  public void setValue(String value, int offset, SupArray array) throws Exception {
    this.offset = offset;

    int pos = value.indexOf(",");
    if (pos < 0) {
      throw new ExecutionException(
          "The value \""
              + value
              + "\" for the mumber MCC/MNC field : \""
              + this.name
              + "\" is not valid : format = [MCC],[MNC]");

    // process the MCC digits
    String mcc = value.substring(0, pos).trim();
    if (mcc.length() != 3) {
      throw new ExecutionException(
          "The value \""
              + value
              + "\" for the mumber MCC field : \""
              + this.name
              + "\" is not valid : [MCC] should have [3..3] characters");
    // process the MNC digits
    String mnc = value.substring(pos + 1).trim();
    if (mnc.length() < 2 || mnc.length() > 3) {
      throw new ExecutionException(
          "The value \""
              + value
              + "\" for the mumber MNC field : \""
              + this.name
              + "\" is not valid : [MNC] should have [2..3] characters");

    String mmc;
    if (mnc.length() == 2) {
      mmc = mcc + "f" + mnc.charAt(0) + mnc.charAt(1);
    } else {
      mmc = mcc + mnc.charAt(2) + mnc.charAt(0) + mnc.charAt(1);

    // permute the octet 2 a 2
    byte[] bytes = mmc.getBytes();
    String mmcPermute = new String(bytes);
    Array valueArray = Array.fromHexString(mmcPermute);
    super.setValueFromArray(valueArray, offset, array);
  public void parseFromXML(Element rootXML, boolean parseDico) {
    super.parseFromXML(rootXML, parseDico);

    this.length = 3 * 8;