    public FSM parseToFSM() {

      boolean first = true;
      FSM tmp = null;

      boolean isSimple = true;

      for (Expression e : this.disj) {
        if (first) {
          tmp = e.parseToFSM();
          first = false;
          if (e.getType() != RegularExpressionParser.Literal) isSimple = false;
        } else if (e.getType() == RegularExpressionParser.Literal && isSimple) {

          IntDomain dom = tmp.initState.transitions.iterator().next().domain;
          int val = Integer.parseInt(((Literal) e).lit);

          tmp.initState.transitions.iterator().next().domain = dom.union(val);

        } else {
          tmp = tmp.union(e.parseToFSM());
          isSimple = false;
      return tmp;
Example #2
  private Rvalue compileImpl(IntermediateCompiler ic, Scope scope, CType leftType, CType rightType)
      throws SyntaxException {
    // Compile operands.
    Rvalue rhs = right.compileWithConversion(ic, scope, rightType);
    Lvalue lhs = left.compileAsLvalue(ic, scope, false);

    // Load LHS to register.
    Rvalue lhsVal = new Rvalue(new VirtualRegister());
    ic.emit("load", lhsVal.getRegister(), "0", lhs.getRegister());
    lhsVal = left.getType(scope).compileConversion(ic, scope, lhsVal, leftType);

    // Compile the binary operator.
    String binOp = operator.binaryOperator;
    Rvalue retVal;
    if (leftType.isPointer()) {
      // Scale integer operand if necessary.
      int leftIncrSize = left.getType(scope).decay().getIncrementSize();
      if (leftIncrSize > 1) ic.emit("mul", rhs.getRegister(), "=" + leftIncrSize);
      ic.emit(operator.mnemonic, lhsVal.getRegister(), rhs.getRegister());
      retVal = lhsVal;
    } else if (operator.type == BinaryExpression.Type.BITWISE)
      retVal = leftType.compileBinaryBitwiseOperator(ic, scope, lhsVal, rhs, binOp);
    else if (operator.type == BinaryExpression.Type.SHIFT)
      retVal = leftType.compileBinaryShiftOperator(ic, scope, lhsVal, rhs, binOp);
    else // if (operator.type == BinaryExpression.Type.ARITHMETIC)
    retVal = leftType.compileBinaryArithmeticOperator(ic, scope, lhsVal, rhs, binOp);

    // Convert to the original type of the left operand.
    retVal = leftType.compileConversion(ic, scope, retVal, left.getType(scope));

    // Assign result back to lvalue.
    ic.emit("store", retVal.getRegister(), "0", lhs.getRegister());

    return retVal;
   * Create an Evaluator for the given query sources and projection
   * @param <T>
   * @param metadata query metadata
   * @param sources sources of the query
   * @param projection projection of the query
   * @return evaluator
  public <T> Evaluator<T> create(
      QueryMetadata metadata, List<? extends Expression<?>> sources, Expression<T> projection) {
    final CollQuerySerializer serializer = new CollQuerySerializer(templates);
    serializer.append("return ");
    if (projection instanceof FactoryExpression<?>) {
    } else {

    Map<Object, String> constantToLabel = serializer.getConstantToLabel();
    Map<String, Object> constants = getConstants(metadata, constantToLabel);
    Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[sources.size()];
    String[] names = new String[sources.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
      types[i] = sources.get(i).getType();
      names[i] = sources.get(i).toString();

    // normalize types
    for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
      if (Primitives.isWrapperType(types[i])) {
        types[i] = Primitives.unwrap(types[i]);

    return factory.createEvaluator(
        serializer.toString(), projection.getType(), names, types, constants);
   * Create an Evaluator for the given source and filter
   * @param <T>
   * @param source source of the query
   * @param filter filter of the query
   * @return evaluator
  public <T> Evaluator<List<T>> createEvaluator(
      QueryMetadata metadata, Expression<? extends T> source, Predicate filter) {
    String typeName = ClassUtils.getName(source.getType());
    CollQuerySerializer ser = new CollQuerySerializer(templates);
        "java.util.List<" + typeName + "> rv = new java.util.ArrayList<" + typeName + ">();\n");
    ser.append("for (" + typeName + " " + source + " : " + source + "_) {\n");
    ser.append("    try {\n");
    ser.append("        if (").handle(filter).append(") {\n");
    ser.append("            rv.add(" + source + ");\n");
    ser.append("        }\n");
    ser.append("    } catch (NullPointerException npe) { }\n");
    ser.append("return rv;");

    Map<Object, String> constantToLabel = ser.getConstantToLabel();
    Map<String, Object> constants = getConstants(metadata, constantToLabel);

    Type sourceType = new ClassType(TypeCategory.SIMPLE, source.getType());
    ClassType sourceListType = new ClassType(TypeCategory.SIMPLE, Iterable.class, sourceType);

    return factory.createEvaluator(
        new String[] {source + "_"},
        new Type[] {sourceListType},
        new Class[] {Iterable.class},
  protected Query range(
      Path<?> leftHandSide,
      String field,
      @Nullable Expression<?> min,
      @Nullable Expression<?> max,
      boolean minInc,
      boolean maxInc,
      QueryMetadata metadata) {
    if (min != null && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(min.getType())
        || max != null && Number.class.isAssignableFrom(max.getType())) {
      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // guarded by previous check
      Constant<? extends Number> minConstant = (Constant<? extends Number>) min;
      @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // guarded by previous check
      Constant<? extends Number> maxConstant = (Constant<? extends Number>) max;

      Class<? extends Number> numType =
          minConstant != null ? minConstant.getType() : maxConstant.getType();
      // this is not necessarily safe, but compile time checking
      // on the user side mandates these types to be interchangeable
      Class<Number> unboundedNumType = (Class<Number>) numType;
      return numericRange(
          minConstant == null ? null : minConstant.getConstant(),
          maxConstant == null ? null : maxConstant.getConstant(),
    return stringRange(leftHandSide, field, min, max, minInc, maxInc, metadata);
 private void jitStringConcat(Expression left, Expression right) {
   jitExpression(left, String.class);
   invokeVirtual(StringBuilder.class, "append", StringBuilder.class, left.getType());
   jitExpression(right, String.class);
   invokeVirtual(StringBuilder.class, "append", StringBuilder.class, right.getType());
   invokeVirtual(StringBuilder.class, "toString", String.class);
Example #7
 public BinaryRelationalExp(int o, Expression l, Expression r) throws TypeClashException {
   operator = o;
   left = l;
   right = r;
   type = parser.operators.check(this.operator, this.left.getType(), this.right.getType());
   if ((l.getType().getType() instanceof IntType) && (r.getType().getType() instanceof FloatType))
     left = new CastedExp(new FloatType(), l);
   else if ((l.getType().getType() instanceof FloatType)
       && (r.getType().getType() instanceof IntType)) right = new CastedExp(new FloatType(), r);
    private void jitInstanceof(SingleCondition singleCondition) {
      Class<?> value = (Class<?>) ((FixedExpression) singleCondition.getRight()).getValue();
      String internalClassName = internalName(value);

      Expression left = singleCondition.getLeft();
      Class<?> leftType =
          isDeclarationExpression(left) ? convertFromPrimitiveType(left.getType()) : left.getType();
      jitExpression(left, leftType);

      mv.visitTypeInsn(INSTANCEOF, internalClassName);
    private ConstantValue evaluateBinaryExpr(
        Expression lhs, Expression rhs, Type resultType, ArithmeticBinaryOperation operation) {
      // Evaluate subexpressions
      ConstantValue valueLhs = lhs.accept(this, null);
      ConstantValue valueRhs = rhs.accept(this, null);

      // Convert to type implied by usual arithmetic conversions
      final ArithmeticType commonType =
              (ArithmeticType) lhs.getType().get(), (ArithmeticType) rhs.getType().get());
      final ConstantType commonConstantType = typeFactory.newConstantType(commonType);
      final ConstantType resultConstantType = typeFactory.newConstantType(resultType);
      valueLhs = valueLhs.castTo(commonConstantType);
      valueRhs = valueRhs.castTo(commonConstantType);

      // Perform the operation
      switch (operation) {
        case ADDITION:
          return valueLhs.add(valueRhs);
        case SUBTRACTION:
          return valueLhs.subtract(valueRhs);
        case MULTIPLICATION:
          return valueLhs.multiply(valueRhs);
        case DIVISION:
          return valueLhs.divide(valueRhs);
        case REMAINDER:
          return valueLhs.remainder(valueRhs);
        case BITWISE_AND:
          return valueLhs.bitwiseAnd(valueRhs);
        case BITWISE_OR:
          return valueLhs.bitwiseOr(valueRhs);
        case BITWISE_XOR:
          return valueLhs.bitwiseXor(valueRhs);
        case LESS:
          return valueLhs.less(valueRhs).castTo(resultConstantType);
        case LESS_OR_EQUAL:
          return valueLhs.lessOrEqual(valueRhs).castTo(resultConstantType);
        case GREATER:
          return valueLhs.greater(valueRhs).castTo(resultConstantType);
        case GREATER_OR_EQUAL:
          return valueLhs.greaterOrEqual(valueRhs).castTo(resultConstantType);
        case EQUAL:
          return valueLhs.equalTo(valueRhs).castTo(resultConstantType);
        case NOT_EQUAL:
          return valueLhs.notEqualTo(valueRhs).castTo(resultConstantType);
          throw new RuntimeException("unexpected arithmetic binary operation '" + operation + "'");
Example #10
   * @param e condition
   * @param index Index object
   * @param isJoin whether a join or not
  void addIndexCondition(Expression e, Index index, boolean isJoin) {

    rangeIndex = index;
    isJoinIndex = isJoin;

    switch (e.getType()) {
      case OpTypes.NOT:
        indexCondition = e;

      case OpTypes.IS_NULL:
        indexEndCondition = e;

      case OpTypes.EQUAL:
        indexCondition = e;
        indexEndCondition = indexCondition;

      case OpTypes.GREATER:
      case OpTypes.GREATER_EQUAL:
        indexCondition = e;

      case OpTypes.SMALLER:
      case OpTypes.SMALLER_EQUAL:
        indexEndCondition = e;

        Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Expression");
Example #11
  public void translateDesynthesized(ClassGenerator classGen, MethodGenerator methodGen) {
    final Type tleft = _left.getType();
    final InstructionList il = methodGen.getInstructionList();

    if (tleft instanceof BooleanType) {
      _left.translate(classGen, methodGen);
      _right.translate(classGen, methodGen);
              _op == Operators.EQ
                  ? (BranchInstruction) new IF_ICMPNE(null)
                  : (BranchInstruction) new IF_ICMPEQ(null)));
    } else if (tleft instanceof NumberType) {
      _left.translate(classGen, methodGen);
      _right.translate(classGen, methodGen);

      if (tleft instanceof RealType) {
                _op == Operators.EQ
                    ? (BranchInstruction) new IFNE(null)
                    : (BranchInstruction) new IFEQ(null)));
      } else {
                _op == Operators.EQ
                    ? (BranchInstruction) new IF_ICMPNE(null)
                    : (BranchInstruction) new IF_ICMPEQ(null)));
    } else {
      translate(classGen, methodGen);
      desynthesize(classGen, methodGen);
Example #12
  void prepareCheckConstraint(Session session, Table table, boolean checkValues) {

    // to ensure no subselects etc. are in condition

    if (table == null) {
      check.resolveTypes(session, null);
    } else {
      QuerySpecification s = Expression.getCheckSelect(session, table, check);
      Result r = s.getResult(session, 1);

      if (r.getNavigator().getSize() != 0) {
        String[] info = new String[] {table.getName().name, ""};

        throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_23504, ErrorCode.CONSTRAINT, info);

      rangeVariable = s.rangeVariables[0];

      // removes reference to the Index object in range variable

    if (check.getType() == OpTypes.NOT
        && check.getLeftNode().getType() == OpTypes.IS_NULL
        && check.getLeftNode().getLeftNode().getType() == OpTypes.COLUMN) {
      notNullColumnIndex = check.getLeftNode().getLeftNode().getColumnIndex();
      isNotNull = true;
Example #13
  /** @see jaskell.compiler.JaskellVisitor#visit(QualifiedVariable) */
  public Object visit(QualifiedVariable a) {
    Module mod = null;
    Iterator it = a.getPath().iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      String mname = (String) it.next();
      if (mod != null) mod = (Module) mod.lookup(mname);
      else mod = (Module) Module.getToplevels().get(mname);
    /* module found */
    if (mod != null) {
      Expression def = mod.lookup(a.getName());
      if (def == null) throw new CompilerException("Unknown variable " + a.getName());
      Type t = def.getType();
      if (t == null) t = (Type) def.visit(this);

      /* as it is the case for variable, we assume
       * that a defined symbol may be overloaded (only for primitive types)
       * so we return a type variable and defers choice of
       * symbol to a later stage
      return t;
    throw new CompilerException("Unable to find module needed for variable " + a.getName());
Example #14
 private Rvalue compileSimpleAssignment(IntermediateCompiler ic, Scope scope)
     throws SyntaxException {
   Rvalue rhs = right.compileWithConversion(ic, scope, left.getType(scope).decay());
   Lvalue lhs = left.compileAsLvalue(ic, scope, false);
   ic.emit("store", rhs.getRegister(), "0", lhs.getRegister());
   return rhs;
   * @param scalar
   * @return true if the scalar is defines as $GLOBALS call
  private static boolean checkGLOBALS(Scalar scalar) {
    final String stringValue = scalar.getStringValue();
    if (scalar.getScalarType() != Scalar.TYPE_STRING || stringValue.length() < 3) {
      return false;
    final char charAtZero = stringValue.charAt(0);
    final char charAtEnd = stringValue.charAt(stringValue.length() - 1);

    if (!detectString(charAtZero) || !detectString(charAtEnd)) {
      return false;

    if (scalar.getParent().getType() == ASTNode.ARRAY_ACCESS) {
      ArrayAccess arrayAccess = (ArrayAccess) scalar.getParent();
      final Expression variableName = arrayAccess.getName();
      if (variableName.getType() == ASTNode.VARIABLE) {
        Variable var = (Variable) variableName;
        if (var.isDollared() && var.getName() instanceof Identifier) {
          final Identifier id = (Identifier) var.getName();
          return id.getName().equals("_GLOBALS") // $NON-NLS-1$
              || id.getName().equals("GLOBALS"); // $NON-NLS-1$
    return false;
   * Type check a call to a standard function. Insert CastExprs when needed. If as a result of the
   * insertion of a CastExpr a type check error is thrown, then catch it and re-throw it with a new
   * "this".
  public Type typeCheckStandard(SymbolTable stable) throws TypeCheckError {
    _fname.clearNamespace(); // HACK!!!

    final int n = _arguments.size();
    final Vector argsType = typeCheckArgs(stable);
    final MethodType args = new MethodType(Type.Void, argsType);
    final MethodType ptype = lookupPrimop(stable, _fname.getLocalPart(), args);

    if (ptype != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        final Type argType = (Type) ptype.argsType().elementAt(i);
        final Expression exp = (Expression) _arguments.elementAt(i);
        if (!argType.identicalTo(exp.getType())) {
          try {
            _arguments.setElementAt(new CastExpr(exp, argType), i);
          } catch (TypeCheckError e) {
            throw new TypeCheckError(this); // invalid conversion
      _chosenMethodType = ptype;
      return _type = ptype.resultType();
    throw new TypeCheckError(this);
Example #17
  /** Typing rules: see XSLT Reference by M. Kay page 345. */
  public Type typeCheck(SymbolTable stable) throws TypeCheckError {
    final Type tleft = _left.typeCheck(stable);
    final Type tright = _right.typeCheck(stable);

    if (tleft.isSimple() && tright.isSimple()) {
      if (tleft != tright) {
        if (tleft instanceof BooleanType) {
          _right = new CastExpr(_right, Type.Boolean);
        } else if (tright instanceof BooleanType) {
          _left = new CastExpr(_left, Type.Boolean);
        } else if (tleft instanceof NumberType || tright instanceof NumberType) {
          _left = new CastExpr(_left, Type.Real);
          _right = new CastExpr(_right, Type.Real);
        } else { // both compared as strings
          _left = new CastExpr(_left, Type.String);
          _right = new CastExpr(_right, Type.String);
    } else if (tleft instanceof ReferenceType) {
      _right = new CastExpr(_right, Type.Reference);
    } else if (tright instanceof ReferenceType) {
      _left = new CastExpr(_left, Type.Reference);
    // the following 2 cases optimize @attr|.|.. = 'string'
    else if (tleft instanceof NodeType && tright == Type.String) {
      _left = new CastExpr(_left, Type.String);
    } else if (tleft == Type.String && tright instanceof NodeType) {
      _right = new CastExpr(_right, Type.String);
    // optimize node/node
    else if (tleft instanceof NodeType && tright instanceof NodeType) {
      _left = new CastExpr(_left, Type.String);
      _right = new CastExpr(_right, Type.String);
    } else if (tleft instanceof NodeType && tright instanceof NodeSetType) {
      // compare(Node, NodeSet) will be invoked
    } else if (tleft instanceof NodeSetType && tright instanceof NodeType) {
      swapArguments(); // for compare(Node, NodeSet)
    } else {
      // At least one argument is of type node, node-set or result-tree

      // Promote an expression of type node to node-set
      if (tleft instanceof NodeType) {
        _left = new CastExpr(_left, Type.NodeSet);
      if (tright instanceof NodeType) {
        _right = new CastExpr(_right, Type.NodeSet);

      // If one arg is a node-set then make it the left one
      if (tleft.isSimple() || tleft instanceof ResultTreeType && tright instanceof NodeSetType) {

      // Promote integers to doubles to have fewer compares
      if (_right.getType() instanceof IntType) {
        _right = new CastExpr(_right, Type.Real);
    return _type = Type.Boolean;
Example #18
  public Expression staticCheck(ModuleContext context, int flags) {
    caught = context.staticCheck(caught, 0);
    type = caught.getType();

    for (int i = 0; i < catches.length; i++) {
      Catch cat = catches[i];
      LocalVariable mark = context.latestLocalVariable();
      if (cat.codeVarName != null) {
        cat.codeVar = context.defineLocalVariable(cat.codeVarName, XQType.QNAME, this);
        cat.codeVar.storageType(XQType.QNAME, context);
      if (cat.descVarName != null) {
        cat.descVar = context.defineLocalVariable(cat.descVarName, XQType.STRING, this);
        cat.descVar.storageType(XQType.STRING, context);
      if (cat.valueVarName != null) {
        cat.valueVar = context.defineLocalVariable(cat.valueVarName, XQType.ANY, this);
        cat.valueVar.storageType(XQType.ANY, context);

      cat.handler = context.staticCheck(cat.handler, 0);
      type = type.unionWith(cat.handler.getType(), true);

    return this;
Example #19
  * Sets the right-hand side of the expression.
  * @param right the right-hand side of the expression
  * @throws NullPointerException the key expression was null
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException the key could not be evaluated as a number
 public void setRight(Expression right) {
   if ((right.getType() & ExpressionUtils.EXPRESSION_TYPE_NUMBER) == 0) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "Numeric expression is required for lessthanorequals operation");
 /** Get condition type error */
 public String getConditionTypeError() {
   String lineAndColumn = getLineNumber() + ":" + getColumnNumber() + ": ";
   String error =
       "Type Error: the condition expression type is "
           + condition.getType().toString()
           + " and must be int";
   return lineAndColumn + error;
Example #21
 public boolean analyze(
     SalsaNode parent, Map<String, SymbolType> typeEnv, Map<String, SymbolType> knownTypes) {
   expression.analyze(this, typeEnv, knownTypes);
   if (!expression.getType().getCanonicalName().equalsIgnoreCase("boolean"))
     this.log(expression.getSalsaSource() + " needs to be a boolean type");
   return super.analyze(parent, typeEnv, knownTypes);
Example #22
  private Rvalue compileCompoundAssignment(IntermediateCompiler ic, Scope scope)
      throws SyntaxException {
    CType leftType, rightType;
    if (operator.type == BinaryExpression.Type.SHIFT) {
      leftType = left.getType(scope).decay().promote();
      rightType = CType.INT;
    } else if (left.getType(scope).decay().isPointer()) {
      leftType = new PointerType(CType.CHAR);
      rightType = CType.PTRDIFF_T;
    } else {
      leftType =
          rightType =
              CType.getCommonType(left.getType(scope).decay(), right.getType(scope).decay());

    return compileImpl(ic, scope, leftType, rightType);
  * Given a method call, first checks that it's a static method call, and if it is, returns the
  * class node for the receiver. For example, with the following code: <code></code>Person.findAll
  * { ... }</code>, it would return the class node for <i>Person</i>. If it's not a static method
  * call, returns null.
  * @param call a method call
  * @return null if it's not a static method call, or the class node for the receiver instead.
 public ClassNode extractStaticReceiver(MethodCall call) {
   if (call instanceof StaticMethodCallExpression) {
     return ((StaticMethodCallExpression) call).getOwnerType();
   } else if (call instanceof MethodCallExpression) {
     Expression objectExpr = ((MethodCallExpression) call).getObjectExpression();
     if (objectExpr instanceof ClassExpression
         && ClassHelper.CLASS_Type.equals(objectExpr.getType())) {
       GenericsType[] genericsTypes = objectExpr.getType().getGenericsTypes();
       if (genericsTypes != null && genericsTypes.length == 1) {
         return genericsTypes[0].getType();
     if (objectExpr instanceof ClassExpression) {
       return objectExpr.getType();
   return null;
 public Class<?> getType() {
   if (this.type == null) {
     Expression symbol = this.command.getProjectedSymbols().iterator().next();
     this.type = symbol.getType();
   // may still be null if this.command wasn't resolved
   return this.type;
Example #25
  private FunctionType getFunctionType(Scope scope) throws SyntaxException {
    CType funcType = functionPointer.getType(scope).decay().dereference();
    if (!funcType.isFunction()) {
      throw new SyntaxException(
          "Expression does not evaluate to a function pointer.", getPosition());

    return (FunctionType) funcType;
Example #26
  private Expression translate0(RexNode expr) {
    if (expr instanceof RexInputRef) {
      // TODO: multiple inputs, e.g. joins
      final Expression input = getInput(0);
      final int index = ((RexInputRef) expr).getIndex();
      final List<RelDataTypeField> fields = program.getInputRowType().getFieldList();
      final RelDataTypeField field = fields.get(index);
      if (fields.size() == 1) {
        return input;
      } else if (input.getType() == Object[].class) {
        return Expressions.convert_(
            Expressions.arrayIndex(input, Expressions.constant(field.getIndex())),
            Types.box(JavaRules.EnumUtil.javaClass(typeFactory, field.getType())));
      } else {
        return Expressions.field(input, field.getName());
    if (expr instanceof RexLocalRef) {
      return translate(program.getExprList().get(((RexLocalRef) expr).getIndex()));
    if (expr instanceof RexLiteral) {
      return Expressions.constant(
          ((RexLiteral) expr).getValue(), typeFactory.getJavaClass(expr.getType()));
    if (expr instanceof RexCall) {
      final RexCall call = (RexCall) expr;
      final SqlOperator operator = call.getOperator();
      final ExpressionType expressionType = SQL_TO_LINQ_OPERATOR_MAP.get(operator);
      if (expressionType != null) {
        switch (operator.getSyntax()) {
          case Binary:
            return Expressions.makeBinary(
                expressionType, translate(call.getOperands()[0]), translate(call.getOperands()[1]));
          case Postfix:
          case Prefix:
            return Expressions.makeUnary(expressionType, translate(call.getOperands()[0]));
            throw new RuntimeException("unknown syntax " + operator.getSyntax());

      Method method = SQL_OP_TO_JAVA_METHOD_MAP.get(operator);
      if (method != null) {
        List<Expression> exprs = translateList(Arrays.asList(call.operands));
        return !Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())
            ? Expressions.call(exprs.get(0), method, exprs.subList(1, exprs.size()))
            : Expressions.call(method, exprs);

      switch (expr.getKind()) {
          throw new RuntimeException("cannot translate expression " + expr);
    throw new RuntimeException("cannot translate expression " + expr);
 private void ensureNotNullArgs(Expression exp, Label nullArg) {
   if (exp instanceof FixedExpression) {
     if (((FixedExpression) exp).canBeNull()) {
       mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, nullArg);
   } else if (exp instanceof EvaluatedExpression) {
     if (!exp.getType().isPrimitive()) {
       jitEvaluatedExpression((EvaluatedExpression) exp, true, Object.class);
       mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNULL, nullArg);
   } else if (exp instanceof VariableExpression) {
     if (!exp.getType().isPrimitive()) {
       jitVariableExpression((VariableExpression) exp);
       mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNULL, nullArg);
   } else if (exp instanceof AritmeticExpression) {
     ensureNotNullInAritmeticExpression((AritmeticExpression) exp, nullArg);
    private void jitBinary(SingleCondition singleCondition) {
      Expression left = singleCondition.getLeft();
      Expression right = singleCondition.getRight();
      Class<?> commonType =
              ? findCommonClass(
                  left.getType(), !left.canBeNull(), right.getType(), !right.canBeNull())
              : null;

      if (commonType == Object.class && singleCondition.getOperation().isComparison()) {
        commonType = Comparable.class;

      if (commonType != null && commonType.isPrimitive()) {
        jitPrimitiveBinary(singleCondition, left, right, commonType);
      } else {
        jitObjectBinary(singleCondition, left, right, commonType);
Example #29
   * Returns the value in an expression of the form 'step = value'. A value may be either a literal
   * string or a variable whose type is string. Optimization if off if null is returned.
  public Expression getCompareValue() {
    // Returned cached value if called more than once
    if (_value != null) {
      return _value;

    // Nothing to to do if _exp is null
    if (_exp == null) {
      return null;

    // Ignore if not an equality expression
    if (_exp instanceof EqualityExpr) {
      EqualityExpr exp = (EqualityExpr) _exp;
      Expression left = exp.getLeft();
      Expression right = exp.getRight();

      // Return if left is literal string
      if (left instanceof LiteralExpr) {
        _value = left;
        return _value;
      // Return if left is a variable reference of type string
      if (left instanceof VariableRefBase && left.getType() == Type.String) {
        _value = left;
        return _value;

      // Return if right is literal string
      if (right instanceof LiteralExpr) {
        _value = right;
        return _value;
      // Return if left is a variable reference whose type is string
      if (right instanceof VariableRefBase && right.getType() == Type.String) {
        _value = right;
        return _value;
    return null;
  Object[] getExpressionValues(Session session) {

    Object[] values;

    if (expression.getType() == OpTypes.ROW) {
      values = expression.getRowValue(session);
    } else if (expression.getType() == OpTypes.TABLE_SUBQUERY) {
      values = expression.subQuery.queryExpression.getSingleRowValues(session);

      if (values == null) {

        // todo - verify semantics
        return null;
    } else {
      values = new Object[1];
      values[0] = expression.getValue(session, variables[0].dataType);

    return values;