  public void testRelativeOrderingWithPlainJars2() throws Exception {
    // web.xml has no ordering, jar A has fragment after others, jar B is plain, jar C is plain
    List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
    metaData._ordering = new RelativeOrdering(metaData);

    // A has after others
    TestResource jar1 = new TestResource("A");
    TestResource r1 = new TestResource("A/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f1 = new FragmentDescriptor(r1);
    f1._name = "A";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f1._name, f1);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar1, f1);
    f1._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.After;

    // No fragment jar B
    TestResource r4 = new TestResource("plainB");

    // No fragment jar C
    TestResource r5 = new TestResource("plainC");

    List<Resource> orderedList = metaData._ordering.order(resources);
    String[] outcomes = {"plainBplainCA"};
    String result = "";
    for (Resource r : orderedList) result += (((TestResource) r)._name);

    if (!checkResult(result, outcomes)) fail("No outcome matched " + result);
Example #2
  public boolean isDistributable() {
    boolean distributable =
        ((_webDefaultsRoot != null && _webDefaultsRoot.isDistributable())
            || (_webXmlRoot != null && _webXmlRoot.isDistributable()));

    for (WebDescriptor d : _webOverrideRoots) distributable &= d.isDistributable();

    List<Resource> orderedResources = getOrderedWebInfJars();
    for (Resource r : orderedResources) {
      FragmentDescriptor d = _webFragmentResourceMap.get(r);
      if (d != null) distributable = distributable && d.isDistributable();
    return distributable;
Example #3
   * Add a web-fragment.xml
   * @param jarResource the jar the fragment is contained in
   * @param xmlResource the resource representing the xml file
   * @throws Exception
  public void addFragment(Resource jarResource, Resource xmlResource) throws Exception {
    if (_metaDataComplete)
      return; // do not process anything else if web.xml/web-override.xml set metadata-complete

    // Metadata-complete is not set, or there is no web.xml
    FragmentDescriptor descriptor = new FragmentDescriptor(xmlResource);
    _webFragmentResourceMap.put(jarResource, descriptor);


    if (descriptor.getName() != null) {
      Descriptor existing = _webFragmentNameMap.get(descriptor.getName());
      if (existing != null && !isAllowDuplicateFragmentNames()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "Duplicate fragment name: "
                + descriptor.getName()
                + " for "
                + existing.getResource()
                + " and "
                + descriptor.getResource());
      } else _webFragmentNameMap.put(descriptor.getName(), descriptor);

    // If web.xml has specified an absolute ordering, ignore any relative ordering in the fragment
    if (_ordering != null && _ordering.isAbsolute()) return;

    if (_ordering == null && descriptor.isOrdered())
      _ordering = new Ordering.RelativeOrdering(this);
  public void testInvalid1() throws Exception {
    List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
    metaData._ordering = new RelativeOrdering(metaData);

    // A: after others, before C
    TestResource jar1 = new TestResource("A");
    TestResource r1 = new TestResource("A/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f1 = new FragmentDescriptor(r1);
    f1._name = "A";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f1._name, f1);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar1, f1);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addAfterOthers(r1);
    f1._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.After;

    // B: before others, after C
    TestResource jar2 = new TestResource("B");
    TestResource r2 = new TestResource("B/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f2 = new FragmentDescriptor(r2);
    f2._name = "B";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f2._name, f2);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar2, f2);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addBeforeOthers(r2);
    f2._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.Before;

    // C: no ordering
    TestResource jar3 = new TestResource("C");
    TestResource r3 = new TestResource("C/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f3 = new FragmentDescriptor(r3);
    f3._name = "C";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f3._name, f3);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar3, f3);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(r3);
    f3._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;

    try {
      List<Resource> orderedList = metaData._ordering.order(resources);
      String result = "";
      for (Resource r : orderedList) result += ((TestResource) r)._name;
      System.err.println("Invalid Result = " + result);
      fail("A and B have an impossible relationship to C");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalStateException);
  public void testRelativeOrdering3() throws Exception {
    List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
    metaData._ordering = new RelativeOrdering(metaData);

    // A: after others, before C
    TestResource jar1 = new TestResource("A");
    TestResource r1 = new TestResource("A/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f1 = new FragmentDescriptor(r1);
    f1._name = "A";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f1._name, f1);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar1, f1);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addAfterOthers(f1);
    f1._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.After;

    // B: before others, before C
    TestResource jar2 = new TestResource("B");
    TestResource r2 = new TestResource("B/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f2 = new FragmentDescriptor(r2);
    f2._name = "B";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f2._name, f2);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar2, f2);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addBeforeOthers(f2);
    f2._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.Before;

    // C: no ordering
    TestResource jar3 = new TestResource("C");
    TestResource r3 = new TestResource("C/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f3 = new FragmentDescriptor(r3);
    f3._name = "C";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f3._name, f3);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar3, f3);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(f3);
    f3._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;

    // result: BAC
    String[] outcomes = {"BAC"};

    List<Resource> orderedList = metaData._ordering.order(resources);
    String result = "";
    for (Resource r : orderedList) result += (((TestResource) r)._name);

    if (!checkResult(result, outcomes)) fail("No outcome matched " + result);
  public void testCircular1() throws Exception {

    // A: after B
    // B: after A
    List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
    metaData._ordering = new RelativeOrdering(metaData);

    // A: after B
    TestResource jar1 = new TestResource("A");
    TestResource r1 = new TestResource("A/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f1 = new FragmentDescriptor(r1);
    f1._name = "A";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f1._name, f1);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar1, f1);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(f1);
    f1._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;

    // B: after A
    TestResource jar2 = new TestResource("B");
    TestResource r2 = new TestResource("B/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f2 = new FragmentDescriptor(r2);
    f2._name = "B";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f2._name, f2);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar2, f2);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(f2);
    f2._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;

    try {
      List<Resource> orderedList = metaData._ordering.order(resources);
      fail("No circularity detected");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      assertTrue(e instanceof IllegalStateException);
  public void testAbsoluteOrderingWithPlainJars() throws Exception {
    // A,B,C,others
    List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
    metaData._ordering = new AbsoluteOrdering(metaData);
    ((AbsoluteOrdering) metaData._ordering).add("A");
    ((AbsoluteOrdering) metaData._ordering).add("B");
    ((AbsoluteOrdering) metaData._ordering).add("C");
    ((AbsoluteOrdering) metaData._ordering).addOthers();

    TestResource jar1 = new TestResource("A");
    TestResource r1 = new TestResource("A/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f1 = new FragmentDescriptor(r1);
    f1._name = "A";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f1._name, f1);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar1, f1);

    TestResource jar2 = new TestResource("B");
    TestResource r2 = new TestResource("B/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f2 = new FragmentDescriptor(r2);
    f2._name = "B";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f2._name, f2);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar2, f2);

    TestResource jar3 = new TestResource("C");
    TestResource r3 = new TestResource("C/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f3 = new FragmentDescriptor(r3);
    f3._name = "C";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f3._name, f3);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar3, f3);

    TestResource jar4 = new TestResource("D");
    TestResource r4 = new TestResource("D/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f4 = new FragmentDescriptor((Resource) null);
    f4._name = "D";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f4._name, f4);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar4, f4);

    TestResource jar5 = new TestResource("E");
    TestResource r5 = new TestResource("E/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f5 = new FragmentDescriptor((Resource) null);
    f5._name = "E";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f5._name, f5);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar5, f5);

    TestResource jar6 = new TestResource("plain");
    TestResource r6 = new TestResource("plain/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f6 = new FragmentDescriptor((Resource) null);
    f6._name = FragmentDescriptor.NAMELESS + "1";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f6._name, f6);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar6, f6);

    // plain jar
    TestResource r7 = new TestResource("plain1");

    TestResource r8 = new TestResource("plain2");

    List<Resource> list = metaData._ordering.order(resources);

    String[] outcomes = {"ABCDEplainplain1plain2"};
    String result = "";
    for (Resource r : list) result += ((TestResource) r)._name;

    if (!checkResult(result, outcomes)) fail("No outcome matched " + result);
  public void testRelativeOrdering2() throws Exception {
    List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
    metaData._ordering = new RelativeOrdering(metaData);

    // Example from Spec p. 71-72

    // A: after B
    TestResource jar1 = new TestResource("A");
    TestResource r1 = new TestResource("A/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f1 = new FragmentDescriptor(r1);
    f1._name = "A";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f1._name, f1);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar1, f1);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(f1);
    f1._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;

    // B: no order
    TestResource jar2 = new TestResource("B");
    TestResource r2 = new TestResource("B/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f2 = new FragmentDescriptor(r2);
    f2._name = "B";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f2._name, f2);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar2, f2);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(f2);
    f2._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;

    // C: before others
    TestResource jar3 = new TestResource("C");
    TestResource r3 = new TestResource("C/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f3 = new FragmentDescriptor(r3);
    f3._name = "C";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f3._name, f3);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar3, f3);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addBeforeOthers(f3);
    f3._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.Before;

    // D: no order
    TestResource jar4 = new TestResource("D");
    TestResource r4 = new TestResource("D/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f4 = new FragmentDescriptor(r4);
    f4._name = "D";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f4._name, f4);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar4, f4);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(f4);
    f4._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;
    // p.71-72 possible outcomes are:
    // C,B,D,A
    // C,D,B,A
    // C,B,A,D
    String[] outcomes = {"CBDA", "CDBA", "CBAD"};

    List<Resource> orderedList = metaData._ordering.order(resources);
    String result = "";
    for (Resource r : orderedList) result += (((TestResource) r)._name);

    if (!checkResult(result, outcomes)) fail("No outcome matched " + result);
  public void testRelativeOrdering1() throws Exception {
    List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
    metaData._ordering = new RelativeOrdering(metaData);

    // Example from ServletSpec p.70-71
    // No name: after others, before C
    TestResource jar1 = new TestResource("plain");
    TestResource r1 = new TestResource("plain/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f1 = new FragmentDescriptor(r1);
    f1._name = FragmentDescriptor.NAMELESS + "1";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f1._name, f1);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar1, f1);
    f1._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.After;
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addAfterOthers(f1);

    // B: before others
    TestResource jar2 = new TestResource("B");
    TestResource r2 = new TestResource("B/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f2 = new FragmentDescriptor(r2);
    f2._name = "B";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f2._name, f2);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar2, f2);
    f2._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.Before;
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addBeforeOthers(f2);

    // C: no ordering
    TestResource jar3 = new TestResource("C");
    TestResource r3 = new TestResource("C/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f3 = new FragmentDescriptor(r3);
    f3._name = "C";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f3._name, f3);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar3, f3);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(f3);
    f3._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;

    // D: after others
    TestResource jar4 = new TestResource("D");
    TestResource r4 = new TestResource("D/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f4 = new FragmentDescriptor(r4);
    f4._name = "D";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f4._name, f4);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar4, f4);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addAfterOthers(f4);
    f4._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.After;

    // E: before others
    TestResource jar5 = new TestResource("E");
    TestResource r5 = new TestResource("E/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f5 = new FragmentDescriptor(r5);
    f5._name = "E";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f5._name, f5);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar5, f5);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addBeforeOthers(f5);
    f5._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.Before;

    // F: no ordering
    TestResource jar6 = new TestResource("F");
    TestResource r6 = new TestResource("F/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f6 = new FragmentDescriptor(r6);
    f6._name = "F";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f6._name, f6);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar6, f6);
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(f6);
    f6._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;

    List<Resource> orderedList = metaData._ordering.order(resources);

    // p.70-71 Possible outcomes are:
    // B, E, F, noname, C, D
    // B, E, F, noname, D, C
    // E, B, F, noname, C, D
    // E, B, F, noname, D, C
    // E, B, F, D, noname, C
    String[] outcomes = {"BEFplainCD", "BEFplainDC", "EBFplainCD", "EBFplainDC", "EBFDplain"};

    String orderedNames = "";
    for (Resource r : orderedList) orderedNames += (((TestResource) r)._name);

    if (!checkResult(orderedNames, outcomes)) fail("No outcome matched " + orderedNames);
  public void testRelativeOrdering0() throws Exception {
    // Example from ServletSpec p.70
    WebAppContext wac = new WebAppContext();
    MetaData metaData = new MetaData();
    List<Resource> resources = new ArrayList<Resource>();
    metaData._ordering = new RelativeOrdering(metaData);

    // A: after others, after C
    TestResource jar1 = new TestResource("A");
    TestResource r1 = new TestResource("A/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f1 = new FragmentDescriptor(r1);
    f1._name = "A";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f1._name, f1);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar1, f1);
    f1._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.After;
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addAfterOthers(r1);

    // B: before others
    TestResource jar2 = new TestResource("B");
    TestResource r2 = new TestResource("B/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f2 = new FragmentDescriptor(r2);
    f2._name = "B";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f2._name, f2);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar2, f2);
    f2._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.Before;
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addBeforeOthers(r2);

    // C: after others
    TestResource jar3 = new TestResource("C");
    TestResource r3 = new TestResource("C/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f3 = new FragmentDescriptor(r3);
    f3._name = "C";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f3._name, f3);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar3, f3);
    f3._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.After;
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addAfterOthers(r3);

    // D: no ordering
    TestResource jar4 = new TestResource("D");
    TestResource r4 = new TestResource("D/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f4 = new FragmentDescriptor(r4);
    f4._name = "D";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f4._name, f4);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar4, f4);
    f4._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(r4);

    // E: no ordering
    TestResource jar5 = new TestResource("E");
    TestResource r5 = new TestResource("E/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f5 = new FragmentDescriptor(r5);
    f5._name = "E";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f5._name, f5);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar5, f5);
    f5._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.None;
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addNoOthers(r5);

    // F: before others, before B
    TestResource jar6 = new TestResource("F");
    TestResource r6 = new TestResource("F/web-fragment.xml");
    FragmentDescriptor f6 = new FragmentDescriptor(r6);
    f6._name = "F";
    metaData._webFragmentNameMap.put(f6._name, f6);
    metaData._webFragmentResourceMap.put(jar6, f6);
    f6._otherType = FragmentDescriptor.OtherType.Before;
    // ((RelativeOrdering)metaData._ordering).addBeforeOthers(r6);

    // p.70 outcome: F, B, D, E, C, A
    String[] outcomes = {"FBDECA"};
    List<Resource> orderedList = metaData._ordering.order(resources);

    String result = "";
    for (Resource r : orderedList) result += (((TestResource) r)._name);

    if (!checkResult(result, outcomes)) fail("No outcome matched " + result);