Example #1
 public static void notifyFailureToSender(ACLMessage msg, String sender, String error) {
   if (myFrontEnd != null) {
     // Send back a failure message
     try {
       Iterator it = msg.getAllReceiver();
       while (it.hasNext()) {
         AID receiver = (AID) it.next();
         // If this receiver is local, the message has certainly been delivered
         // successfully --> Do not send any FAILURE back for this receiver
         if (myFrontEnd.getLocalAgent(receiver.getLocalName()) == null) {
           ACLMessage failure = msg.createReply();
           String content = "( (action " + sender;
           content = content + " (ACLMessage) ) (MTS-error " + receiver + " \"" + error + "\") )";
           myFrontEnd.messageIn(failure, sender);
     } catch (Exception e1) {
       logger.log(Logger.SEVERE, "Error delivering FAILURE message.", e1);
Example #2
  private static void initCouple(Properties basePP, String prefix, int index) {
    String senderClass = "jade.core.ScalabilityTest$BitrateSenderAgent";
    String receiverClass = "jade.core.ScalabilityTest$BitrateReceiverAgent";
    if (measure == RTT_MEASURE) {
      senderClass = "jade.core.ScalabilityTest$RTTSenderAgent";
      receiverClass = "jade.core.ScalabilityTest$RTTReceiverAgent";

    Properties pp = (Properties) basePP.clone();
    /*Properties pp = new Properties();
    if (host != null) {
    	pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.HOST_KEY, host);
    if (port != null) {
    	pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.PORT_KEY, port);
    if (proto != null) {
    	pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.PROTO_KEY, proto);
    if (maxDiscTime != null) {
    	pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.MAX_DISCONNECTION_TIME_KEY, maxDiscTime);
    String sName = "S-" + prefix + "-" + index;
    pp.setProperty(PDPContextManager.MSISDN, sName);
    String rName = "R-" + prefix + "-" + index;
    String prop = sName + ":" + senderClass + "(" + rName + ")";
    pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.AGENTS_KEY, prop);
    // pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_KEY, "-1");
    FrontEndContainer fes = new FrontEndContainer();

    pp = (Properties) basePP.clone();
    /*pp = new Properties();
    if (host != null) {
    	pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.HOST_KEY, host);
    if (port != null) {
    	pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.PORT_KEY, port);
    if (proto != null) {
    	pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.PROTO_KEY, proto);
    if (maxDiscTime != null) {
    	pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.MAX_DISCONNECTION_TIME_KEY, maxDiscTime);
    pp.setProperty(PDPContextManager.MSISDN, rName);
    prop = rName + ":" + receiverClass;
    pp.setProperty(MicroRuntime.AGENTS_KEY, prop);
    // pp.setProperty(JICPProtocol.KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_KEY, "-1");
    FrontEndContainer fer = new FrontEndContainer();
Example #3
 public static String getContainerName() {
   if (myFrontEnd != null) {
     Location cid = myFrontEnd.here();
     if (cid != null) {
       return cid.getName();
   return null;
Example #4
  * Kill an agent. This method terminates an agent running within the active Front End container.
  * @param name The local name (i.e. without the platform ID) of the agent to kill.
  * @throws NotFoundException If no agent with the given local name are running within the active
  *     Front End.
 public static void killAgent(String name) throws NotFoundException {
   if (myFrontEnd != null) {
     try {
     } catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
       // Should never happen as this is a local call
Example #5
  * Start a new agent. This method starts a new agent within the active Front End container.
  * @param name The local name (i.e. without the platform ID) of the agent to create.
  * @param className The fully qualified name of the class implementing the agent to start.
  * @param args The creation arguments for the agent.
  * @throws Exception If the underlying agent creation process fails.
 public static void startAgent(String name, String className, Object[] args) throws Exception {
   if (myFrontEnd != null) {
     try {
       myFrontEnd.createAgent(name, className, args);
     } catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
       // This is a local call --> an IMTPxception always wrap some other exception
       throw (Exception) imtpe.getNested();
Example #6
  * Get agent proxy to local agent given its name. <br>
  * <b>NOT available in MIDP</b> <br>
  * @param localAgentName The short local name of the desired agent.
  * @throws ControllerException If any problems occur obtaining this proxy.
 public static AgentController getAgent(String localName) throws ControllerException {
   if (myFrontEnd == null) {
     throw new ControllerException("FrontEndContainer  not found");
   // Check that the agent exists
   jade.core.Agent instance = myFrontEnd.getLocalAgent(localName);
   if (instance == null) {
     throw new ControllerException("Agent " + localName + " not found.");
   return new MicroAgentControllerImpl(localName, myFrontEnd);
Example #7
  * Shut down the JADE runtime. This method stops the JADE Front End container currently running in
  * this JVM, if one such container exists.
 public static void stopJADE() {
   if (myFrontEnd != null) {
     try {
       // Self-initiated shutdown
     } catch (IMTPException imtpe) {
       // Should never happen as this is a local call
Example #8
  * Start up the JADE runtime. This method launches a JADE Front End container. Since JADE supports
  * only one container in the split-container deployment, if a Front End is already running this
  * method does nothing.
  * @param p A property bag, containing name-value pairs used to configure the container during
  *     boot.
  * @param r A <code>Runnable</code> object, whose <code>run()</code> method will be executed just
  *     after container termination.
 public static void startJADE(Properties p, Runnable r) {
   if (myFrontEnd == null) {
     terminator = r;
     terminated = false;
     myFrontEnd = new FrontEndContainer();
     if (terminated) {
       myFrontEnd = null;
Example #9
  * Disconnect this front-end container from the platform. That is, though the local front-end
  * container and its agent(s) remain active, the back-end is shut down and, of course, the FE-2-BE
  * connection is closed --> Therefore the rest of the platform does not see the local container
  * and its agent(s) anymore. The local container automatically re-connects to the platform (and
  * local agents are registered with the AMS again) as soon as a message to a remote agent is sent.
 public static void detach() {
   if (myFrontEnd != null) {
Example #10
  * Remove a listener to Front-End relevant events BORN_AGENT and DEAD_AGENT <br>
  * <b>NOT available in MIDP</b> <br>
  * @param l The listener to be removed
 public static void removeListener(FEListener l) {
   if (myFrontEnd != null) {
Example #11
  * Add a listener that will be notified about Front-End relevant events such as BORN_AGENT and
  * DEAD_AGENT <br>
  * <b>NOT available in MIDP</b> <br>
  * @param l The listener that will be notified about Front-End relevant events
 public static void addListener(FEListener l) {
   if (myFrontEnd != null) {