapTextList.size(); i++) {
      Element aGapTextElement = ((GapText) fGapTextList.getBasicElementAt(i)).toJDOM();
      if (aGapTextElement != null) aInteractionElement.addContent(aGapTextElement);

    Element aBlockElement = new Element(AssessmentElementFactory.P, getNamespace());

    if (fGapList.size() <= 0) {
      return aInteractionElement;

    int lastEnd = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < fGapList.size(); i++) {
      Gap aGap = (Gap) fGapList.getBasicElementAt(i);

      if (aGap != null) {
        Element aGapElement = aGap.toJDOM();
        int start = aGap.getStart();
        if (start == lastEnd) {
        } else {
          Text aText = new Text(data.substring(lastEnd, start - 1));
        lastEnd = start + aGap.getLength();
    if (lastEnd < data.length()) {
      Text aText = new Text(data.substring(lastEnd));
    return aInteractionElement;
Example #5
   * Inserts an inclusive or exclusive gap in front of the instruction at the given index <code>pos
   * </code>. Branch offsets and the exception table in the method body are also updated. The
   * inserted gap is filled with NOP. The gap length may be extended to a multiple of 4.
   * <p>Suppose that the instruction at the given index is at the beginning of a block statement. If
   * the gap is inclusive, then it is included within that block. If the gap is exclusive, then it
   * is excluded from that block.
   * <p>The index at which the gap is actually inserted might be different from pos since some other
   * bytes might be inserted at other positions (e.g. to change <code>GOTO</code> to <code>GOTO_W
   * </code>). The index is available from the <code>Gap</code> object returned by this method.
   * <p>Suppose that the gap is inserted at the position of the next instruction that would be
   * returned by <code>next()</code> (not the last instruction returned by the last call to <code>
   * next()</code>). The next instruction returned by <code>next()</code> after the gap is inserted
   * is still the same instruction. It is not <code>NOP</code> at the first byte of the inserted
   * gap.
   * @param pos the index at which a gap is inserted.
   * @param length gap length.
   * @param exclusive true if exclusive, otherwise false.
   * @return the position and the length of the inserted gap.
   * @since 3.11
  public Gap insertGapAt(int pos, int length, boolean exclusive) throws BadBytecode {
    /** cursorPos indicates the next bytecode whichever exclusive is true or false. */
    Gap gap = new Gap();
    if (length <= 0) {
      gap.position = pos;
      gap.length = 0;
      return gap;

    byte[] c;
    int length2;
    if (bytecode.length + length > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
      // currentPos might change after calling insertGapCore0w().
      c =
              bytecode, pos, length, exclusive, get().getExceptionTable(), codeAttr, gap);
      pos = gap.position;
      length2 = length; // == gap.length
    } else {
      int cur = currentPos;
      c = insertGapCore0(bytecode, pos, length, exclusive, get().getExceptionTable(), codeAttr);
      // insertGapCore0() never changes pos.
      length2 = c.length - bytecode.length;
      gap.position = pos;
      gap.length = length2;
      if (cur >= pos) currentPos = cur + length2;

      if (mark > pos || (mark == pos && exclusive)) mark += length2;

    bytecode = c;
    endPos = getCodeLength();
    updateCursors(pos, length2);
    return gap;
Example #6
  public void merge() {
    while (_bins.size() > getMaxBins()) {
      Gap<T> smallestGap = _gaps.pollFirst();
      Bin<T> newBin = smallestGap.getStartBin().combine(smallestGap.getEndBin());

      Gap<T> followingGap = _binsToGaps.get(smallestGap.getEndBin().getMean());
      if (followingGap != null) {


      _bins.put(newBin.getMean(), newBin);
Example #7
 public void addGap(Gap gap) {
Example #8
 public void testWith_String_StringArr() {
   Gap gap = Gap.with("foo", "bar", "bar2");
   assertThat(gap.getValidAnswers(), hasItem("foo"));
   assertThat(gap.getInvalidAnswers(), hasItems("bar", "bar2"));
Example #9
 public void testToString() {
   assertEquals("Gap{valid=[val1, val2], invalid=[inval3, inval2, inval1]}", gap.toString());
Example #10
 public void testEquals() {
   assertEquals(gap2, gap);
Example #11
 public void testHashCode() {
   assertEquals(gap2.hashCode(), gap.hashCode());
Example #12
 public void testGetAllAnswers() {
       Sets.newHashSet("inval1", "inval2", "inval3", "val1", "val2"), gap.getAllAnswers());
Example #13
 public void testGetValidAnswers() {
   assertEquals(Sets.newHashSet("val1", "val2"), gap.getValidAnswers());
  public void fromJDOM(Element element) {

    for (Object attribute : element.getAttributes()) {
      String tag = ((Attribute) attribute).getName();
      String value = ((Attribute) attribute).getValue();

      if (AssessmentElementFactory.IDENTIFIER.equals(tag)) {
        fID = value;
      } else if (AssessmentElementFactory.SHUFFLE.equals(tag)) {
        fShuffle = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value);

    for (Object o : element.getChildren()) {
      Element child = (Element) o;
      String tag = child.getName();
      // String value = child.getText();

      if (tag.equals(AssessmentElementFactory.GAP_TEXT)) {
        GapText aGapText = new GapText(fAssessmentItem, this);
        aGapText.fromJDOM((Element) child);
      } else if (tag.equals(AssessmentElementFactory.P)) {
        List grandChildren = child.getContent();
        Iterator iterator = grandChildren.iterator();
        Text textString = new Text("");
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
          Object grandChild = iterator.next();

          if (grandChild instanceof Element) {
            Element e = (Element) grandChild;
            if (e.getName().equals(AssessmentElementFactory.GAP)) {

              Gap aGap = new Gap(fAssessmentItem, this);
              aGap.fromJDOM((Element) grandChild);

              aGap.setStart(textString.getText().length() + 1);

              InterpretationValue aInterpretationValue =
              for (int i = 0; i < aInterpretationValue.size(); i++) {
                String valueData = aInterpretationValue.getValueAt(i).getData();
                int index = valueData.indexOf(" ");
                if (index != -1) {
                  String targetID = valueData.substring(index + 1);
                  if (targetID.equals(aGap.getId())) {
                    String sourceID = valueData.substring(0, index);
                    GapText aGapText = getGapTextByID(sourceID);
                    if (!aGapText.getData().equals("")) {
                      textString.append(" " + aGapText.getData());
                    } else {
                      System.out.println("correct choice is an empty string");
          } else if (grandChild instanceof Text) {
            textString.append((Text) grandChild);
        data = textString.getText();