public static int getCurrentStation(Context context) { int currentStation = FIXED_STATION_FREQ; Cursor cur = context .getContentResolver() .query( Station.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {Station.COLUMN_STATION_FREQ}, Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE + "=?", new String[] {String.valueOf(STATION_TYPE_CURRENT)}, null); if (null != cur) { try { if (cur.moveToFirst()) { currentStation = cur.getInt(0); if (currentStation < LOWEST_STATION || currentStation > HIGHEST_STATION) { // Update the database currentStation = FIXED_STATION_FREQ; setCurrentStation(context, currentStation); FMTxLogUtils.d( TAG, "FMTransmitterStation.getCurrentStation: current station is invalid, use default!"); } } } finally { cur.close(); cur = null; } } FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "getCurrentStation: " + currentStation); return currentStation; }
public static void insertStationToDB( Context context, String stationName, int stationFreq, int stationType) { FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "insertStationToDB Start"); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_NAME, stationName); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_FREQ, stationFreq); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE, stationType); context.getContentResolver().insert(Station.CONTENT_URI, values); FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "insertStationToDB End"); }
public static void cleanSearchedStations(Context context) { FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "cleanSearchedStations Start"); context .getContentResolver() .delete( Station.CONTENT_URI, Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE + "=" + String.valueOf(STATION_TYPE_SEARCHED), null); FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "cleanSearchedStations End"); }
public static void deleteStationInDB(Context context, int stationFreq, int stationType) { context .getContentResolver() .delete( Station.CONTENT_URI, Station.COLUMN_STATION_FREQ + "=? AND " + Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE + "=?", new String[] {String.valueOf(stationFreq), String.valueOf(stationType)}); FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "deleteStationInDB: Freq = " + stationFreq + ", FreqType = " + stationType); }
public static void updateStationToDB( Context context, String stationName, int stationFreq, int stationType) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_NAME, stationName); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_FREQ, stationFreq); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE, stationType); context .getContentResolver() .update( Station.CONTENT_URI, values, Station.COLUMN_STATION_FREQ + "=? AND " + Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE + "=?", new String[] {String.valueOf(stationFreq), String.valueOf(stationType)}); FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "updateStationToDB: Name= " + stationName + ", FreqType = " + stationType); }
public static boolean isDBEmpty(Context context) { boolean isEmpty = true; Cursor cur = context .getContentResolver() .query( Station.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {Station.COLUMN_STATION_NAME}, null, null, null); if (null != cur) { if (cur.getCount() > 0) { isEmpty = false; } cur.close(); cur = null; } FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "isDBEmpty: " + isEmpty); return isEmpty; }
public static void setCurrentStation(Context context, int iStation) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(3); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_NAME, CURRENT_STATION_NAME); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_FREQ, iStation); values.put(Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE, STATION_TYPE_CURRENT); if (getStationCount(context, STATION_TYPE_CURRENT) == 1) { context .getContentResolver() .update( Station.CONTENT_URI, values, Station.COLUMN_STATION_NAME + "=? AND " + Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE + "=?", new String[] {CURRENT_STATION_NAME, String.valueOf(STATION_TYPE_CURRENT)}); } else { context.getContentResolver().insert(Station.CONTENT_URI, values); } FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "setCurrentStation: " + iStation); }
public static int getStationCount(Context context, int stationType) { int stationCount = 0; Cursor cur = context .getContentResolver() .query( Station.CONTENT_URI, COLUMNS, Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE + "=?", new String[] {String.valueOf(stationType)}, null); if (null != cur) { stationCount = cur.getCount(); cur.close(); cur = null; } FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "getStationCount: " + stationCount); return stationCount; }
public static boolean isStationExist(Context context, int stationFreq, int stationType) { boolean isExist = false; Cursor cur = context .getContentResolver() .query( Station.CONTENT_URI, new String[] {Station.COLUMN_STATION_NAME}, Station.COLUMN_STATION_FREQ + "=? AND " + Station.COLUMN_STATION_TYPE + "=?", new String[] {String.valueOf(stationFreq), String.valueOf(stationType)}, null); if (null != cur) { if (cur.getCount() > 0) { isExist = true; } cur.close(); cur = null; } FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "isStationExist: " + isExist); return isExist; }
public static void cleanDB(Context context) { FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "cleanDB Start"); context.getContentResolver().delete(Station.CONTENT_URI, null, null); FMTxLogUtils.d(TAG, "cleanDB End"); }