Example #1
  private void parseXMLdynamic(
      Knowledge original, Node capsule, String name, boolean allowOverrides)
      throws XPathExpressionException {
    boolean exists = original.getDynamic(name) != null;
    if (exists && !allowOverrides) return;

    if (!exists) {

    Dynamic descriptible = original.getDynamic(name);
    extractXMLdescriptible(original, capsule, descriptible);

    int entrycount =
                    this.xp.evaluate("count(./" + ENTRY + ")", capsule, XPathConstants.NUMBER));
    for (int n = 1; n <= entrycount; n++) // n begins to 1, ends up to count included
      Node entry =
          (Node) this.xp.evaluate("./" + ENTRY + "[" + n + "]", capsule, XPathConstants.NODE);

      Node nameNode = entry.getAttributes().getNamedItem(SHEET);

      if (nameNode != null) {
        descriptible.addCouple(nameNode.getNodeValue(), Integer.parseInt(entry.getTextContent()));
 public void profileSend() {
   Dynamic d = Dynamics.from(new Foo());
   for (int i = 0; i < MAX_RUNS; i++) {
     d.chainingSend("foo", "s");
     d.chainingSend("bar", "p");
Example #3
 static boolean isAssignable(@NonNull Class<?> expected, @NonNull Class<?> actual) {
   if (expected.isAssignableFrom(actual)) {
     return true;
   if (expected.isPrimitive()) {
     return Dynamic.unbox(expected).isAssignableFrom(actual);
   return actual.isPrimitive() && expected.isAssignableFrom(Dynamic.unbox(actual));
Example #4
   * Create guestUser and administratorUser.
   * @see org.melati.poem.JdbcTable#postInitialise()
  public void postInitialise() {
    dynamicOne = (Dynamic) newPersistent();

    dynamicTwo = (Dynamic) newPersistent();
    dynamicOne = (Dynamic) getNameColumn().ensure(dynamicOne);
    dynamicTwo = (Dynamic) getNameColumn().ensure(dynamicTwo);
Example #5
   * Compare an object to the world to identify any collisions. The obj is compared to blocks it is
   * directly overtop of. Returns null if no collisions are found.
   * @param obj The entity to test against the world.
   * @param target The block type to test for
   * @return the first collision found, if any. Null if none.
  private Point getWorldCollision(Dynamic obj, Texture target) {
    Rectangle r = obj.getCollisionBox();
    Point lowerLeft = new Point(r.x, r.y);
    Point upperRight = new Point(r.x + r.width - 1, r.y + r.height - 1);
    int cell = World.CELL_SIZE;

    // If x is negative, offset by 1. It sucks but is necessary.
    if (lowerLeft.x < 0) {
      lowerLeft.x -= cell;
    if (upperRight.x < 0) {
      upperRight.x -= cell;

    // Convert pixel coordinates to world coordinates.
    lowerLeft.x /= cell;
    lowerLeft.y /= cell;
    upperRight.x /= cell;
    upperRight.y /= cell;

    // Test for overlap with the target block type
    for (int x = (lowerLeft.x); x <= (upperRight.x); x++) {
      for (int y = (lowerLeft.y); y <= (upperRight.y); y++) {
        if (world.getCell(x, y) == target) {
          return new Point(x, y);
    return null;
Example #6
  * @param section
  * @return
  * @throws IOException
 public Dynamic[] getDynamicSections(final Section section) throws IOException {
   return Dynamic.create(this.ehdr, section, this.efile);
Example #7
 public static Method find(@NonNull String className, @NonNull String name, Class<?>... argTypes)
     throws DynamicException {
   return find(Dynamic.forName(className), name, argTypes);
Example #8
 public static <T> T invokeStatic(
     @NonNull String className, @NonNull String method, Object... args) throws DynamicException {
   return invokeStatic(Dynamic.forName(className), method, args);
Example #9
   * Calculate the physics in our world for the given object.
   * @param obj The object to move
   * @param timeStep The time since last evaluation in nanoseconds
  public void simulate(Dynamic obj, long timeStep) {
    /* Actions:
     * 1. apply drag
     * 2. add forces to object
     *     - gravity (unless resting on block)
     *     - arrow keys
     * 3. apply forces to object. (done by the object)
     * 4. a) move in x axis
     * 5. a) resolve collisions in x axis
     * 4. b) move in y axis
     * 5. b) resolve collisions in y axis
    double seconds = timeStep / (double) NS_PER_S;

    // 1. apply drag

    // 2. add forces
    obj.addForce(new Vector2D(0, GRAVITY));

    // 3. apply forces

    // get velocity in preparation for step 4
    Vector2D vel = obj.getVel();

    // 4. a)  move x
    obj.move((int) (vel.x * seconds), 0);

    // 5. a) resolve collisions in x
    Point bad = getWorldCollision(obj, Texture.brick);
    //        bad = null;
    if (bad != null) {
      int resolution = world.escapeX(obj, vel.x * seconds, bad);

      obj.move(resolution, 0);

    // 4. b)  move y
    obj.move(0, (int) (vel.y * seconds));

    // 5. b) resolve collisions in y
    bad = getWorldCollision(obj, Texture.brick);
    //        bad = null;
    if (bad != null) {
      int resolution = world.escapeY(obj, vel.y * seconds, bad);
      if (vel.y < 0) {
      obj.move(0, resolution);
    } else {
  public void toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, Params params, ToXContent custom)
      throws IOException {
    if (nested.isNested()) {
      builder.field("type", NESTED_CONTENT_TYPE);
      if (nested.isIncludeInParent()) {
        builder.field("include_in_parent", true);
      if (nested.isIncludeInRoot()) {
        builder.field("include_in_root", true);
    } else if (mappers.isEmpty()
        && custom
            == null) { // only write the object content type if there are no properties, otherwise,
                       // it is automatically detected
      builder.field("type", CONTENT_TYPE);
    if (dynamic != null) {
      builder.field("dynamic", dynamic.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
    if (enabled != Defaults.ENABLED) {
      builder.field("enabled", enabled);
    if (pathType != Defaults.PATH_TYPE) {
      builder.field("path", pathType.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
    if (includeInAll != null) {
      builder.field("include_in_all", includeInAll);

    if (custom != null) {
      custom.toXContent(builder, params);

    doXContent(builder, params);

    // sort the mappers so we get consistent serialization format
    Mapper[] sortedMappers = Iterables.toArray(mappers.values(), Mapper.class);
        new Comparator<Mapper>() {
          public int compare(Mapper o1, Mapper o2) {
            return o1.name().compareTo(o2.name());

    int count = 0;
    for (Mapper mapper : sortedMappers) {
      if (!(mapper instanceof MetadataFieldMapper)) {
        if (count++ == 0) {
        mapper.toXContent(builder, params);
    if (count > 0) {
Example #11
  public void toXContent(
      XContentBuilder builder, Params params, ToXContent custom, Mapper... additionalMappers)
      throws IOException {
    if (nested.isNested()) {
      builder.field("type", NESTED_CONTENT_TYPE);
      if (nested.isIncludeInParent()) {
        builder.field("include_in_parent", true);
      if (nested.isIncludeInRoot()) {
        builder.field("include_in_root", true);
    } else if (mappers
        .isEmpty()) { // only write the object content type if there are no properties, otherwise,
                      // it is automatically detected
      builder.field("type", CONTENT_TYPE);
    // grr, ugly! on root, dynamic defaults to TRUE, on children, it defaults to null to
    // inherit the root behavior
    if (this instanceof RootObjectMapper) {
      if (dynamic != Dynamic.TRUE) {
        builder.field("dynamic", dynamic.name().toLowerCase());
    } else {
      if (dynamic != Defaults.DYNAMIC) {
        builder.field("dynamic", dynamic.name().toLowerCase());
    if (enabled != Defaults.ENABLED) {
      builder.field("enabled", enabled);
    if (pathType != Defaults.PATH_TYPE) {
      builder.field("path", pathType.name().toLowerCase());
    if (includeInAll != null) {
      builder.field("include_in_all", includeInAll);

    if (custom != null) {
      custom.toXContent(builder, params);

    doXContent(builder, params);

    // sort the mappers so we get consistent serialization format
    TreeMap<String, Mapper> sortedMappers = new TreeMap<String, Mapper>(mappers);

    // check internal mappers first (this is only relevant for root object)
    for (Mapper mapper : sortedMappers.values()) {
      if (mapper instanceof InternalMapper) {
        mapper.toXContent(builder, params);
    if (additionalMappers != null && additionalMappers.length > 0) {
      TreeMap<String, Mapper> additionalSortedMappers = new TreeMap<String, Mapper>();
      for (Mapper mapper : additionalMappers) {
        additionalSortedMappers.put(mapper.name(), mapper);

      for (Mapper mapper : additionalSortedMappers.values()) {
        mapper.toXContent(builder, params);

    if (!mappers.isEmpty()) {
      for (Mapper mapper : sortedMappers.values()) {
        if (!(mapper instanceof InternalMapper)) {
          mapper.toXContent(builder, params);
Example #12
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Dynamic dyn = new Dynamic();

    dyn.setInformation("Person", "firstname", "Sabrina");
 @SubL(source = "sublisp/condition-macros.lisp", position = 3840)
 public static final SubLObject ignore_errors_handler() {
   Dynamic.sublisp_throw($kw14$IGNORE_ERRORS_TARGET, NIL);
   return NIL;
  public void toXContent(
      XContentBuilder builder, Params params, ToXContent custom, Mapper... additionalMappers)
      throws IOException {
    if (nested.isNested()) {
      builder.field("type", NESTED_CONTENT_TYPE);
      if (nested.isIncludeInParent()) {
        builder.field("include_in_parent", true);
      if (nested.isIncludeInRoot()) {
        builder.field("include_in_root", true);
    } else if (mappers
        .isEmpty()) { // only write the object content type if there are no properties, otherwise,
                      // it is automatically detected
      builder.field("type", CONTENT_TYPE);
    if (dynamic != null) {
      builder.field("dynamic", dynamic.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
    if (enabled != Defaults.ENABLED) {
      builder.field("enabled", enabled);
    if (pathType != Defaults.PATH_TYPE) {
      builder.field("path", pathType.name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
    if (includeInAll != null) {
      builder.field("include_in_all", includeInAll);

    if (custom != null) {
      custom.toXContent(builder, params);

    doXContent(builder, params);

    // sort the mappers so we get consistent serialization format
    Mapper[] sortedMappers = Iterables.toArray(mappers.values(), Mapper.class);
        new Comparator<Mapper>() {
          public int compare(Mapper o1, Mapper o2) {
            return o1.name().compareTo(o2.name());

    // check internal mappers first (this is only relevant for root object)
    for (Mapper mapper : sortedMappers) {
      if (mapper instanceof InternalMapper) {
        mapper.toXContent(builder, params);
    if (additionalMappers != null && additionalMappers.length > 0) {
      TreeMap<String, Mapper> additionalSortedMappers = new TreeMap<>();
      for (Mapper mapper : additionalMappers) {
        additionalSortedMappers.put(mapper.name(), mapper);

      for (Mapper mapper : additionalSortedMappers.values()) {
        mapper.toXContent(builder, params);

    if (!mappers.isEmpty()) {
      for (Mapper mapper : sortedMappers) {
        if (!(mapper instanceof InternalMapper)) {
          mapper.toXContent(builder, params);