@Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(GBDevice.ACTION_DEVICE_CHANGED)) { GBDevice device = intent.getParcelableExtra("device"); if (mGBDevice.equals(device)) { mGBDevice = device; boolean enableReceivers = mDeviceSupport != null && (mDeviceSupport.useAutoConnect() || mGBDevice.isConnected()); GB.setReceiversEnableState(enableReceivers, context); GB.updateNotification( mGBDevice.getName() + " " + mGBDevice.getStateString(), context); } } }
static ByteMultiple parseString(String sMultiple) { if (sMultiple == null || sMultiple.isEmpty()) // MB by default return MB; String sMU = sMultiple.toUpperCase(); if (B.name().toUpperCase().endsWith(sMU)) return B; if (KB.name().toUpperCase().endsWith(sMU)) return KB; if (MB.name().toUpperCase().endsWith(sMU)) return MB; if (GB.name().toUpperCase().endsWith(sMU)) return GB; if (TB.name().toUpperCase().endsWith(sMU)) return TB; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported ByteMultiple " + sMultiple); }
@Override public void onDestroy() { LOG.debug("BluetoothCommunicationService is being destroyed"); super.onDestroy(); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).unregisterReceiver(mReceiver); GB.setReceiversEnableState(false, this); // disable BroadcastReceivers if (mDeviceSupport != null) { mDeviceSupport.dispose(); } NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); nm.cancel( GB.NOTIFICATION_ID); // need to do this because the updated notification wont be cancelled // when service stops }
@Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (intent == null) { LOG.info("no intent"); return START_NOT_STICKY; } String action = intent.getAction(); boolean pair = intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_PERFORM_PAIR, false); if (action == null) { LOG.info("no action"); return START_NOT_STICKY; } LOG.debug("Service startcommand: " + action); if (!mStarted && !action.equals(ACTION_START)) { // using the service before issuing ACTION_START LOG.info("Must start service with " + ACTION_START + " before using it: " + action); return START_NOT_STICKY; } if (mStarted && action.equals(ACTION_START)) { // using ACTION_START when the service has already been started return START_STICKY; } if (!action.equals(ACTION_START) && !action.equals(ACTION_CONNECT)) { if (mDeviceSupport == null || (!isConnected() && !mDeviceSupport.useAutoConnect())) { // trying to send notification without valid Bluetooth connection if (mGBDevice != null) { // at least send back the current device state mGBDevice.sendDeviceUpdateIntent(this); } return START_STICKY; } } switch (action) { case ACTION_CONNECT: // Check the system status BluetoothAdapter mBtAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); if (mBtAdapter == null) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.bluetooth_is_not_supported_, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else if (!mBtAdapter.isEnabled()) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.bluetooth_is_disabled_, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } else { String btDeviceAddress = intent.getStringExtra(EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS); SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); sharedPrefs.edit().putString("last_device_address", btDeviceAddress).apply(); if (btDeviceAddress != null && !isConnected() && !isConnecting()) { if (mDeviceSupport != null) { mDeviceSupport.dispose(); mDeviceSupport = null; } try { BluetoothDevice btDevice = mBtAdapter.getRemoteDevice(btDeviceAddress); if (btDevice.getName() == null || btDevice .getName() .equals("MI")) { // FIXME: workaround for Miband not being paired mGBDevice = new GBDevice(btDeviceAddress, "MI", DeviceType.MIBAND); mDeviceSupport = new ServiceDeviceSupport(new MiBandSupport()); } else if (btDevice.getName().indexOf("Pebble") == 0) { mGBDevice = new GBDevice(btDeviceAddress, btDevice.getName(), DeviceType.PEBBLE); mDeviceSupport = new ServiceDeviceSupport(new PebbleSupport()); } if (mDeviceSupport != null) { mDeviceSupport.initialize(mGBDevice, mBtAdapter, this); if (pair) { mDeviceSupport.pair(); } else { mDeviceSupport.connect(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.cannot_connect_bt_address_invalid_, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); e.printStackTrace(); } } } break; case ACTION_NOTIFICATION_GENERIC: { String title = intent.getStringExtra("notification_title"); String body = intent.getStringExtra("notification_body"); mDeviceSupport.onGenericNotification(title, body); break; } case ACTION_NOTIFICATION_SMS: { String sender = intent.getStringExtra("notification_sender"); String body = intent.getStringExtra("notification_body"); String senderName = getContactDisplayNameByNumber(sender); mDeviceSupport.onSMS(senderName, body); break; } case ACTION_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL: { String sender = intent.getStringExtra("notification_sender"); String subject = intent.getStringExtra("notification_subject"); String body = intent.getStringExtra("notification_body"); mDeviceSupport.onEmail(sender, subject, body); break; } case ACTION_REBOOT: { mDeviceSupport.onReboot(); break; } case ACTION_FETCH_ACTIVITY_DATA: { mDeviceSupport.onFetchActivityData(); break; } case ACTION_DISCONNECT: { mDeviceSupport.dispose(); mDeviceSupport = null; break; } case ACTION_FIND_DEVICE: { boolean start = intent.getBooleanExtra("find_start", false); mDeviceSupport.onFindDevice(start); break; } case ACTION_CALLSTATE: GBCommand command = GBCommand.values()[intent.getIntExtra("call_command", 0)]; // UGLY String phoneNumber = intent.getStringExtra("call_phonenumber"); String callerName = null; if (phoneNumber != null) { callerName = getContactDisplayNameByNumber(phoneNumber); } mDeviceSupport.onSetCallState(phoneNumber, callerName, command); break; case ACTION_SETTIME: mDeviceSupport.onSetTime(-1); break; case ACTION_SETMUSICINFO: String artist = intent.getStringExtra("music_artist"); String album = intent.getStringExtra("music_album"); String track = intent.getStringExtra("music_track"); mDeviceSupport.onSetMusicInfo(artist, album, track); break; case ACTION_REQUEST_VERSIONINFO: if (mGBDevice != null && mGBDevice.getFirmwareVersion() == null) { mDeviceSupport.onFirmwareVersionReq(); } else { mGBDevice.sendDeviceUpdateIntent(this); } break; case ACTION_REQUEST_APPINFO: mDeviceSupport.onAppInfoReq(); break; case ACTION_REQUEST_SCREENSHOT: mDeviceSupport.onScreenshotReq(); break; case ACTION_STARTAPP: UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(intent.getStringExtra("app_uuid")); mDeviceSupport.onAppStart(uuid); break; case ACTION_DELETEAPP: uuid = UUID.fromString(intent.getStringExtra("app_uuid")); mDeviceSupport.onAppDelete(uuid); break; case ACTION_INSTALL_PEBBLEAPP: String uriString = intent.getStringExtra("app_uri"); if (uriString != null) { LOG.info("will try to install app"); mDeviceSupport.onInstallApp(Uri.parse(uriString)); } break; case ACTION_START: startForeground( GB.NOTIFICATION_ID, GB.createNotification(getString(R.string.gadgetbridge_running), this)); mStarted = true; break; } return START_STICKY; }