Example #1
  * Creates and shows an alert dialog.
  * @param frame the parent frame. Can be null.
  * @param whatToSay the body of the dialog.
  * @param title the title of the dialog.
  * @param iconPath the icon's name (x.png)
 public static void showDialog(JFrame frame, String whatToSay, String title, String iconPath) {
       frame, // parent
       whatToSay, // text
       title, // title
       JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, // mesage type
       GUI.createImageIcon(iconPath) // icon
Example #2
   * Draws an emblem (based on current theme) in the bottom left of the given component. Call this
   * in paintComponent() of the component.
   * @param component the component to draw on
   * @param g the Graphics object from paintComponent()
  public static void drawEmblem(JComponent component, Graphics g) {
    Themes currentTheme = Themes.getCurrentTheme();
    ImageIcon image = GUI.createImageIcon("translucent/" + currentTheme.getImageIconPath());

    /*if(Themes.getCurrentTheme() == Themes.SNOW){
        image = GUI.createImageIcon("translucent/snow.png");

    int imageWidth = image.getIconWidth();
    int imageHeight = image.getIconHeight();
    // top left corner of where to start drawing
    int topLeftX = component.getWidth() - imageWidth; // x (horizontal) coordinate
    int topLeftY = component.getHeight() - imageHeight; // y (vertical) coordinate

    // draw in bottom right corner
    g.drawImage(image.getImage(), topLeftX, topLeftY, (java.awt.image.ImageObserver) null);
    // g.drawImage(image.getImage(), 0,0, (java.awt.image.ImageObserver)null);
Example #3
   * Uses a JEditorPane to open the given URL in a dialog
   * @param url the url to load
   * @param title the title of the dialog
   * @param frame the parent frame
   * @param visible true if you want the dialog to be visible, false if you want it to be invisible
   *     to user
   * @param iconPath the path to the image icon for the dialog.
  public static void openURLinDialog(
      String url, String title, String iconPath, JFrame frame, boolean visible) {
    // create panel with page in it
    final int WIDTH = 400;
    final int HEIGHT = 300;
    JPanel webView = createEditorPane(url, WIDTH, HEIGHT);

    // put it in a dialog
    JDialog dialog = new JDialog(frame);
    Utils.centerComponent(dialog, frame);

    // open it
Example #4
  * Creates a new Theme.
  * @param name the theme's name
  * @param imageIconPath the path to the image of the rank (usually "[name].png")
  * @param rankToUnlock the rank needed to unlock this rank
 Themes(String name, String imageIconPath, Rank rankToUnlock) {
   this.name = name;
   this.imageIconPath = imageIconPath;
   this.image = GUI.createImageIcon(imageIconPath);
   this.rankToUnlock = rankToUnlock;