   * Checks if the First Run needs to be launched.
   * @return The intent to launch the First Run Experience if necessary, or null.
   * @param context The context.
   * @param fromIntent The intent that was used to launch Chrome.
   * @param forLightweightFre Whether this is a check for the Lightweight First Run Experience.
  public static Intent checkIfFirstRunIsNecessary(
      Context context, Intent fromIntent, boolean forLightweightFre) {
    // If FRE is disabled (e.g. in tests), proceed directly to the intent handling.
    if (CommandLine.getInstance().hasSwitch(ChromeSwitches.DISABLE_FIRST_RUN_EXPERIENCE)
        || ApiCompatibilityUtils.isDemoUser(context)) {
      return null;

    // If Chrome isn't opened via the Chrome icon, and the user accepted the ToS
    // in the Setup Wizard, skip any First Run Experience screens and proceed directly
    // to the intent handling.
    final boolean fromChromeIcon =
        fromIntent != null && TextUtils.equals(fromIntent.getAction(), Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
    if (!fromChromeIcon && ToSAckedReceiver.checkAnyUserHasSeenToS(context)) return null;

    final boolean baseFreComplete = FirstRunStatus.getFirstRunFlowComplete(context);
    if (!baseFreComplete) {
      if (forLightweightFre
          && CommandLine.getInstance()
              .hasSwitch(ChromeSwitches.ENABLE_LIGHTWEIGHT_FIRST_RUN_EXPERIENCE)) {
        if (!FirstRunStatus.shouldSkipWelcomePage(context)
            && !FirstRunStatus.getLightweightFirstRunFlowComplete(context)) {
          return createLightweightFirstRunIntent(context, fromChromeIcon);
      } else {
        return createGenericFirstRunIntent(context, fromChromeIcon);

    // Promo pages are removed, so there is nothing else to show in FRE.
    return null;
 public boolean shouldSkipPageOnCreate(Context appContext) {
   return FirstRunStatus.shouldSkipWelcomePage(appContext);