public void printPoints() {
   for (int i = 0; i < npoint; i++) {
     SequencePoint sp = (SequencePoint) points.elementAt(i);
     Format.print(System.out, "%5d ", i);
     for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
       Format.print(System.out, "%13.3f  ", sp.coord[j]);
  public void print(PrintStream ps) {

    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
        Format.print(ps, "%8.2f", value[i][j]);
Example #3
  /** a test stub for the format class */
  public static void main(String[] a) {
    double x = 1.23456789012;
    double y = 123;
    double z = 1.2345e30;
    double w = 1.02;
    double u = 1.234e-5;
    int d = 0xCAFE;
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%f|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "u = |%20f|\n", u);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |% .5f|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "w = |%20.5f|\n", w);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%020.5f|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%+20.5f|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%+020.5f|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |% 020.5f|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "y = |%#+20.5f|\n", y);
    Format.print(System.out, "y = |%-+20.5f|\n", y);
    Format.print(System.out, "z = |%20.5f|\n", z);

    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%e|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "u = |%20e|\n", u);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |% .5e|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "w = |%20.5e|\n", w);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%020.5e|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%+20.5e|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%+020.5e|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "x = |% 020.5e|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "y = |%#+20.5e|\n", y);
    Format.print(System.out, "y = |%-+20.5e|\n", y);

    Format.print(System.out, "x = |%g|\n", x);
    Format.print(System.out, "z = |%g|\n", z);
    Format.print(System.out, "w = |%g|\n", w);
    Format.print(System.out, "u = |%g|\n", u);
    Format.print(System.out, "y = |%.2g|\n", y);
    Format.print(System.out, "y = |%#.2g|\n", y);

    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%d|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20d|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%020d|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%+20d|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |% 020d|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%-20d|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20.8d|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%x|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20X|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%#20x|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%020X|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20.8x|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%o|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%020o|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%#20o|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%#020o|\n", d);
    Format.print(System.out, "d = |%20.12o|\n", d);

    Format.print(System.out, "s = |%-20s|\n", "Hello");
    Format.print(System.out, "s = |%-20c|\n", '!');

    // regression test to confirm fix of reported bugs

    Format.print(System.out, "|%i|\n", Long.MIN_VALUE);

    Format.print(System.out, "|%6.2e|\n", 0.0);
    Format.print(System.out, "|%6.2g|\n", 0.0);

    Format.print(System.out, "|%6.2f|\n", 9.99);
    Format.print(System.out, "|%6.2f|\n", 9.999);

    Format.print(System.out, "|%6.0f|\n", 9.999);
  public void printE(PrintStream ps) {

    for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
      Format.print(ps, "%15.4e", e[j]);