  * Runs before JUnit test and does the initiation work.
  * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
 public void init() throws IOException {
   mongoEntityRepository = Mockito.mock(SecondaryReadRepository.class);
   archiveFile = Mockito.mock(ExtractFile.class);
   JsonFileWriter json = Mockito.mock(JsonFileWriter.class);
   * JUnit test to test the extract entity method.
   * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurred
  public void testExtractEntities() throws IOException {
    String testTenant = "Midgar";
    String testEntity = "student";

    Iterator<Entity> cursor = Mockito.mock(Iterator.class);
    List<Entity> students = TestUtils.createStudents();
    Mockito.when(cursor.hasNext()).thenReturn(true, true, true, false);
    Mockito.when(cursor.next()).thenReturn(students.get(0), students.get(1));
                Matchers.eq(testEntity), Matchers.any(NeutralQuery.class)))

    extractor.extractEntities(archiveFile, testEntity, null);

    Mockito.verify(mongoEntityRepository, Mockito.times(1)).findEach("student", new NeutralQuery());
    Mockito.verify(writer, Mockito.times(2))
        .write(Mockito.any(Entity.class), Mockito.any(ExtractFile.class));
  public SanitizationResult sanitize() {
    Debug.println("Begin sanitization");

    // check that doc has been properly split into sentences
    if (doc.isValid()) {
      TopicBuilder builder = new TopicBuilder(DataSourceNames.MASTER_MODEL);
      ParallelTopicModel master = builder.getModel();

      if (master == null) {
        System.out.println("No topic model loaded!");
        return null;

      TopicIdentifier ident = new TopicIdentifier(master); // new TopicIdentifier();
      InferenceBuilder infBuilder = new InferenceBuilder(master); // new InferenceBuilder();

      NGramBuilder ngramBuilder = new NGramBuilder();

      SanitizationResult finalResult = new SanitizationResult();

      Sentence[] sentences = doc.getSentences();

      HashMap<Sentence, PrivacyStatus> sentencePrivacyValue = new HashMap<>();

      // Get all private information about the agent, and topic distribution
      // associated with characteristic of the agent
      Map<String, Topic[]> profileInferences = new HashMap<>();
      for (EntityTypes type : EntityTypes.values()) {
        // String profileEntity = profile.getCharacteristic(type).toUpperCase();
        // Topic[] infTopics = infBuilder.loadInference(profileEntity);
        Topic[] infTopics = infBuilder.loadInference(type.toString());
        if (infTopics.length > 0) profileInferences.put(type.toString(), infTopics);

        // TODO: Add stuff for each individual item in the user's privacy profile

      // Get ngrams associated with each topic value
      Map<EntityTypes, Map<String, Integer>> storedNgrams = new HashMap<>();
      for (EntityTypes type : EntityTypes.values()) {
        Map<String, Integer> ngramset =
            ngramBuilder.loadNGrams(type.toString().toUpperCase() + "_NGRAMS");
        storedNgrams.put(type, ngramset);

        // TODO: Add ngrams for each individual item in the user's privacy profile

      for (int i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) {
        sentencePrivacyValue.put(sentences[i], PrivacyStatus.UNKNOWN);

        // Get this sentence and the sentences surrounding it
        String sentence = BrownClusters.getInstance().clusterSentence(sentences[i].getText());
        String nextSentence = "";
        String prevSentence = "";

        if (i + 1 < sentences.length) nextSentence = sentences[i + 1].getText();
        else nextSentence = sentences[i].getText();
        nextSentence = BrownClusters.getInstance().clusterSentence(nextSentence);

        if (i > 0) prevSentence = sentences[i - 1].getText();
        else prevSentence = sentences[i].getText();
        prevSentence = BrownClusters.getInstance().clusterSentence(prevSentence);

        PrivateContextIdentStrategy ngramChecker =
            new NGramContextStrategy(
                new Sentence(prevSentence + " " + sentence + " " + nextSentence, 0), storedNgrams);
        PrivateContextIdentStrategy tmChecker =
            new TopicModelingContextStrategy(
                prevSentence + " " + sentence + " " + nextSentence, profileInferences, ident);

        // extract entities from the current sentence
        EntityExtractor extractor = new EntityExtractor(sentences[i]);
        List<NamedEntity> allEntities = extractor.extractAll();

        if (allEntities.size() > 0) {
          sentencePrivacyValue.put(sentences[i], PrivacyStatus.YES);

          // Debug code
          Debug.println("All located entities:");
          for (NamedEntity testEnt : allEntities) Debug.println(testEnt.getText());

          // send sentences to topic modeller to see if a match is found against the privacy profile

          HashMap<NamedEntity, Boolean> privateEntities = new HashMap<>();

          for (NamedEntity ent : allEntities) {
            privateEntities.put(ent, Boolean.FALSE);

            if (prevSentence.length() + sentence.length() + nextSentence.length()
                >= MIN_LENGTH_FOR_MODELLING) {
              Debug.println("sentences long enough for topic modelling");

              PrivateContextMatch match = tmChecker.getMatchValue();

              if (match != null) {
                privateEntities.put(ent, Boolean.TRUE);
                Debug.println("Located private information with topic modeling");
            } else // if not enough text, use ngrams to check for privacy contents
              PrivateContextMatch match = ngramChecker.getMatchValue();

              if (match != null) {
                privateEntities.put(ent, Boolean.TRUE);
                Debug.println("Ngram found: " + match.getSensitiveText());

          // if topic modeller identifies private information, return lists of generalized entities

          try {
            GeneralizationWorker worker = new GeneralizationWorker(allEntities);
            Map<NamedEntity, GeneralizationResult> generalizedResults = worker.get();
            // Map<NamedEntity, GeneralizationResult> generalizedResults =
            // GeneralizationManager.generalize(allEntities);

            for (NamedEntity ent : generalizedResults.keySet()) {
              if (privateEntities.get(ent) == Boolean.TRUE) {
                Debug.println("Sanitizing entity: " + ent.getText());
                SanitizationHint hint = new HintWithReplacements(ent, generalizedResults.get(ent));
          } catch (Exception ex) {

      NGramGeneralizer ngramgen = new NGramGeneralizer();

      // Check sentences which contained no entities, and see if they contain private information
      // that can't be manually taken out.
      for (int i = 0; i < sentences.length; i++) {
        NGramContextStrategy ngramChecker = new NGramContextStrategy(sentences[i], storedNgrams);
        PrivateContextIdentStrategy tmChecker =
            new TopicModelingContextStrategy(sentences[i].getText(), profileInferences, ident);

        // only operate on sentences we haven't confirmed to be privacy violations
        if (sentencePrivacyValue.get(sentences[i]) == PrivacyStatus.UNKNOWN) {
          Debug.println("Manual check of sentence \"" + sentences[i].getText() + "\"");

          if (sentences[i].getText().length() >= SS_MIN_LENGTH_FOR_MODELLING) {
            PrivateContextMatch match = tmChecker.getMatchValue();

            if (match != null) {
              Debug.println("Found private data via topic matching");
              SanitizationHint hint =
                  new HintNoReplacements(
                      sentences[i], match.getMatchValue(), match.getDescriptor());
          } else if (sentences[i].getText().length() < SS_MIN_LENGTH_FOR_MODELLING) {
            PrivateContextMatch match = ngramChecker.getMatchValue();
            if (match != null) {
              Debug.println("Found private data via ngram matching: " + match.getSensitiveText());

              SanitizationHint hint;

              String genresult = ngramgen.getGeneralizedNgram(match.getSensitiveText());
              if (!genresult.equals("")) {
                NGram n = new NGram(match.getSensitiveText(), match.getDescriptor(), sentences[i]);
                hint = new NGramHintWithReplacement(n, genresult, match.getMatchValue());
              } else {
                hint =
                    new HintNoReplacements(
                        sentences[i], match.getMatchValue(), match.getDescriptor());

          } else Debug.println("Nothing found in sentence");

      return finalResult;
    } else return null;
 public void testExtractEntity() throws IOException {
   extractor.extractEntity(Mockito.mock(Entity.class), Mockito.mock(ExtractFile.class), "BLOOP");
   Mockito.verify(writer, Mockito.times(1))
       .write(Mockito.any(Entity.class), Mockito.any(ExtractFile.class));