Example #1
   * Get the covariance matrix of unbound estimated parameters.
   * @param problem estimation problem
   * @return covariance matrix
   * @exception EstimationException if the covariance matrix cannot be computed (singular problem)
  public double[][] getCovariances(EstimationProblem problem) throws EstimationException {

    // set up the jacobian

    // compute transpose(J).J, avoiding building big intermediate matrices
    final int n = problem.getMeasurements().length;
    final int m = problem.getUnboundParameters().length;
    final int max = m * n;
    double[][] jTj = new double[m][m];
    for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
      for (int j = i; j < m; ++j) {
        double sum = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < max; k += m) {
          sum += jacobian[k + i] * jacobian[k + j];
        jTj[i][j] = sum;
        jTj[j][i] = sum;

    try {
      // compute the covariances matrix
      RealMatrix inverse =
          new LUDecompositionImpl(MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(jTj)).getSolver().getInverse();
      return inverse.getData();
    } catch (InvalidMatrixException ime) {
      throw new EstimationException("unable to compute covariances: singular problem");
Example #2
  * Guess the errors in unbound estimated parameters.
  * <p>Guessing is covariance-based, it only gives rough order of magnitude.
  * @param problem estimation problem
  * @return errors in estimated parameters
  * @exception EstimationException if the covariances matrix cannot be computed or the number of
  *     degrees of freedom is not positive (number of measurements lesser or equal to number of
  *     parameters)
 public double[] guessParametersErrors(EstimationProblem problem) throws EstimationException {
   int m = problem.getMeasurements().length;
   int p = problem.getUnboundParameters().length;
   if (m <= p) {
     throw new EstimationException(
         "no degrees of freedom ({0} measurements, {1} parameters)", m, p);
   double[] errors = new double[problem.getUnboundParameters().length];
   final double c = Math.sqrt(getChiSquare(problem) / (m - p));
   double[][] covar = getCovariances(problem);
   for (int i = 0; i < errors.length; ++i) {
     errors[i] = Math.sqrt(covar[i][i]) * c;
   return errors;
Example #3
   * Initialization of the common parts of the estimation.
   * <p>This method <em>must</em> be called at the start of the {@link #estimate(EstimationProblem)
   * estimate} method.
   * @param problem estimation problem to solve
  protected void initializeEstimate(EstimationProblem problem) {

    // reset counters
    costEvaluations = 0;
    jacobianEvaluations = 0;

    // retrieve the equations and the parameters
    measurements = problem.getMeasurements();
    parameters = problem.getUnboundParameters();

    // arrays shared with the other private methods
    rows = measurements.length;
    cols = parameters.length;
    jacobian = new double[rows * cols];
    residuals = new double[rows];

    cost = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Example #4
  * Get the Chi-Square value.
  * @param problem estimation problem
  * @return chi-square value
 public double getChiSquare(EstimationProblem problem) {
   WeightedMeasurement[] wm = problem.getMeasurements();
   double chiSquare = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < wm.length; ++i) {
     double residual = wm[i].getResidual();
     chiSquare += residual * residual / wm[i].getWeight();
   return chiSquare;
Example #5
  * Get the Root Mean Square value. Get the Root Mean Square value, i.e. the root of the arithmetic
  * mean of the square of all weighted residuals. This is related to the criterion that is
  * minimized by the estimator as follows: if <em>c</em> if the criterion, and <em>n</em> is the
  * number of measurements, then the RMS is <em>sqrt (c/n)</em>.
  * @param problem estimation problem
  * @return RMS value
 public double getRMS(EstimationProblem problem) {
   WeightedMeasurement[] wm = problem.getMeasurements();
   double criterion = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < wm.length; ++i) {
     double residual = wm[i].getResidual();
     criterion += wm[i].getWeight() * residual * residual;
   return Math.sqrt(criterion / wm.length);